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Biological theories of crime attempt to explain behaviors contrary to societal expectations through examination of individual characteristics. In line with this hypothesis, Carey (1992) suggests that MZ twins may imitate one another more than DZ twins, and that this phenomenon could lead to an overestimation of heritability. Moreover, exposure to cigarette smoke prenatally may increase risk for asphyxia. The recent finding that maternal smoking during pregnancy is linked to criminal violence in exposed offspring, along with Rantakallio’s study, suggests the possibility that chemicals contained in cigarette smoke may alter fetal brain neurochemistry. Females carry a combination of XX, and males carry a combination of XY. Lombroso based his theory on the assumption that criminals have certain physiognomic features or abnormalities. Taken together, these studies suggest that frontal and temporal dysfunction may be associated with violent behavior. More importantly, examination of the CSF does not provide information about the role of specific brain regions. To the present authors’ knowledge, only one modern twin study has employed this type of research design to test whether criminal behavior may be genetically mediated. Establishing a heritable component to criminal behavior begs the question as to whether serious forms of criminal behavior, such as violent criminal offending in particular, may also be a heritable trait. Frontal lobe damage may also be attributed to birth or delivery complications, for example. The link between frontal dysfunction and impulsive, violent criminality is consistent with the notion that frontal lobe damage may be associated with a variety of correlates of violent behavior, including impulsivity, behavioral disinhibition, and poor concentration (Raine, 1993). Despite these issues, it is likely that our understanding of the biological and genetic underpinnings of criminal behavior will be greatly advanced through continued developments in brain imaging research. Seven of the fifty-two adoptees sustained a criminal conviction as adults whereas only one of the control adoptees had a conviction. This finding is supportive of the contention that females are faced with more social pressures to remain law-abiding than males and therefore females who violate these social norms may have an added genetic push toward these behaviors. We offer high-quality assignments for reasonable rates. ‘‘Predisposition to Petty Criminality in Swedish Adoptees. Biological Theories of Criminal Activity These theories are offered by modern criminologist who relates the interaction in between surrounding social and physical environments with biological influences and how it in turn shapes behavioral propensity and criminal activities too. Although the numbers are small, these findings suggest that as the level of genetic relationship increases, the level of concordance increases. Virkkunen and others (1994) reported that impulsive violent offenses and impulsive firesetters were found to evidence lower CSF 5HIAA concentration levels; violent alcohol offenders whose index crime was not found to be impulsive had normal CSF 5-HIAA concentrations. Accordingly, Mednick, Machon, and Huttenen (1996) hypothesized that maternal influenza during the second trimester was associated with an increased risk for violent offending, but not property offending among exposed fetuses. The biological theory of criminology says that criminals and non-criminals are biologically different. Grove and others investigated the concordance of antisocial problems, as measured by the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS), among a sample of thirty-two sets of monozygotic twins reared apart (MZA) who were adopted by nonrelatives shortly after birth. Families with criminal backgrounds, are said to be more likely to produce children with criminal tendencies also, almost as though crime is a gene carried through generations. ‘‘In Vivo Association between Alcohol Intoxication, Aggression and Serotonin Transporter Availability in Nonohuman Primates.’’, HESTON, LEE ‘‘Psychiatric Disorders in FosterHome Reared Children of Schizophrenics.’’, HIBBELN, J. R.; LINNOILA, M.; UMHAU, J. C.; RAWLINGS, R.; GEORGE, D. T.; and SALEM, N. ‘‘Essential Fatty Acids Predict Metabolites of Serotonin and Dopamine in Cerebrospinal Fluid among Healthy Control Subjects, and Early and Late-Onset Alcoholics.’’, HIGLEY, J. DEE; THOMPSON, W.; CHAMPOUX, M.: GOLDMAN, D.; HAERT, M. F.; KRAEMER, G. W.; SCANLAN, J. M.; SUOMU, S. J.; and LINNOILA, M. ‘‘Paternal and Maternal Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Cerebrospinal Fluid Monoamine Metabolites in Rhesus Monkeys.’’, LAPPALAINEN, JAAKKO; LONG, JEFFREY; EGGERT, MONICA; OZAKI, NORIO; ROBIN, ROBERT W.; BROWN, GERALD L.; NAUKKARINEN, HANNU; VIRKKUNEN, MATTI; LINNOILA, MARKKU; and GOLDMAN, DAVID. II. The prenatal period presents a nine-month window in which the developing fetus may be exposed to a variety of stressors and agents. Human cells normally have 22 pairs of chromosomes, plus a pair of chromosomes that determines sex, for a total of 46. In a classic study, Heston followed up a sample of forty-seven offspring born to schizophrenic mothers and compared them to a group of matched controls from the same orphanage. Heston was primarily interested in determining if adoptedaway offspring were at increased risk of becoming schizophrenic themselves. Italian School biological explanations have not resonated in criminal justice systems in America. Lombroso’s Biological Theory of Crime Essay 617 Words | 3 Pages. ‘‘Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy and Adult Male Criminal Outcomes.’’, CADORET, REMI, and CAIN, COLLEEN. Twin and adoption studies lend support to the notion that criminal behavior has important genetic influences. RAINE, ADRIAN. ‘‘Twin Imitation for Antisocial Behavior: Implications for Genetic and Family Environment Research.’’, CAREY, GREGORY. The twin design, however, does present some problems to this interpretation. Well, we know that he lives in a poor neighborhood and has a rough relationship with his parents. Cadoret and others (1983) reported in a Missouri adoption sample (n = 108) that adoptees with an alcoholic or antisocial biological parent who were placed in an adoptive home at a later age had the highest rate of adolescent antisocial problems. Family studies focus on the criminal history and background of families. To our knowledge, no study has been conducted examining pre-morbid measures of brain structure and function among criminals. Taken together, twin and adoption studies provide convincing evidence that criminal behavior, in both males and females, may have genetic influences. With these recent studies in mind, Brennan, Grekin, and Mednick investigated the association between maternal smoking and criminal violence using a Danish birth cohort of 4,129 males. The emphasis on the index offense as opposed to the qualitative nature of the cumulative criminal history, however, may be interpreted as a weakness of this study. Twin studies support the contention that a heritable trait may increase risk for criminal behavior. In contrast, the risk for property offenses in adopted-away sons of biological parents with alcohol problems was not significantly elevated. Perhaps a genetic predisposition toward violence may exist in the presence of some other unidentified mediator. One such teratogen that has been extensively investigated is the timing of maternal influenza exposure in relation to negative outcomes in the exposed fetuses. Due to the highly selective nature of the sample, results must be interpreted cautiously. Sex Differences and Validation of the Male Typology.’’, SLUTSKE, WENDY; HEATH, ANDREW C.; DINWIDDIE, S. H.; and MADDEN, PAMELA. However, such theories also stress the complex link between a person's biology and the broad span of social or environmental factors that sociological theories examine” (Denno, 2009). Now, the conversation about crime and biological explanations focuses more on the relationship between genetics and crime than the relationship between phenotypic features and crime. Epidemiological evidence that genetic factors contribute to criminal behavior come from three sources: family, twin, and adoption studies. Twin studies.Twin studies support the contention that a … Adoptees are separated at birth from their biological parents. Social factors are a reflection of environmental sources of influence, such as socioeconomic status. This is how your paper can get an A! Fifteen pairs had at least one member of the sibship sustain a criminal conviction; of these 15 pairs, 3 pairs were concordant for convictions (concordance rate = 20 percent for full siblings). Because this was a nonclinical sample, very few subjects met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-III criteria for antisocial personality. III. Results from more recent twin studies are largely in agreement with results obtained from earlier twin studies. Moreover, violent recidivists were more likely to have experienced paternal absence than nonrecidivists, suggesting the importance of both biological and environmental factors in the prediction of recidivistic violent offending. During conception, the male’s sperm carries genetic material to the female’s egg. These theories are categorized within a paradigm called positivism (also known as determinism), which asserts that behaviors, including law-violating behaviors, are determined by factors largely beyond individual control. Crime is the most dangerous kind of “a social pathology” deviating from the norm, deviant behavior. Type I alcoholics were found to have a late onset of alcohol abuse (i.e., after age twenty-five) and did not engage in criminal behavior. Both compiling and analyzing the body of scholarship devoted to understanding the criminal brain, this volume serves as a condensed, accessible, and contemporary exploration of biological theories of crime … For instance, individuals with low levels of particular types of neurotransmitters have an increased likelihood of engaging in … 4. ‘‘CSF Biochemistries, Glucose Metabolism, and Diurnal Activity Rhythms in Alcoholic, Violent Offenders, Fire Setters and Healthy Volunteers.’’. Technological advances, such as the use of brain imaging, will undoubtedly provide exciting new data on the biological underpinnings of criminal behavior. Whether one desires to become a lawyer, crime scene investigator, law enforcement officer, they will need to understand the different theories of crime. Cloninger and others (1982) and Van Dusen and others (1983) have reported that adoptive parent SES appears to interact with genetic vulnerability for criminality. Cross-fostering Analysis of Gene-Environment Interaction.’’, CROWE, RAYMOND ‘‘An Adoption Study of Antisocial Behavior.’’, DALGAARD, OLE, and KRINGLEN, EINAR A. Consequently, any review of twin studies must keep these limitations in mind. One such disorder that may elevate the risk of violent offending in children is the presence of alcoholism in the biological parents. One of the limitations of the biochemical studies is that CSF metabolites reflect presynaptic neurotransmitter activity; therefore, it is not known what is occurring at the postsynaptic level. Conversely, low adoptive parent socioeconomic status interacted with criminality in the biological parents to increase the adoptee’s risk of criminality. Subjects who had committed violent crimes during the 4.5-year follow-up period had lower CSF levels compared to nonrecidivists. In a reanalysis of data from the Swedish Adoption Study, Carey (1993) noted that paternal violence is linked to alcoholism in adopted-away males. Mednick, Gabrielli, and Hutchins had previously reported a significant relationship between the number of criminal convictions in the biological parent and the number of convictions in the adoptees. ‘‘Some Genetic Aspects of Alcoholism and Criminality.’’, BOHMAN, MICHAEL; CLONINGER, C. ROBERT; SIGVARDSSON, SOREN; and VON KNORRING, ANNE LIS. Biological theories tend to ignore such environmental and psychological factors though they may equally may play a role in explaining such behaviour. Bohman examined the criminality and alcoholism rates among 2,324 Swedish adoptees and their biological parents, as determined by a check with national criminal and alcohol registries. Lombroso based his theory on the assumption that criminals have … Humans are part of the natural world, just like any other plant or animal, which means humanity is subject to the same biological, genetic, and evolutionary processes as everything else. Biological Theories Today. Therefore, in this research paper, we will first discuss the role of genetics in the etiology of criminal behavior, followed by evidence outlining the importance of biological factors. ‘‘Antisocial Behavior and Psychophysiology: A Biosocial Perspective and a Prefrontal Dysfunctional Hypothesis.’’ Edited by D. M. Stoff, J. Breiling, and J. D. Maser. Eleven (23.4 percent) of the adoptees had been incarcerated for violent offenses. But why? This paper seeks to analyze the application of both biological and sociological theories in Charles Manson’s case stating their effectiveness in the understanding of the crime. Therefore, given the limited utility of family studies to separate issues of nature versus nurture, this section will focus on two other epidemiological research designs that are better equipped to test for genetic effects. ‘‘A Prospective Follow-up Study of Alcoholic Violent Offenders and Fire Setters.’’, VIRKKUNEN, MATTI; RAWLINGS, ROBERT; TOKOLA, RIITA; POLAND, RUSSELL; GUIDOTTI, ALESSANDRO; NEMEROFF, CHARLES; BISSETTE, GARTH; KALOGERAS, KONSTANTINE; KARONEN, SIRKKALIISA; and LINNOILA, MARKKU. ‘‘Adult Major Affective Disorder following Prenatal Exposure to an Influenza Epidemic.’’, MEDNICK, SARNOFF; GABRIELLI, WILLIAM F.; and HUTCHINGS, BARRY. If the sperm that fertilizes a female egg is carrying a Y chromosome, the resulting embryo will develop into a male fetus (XY… This literature has been thoroughly reviewed by Raine. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. crime. Grove found substantial overlap between the genetic influences for both childhood conduct disorders (correlation of .41) and adult antisocial behaviors (correlation of .28). Two independent adoption studies, however, have failed to provide support for the hypothesis that violence is a heritable trait (Bohman et al. Biological Theories “Biological theories of crime focus on the physiological, biochemical, neurological, and genetic factors that influence criminal behavior. The U.S. justice system is largely influenced by a classical … ‘‘Social Class and Crime in an Adoption Cohort.’’, VIRKKUNEN, MATTI; DE JONG, JUDITH; BARTKO, F.; GOODWIN, FREDRICK; and LINNOILA, MARKKU. An interesting finding is that an even greater number of the adopted-away offspring of schizophrenic biological mothers actually had been incarcerated for violent offenses. Crowe (1975) found that adoptees who had a criminal biological mother and spent longer time in an orphanage or foster placement had the highest rates of criminal conviction. Therefore, it is better to think of ‘biological factors’ rather than theories in explaining crime. Recent molecular genetics studies report that a gene related to the serotonin system may be associated with increased risk for the cooccurrence of violence and alcoholism. LEARNING OUTLINE: The • Defi The • Descr 3. Early Biological theories Many Biological theories are concerned with the concepts of Genetics. Type II alcoholism, in contrast, appears to have a strong genetic component. A marked increase of probandwise concordance for criminal behavior among monozygotic twins suggests that the MZ twins inherit some biological characteristic(s) that increases their joint risk for criminal involvement. Log in, Classical and Positivist Views of Behavior, The Origins of Humanity and the Mechanisms of Inheritance, Persistence of Human Traits and Characteristics, The Implications of Heredity and Evolution, h. The Legacy of Eugenics and Social Darwinism, Post–World War II Research on Biology and Behavior, Biochemical Explanations: Hormones, Neurotransmitters, Diet, Labeling Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory. The ‘‘second-trimester schizophrenics’’ were interviewed and found to differ from noninfluenza exposed schizophrenics in that their symptom picture was dominated by suspiciousness and delusions (Machon and Mednick). These data, obtained from three different countries and in different laboratories, lend support to the notion that criminal behavior appears to have a strong genetic component. ‘‘The Genetic of Antisocial Behavior.’’ In, CHRISTIANSEN, KARL ‘‘A Preliminary Study of Criminality among Twins.’’ In, CLONINGER, C. ROBERT, and GOTTESMAN, IRVING. New York: Wiley, 1996. We have demonstrated that prenatal disturbances, such as exposure to the influenza virus during the second trimester of gestation and maternal smoking during pregnancy, is linked to offspring violent offending. It should be noted that these brain abnormalities may be caused by genetic, biological, or environmental agents. An investigation conducted in Finland by Rantakallio and colleagues, examined the criminal records of 5,966 members of a birth cohort and found that prenatal maternal smoking predicted to criminal offending at age twenty-two. Biosocial criminology tries to break this down and explain why certain factors can contribute to criminal behavior. For example, a genotype that confers a low level of the enzyme monoamine oxidase may predispose an individual to Individuals who had been exposed to the influenza virus during the second trimester of gestation, however, were significantly more likely to have a criminal conviction for violence than individuals who were exposed to the influenza virus during the first or third trimesters of gestation or not exposed to the virus at all. This is … ‘‘Linkage of Antisocial Alcoholism to the Serotonin 5-HT1B Receptor Gene in 2 Populations.’’, LYONS, MICHAEL ‘‘A Twin Study of SelfReported Criminal Behavior.’’ In, MACHON, RICARDO, and MEDNICK, SARNOFF A. Since these adoptees were separated from their incarcerated mothers at birth, this tends to implicate a heritable component to antisocial behavior. Within the context of the Danish Adoption Cohort, we found that alcoholic biological parents were twice as likely to have a violent adopted-away son than nonalcoholic parents. Perhaps impulsive violent acts may reflect a genetic predisposition toward this type of behavior while property offending may be driven more by economic or social factors. Twins are more likely to exhibit similar tendencies toward criminality if they are identical (monozygotic) than if they are fraternal (dizygotic). Promo code: cd1a428655, Biological Theories of Crime Research Paper, Political Theories of Crime Research Paper, Identification in Life Course Criminology Research Paper, Longitudinal Studies in Criminology Research Paper, Economic Theories of Crime Research Paper, Psychological Theories of Crime Research Paper, Sociological Theories of Crime Research Paper, Intellectual History of Criminology Research Paper, Modern Controversies in Criminology Research Paper, Criminology Research Methods Research Paper, Criminology Research Organization Research Paper, Delinquent and Criminal Subcultures Research Paper, Crime in Developing Countries Research Paper, Drugs and Criminal Behavior Research Paper, Behavioral Aspects of Employee Theft Research Paper, Family Relationships and Crime Research Paper, Feminist Perspectives in Criminology Research Paper, Behavioral Aspects of Homicide Research Paper, Prediction of Crime and Recidivism Research Paper, Community Crime Prevention Programs Research Paper, Environmental Determinism and Crime Research Paper, Police Role in Crime Prevention Research Paper, Historical Crime Statistics Research Paper, Crime Reporting Systems and Methods Research Paper, Typologies of Criminal Behavior Research Paper. He did not differentiate between criminality alone in the biological fathers and criminality accompanied by alcohol abuse in the biological fathers. These recent technological innovations are computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which provide information on brain structure, and positron emission tomography (PET) and regional cerebral blood flow (RCBF), which provide information on brain functioning. Biological theory of crime 1. There is also a relatively limited but growing body of evidence about the risk and protective factors associated with particular genes. Criminal behavior results from a complex interplay of social and biological factors. Of these 31 pairs, 4 pairs were concordant for convictions (concordance rate = 12.9 percent for half-siblings). These recent advances may in fact represent an important sector of the future of biological research in the field of criminal behavior. There were 126 male-male halfsibling pairs placed in separate adoptive homes. These methods have recently been applied to the study of criminal behavior, lending support to the theory that criminal behavior may be associated with brain dysfunction. These studies have been extended to investigate whether serotonin levels can differentiate offender populations based upon type of the index offense and the presence or absence of alcohol abuse and violence in firstdegree family members. For example, chapter 3 deals with the field of phrenology, the popular 19th century notion of being able to understand character and conduct by examining the contours of the skull. 1995). However, some traces still exist. Although the genetic effect for property offenses was greater than for violent offenses, the data suggest that violent offenses, as assessed by official crime statistics, may also have a heritable underlying component. RANTAKALLIO, P.; LAARA, E.; ISOHANNI, M.; and MOILANEN, I. Psychophysiological measures, including electroencephalogram (EEG) activity, heart rate (HR), event-related potentials (ERP), and skin conductance (SC), have been identified as potential biological markers that may help to distinguish criminals from noncriminals. ‘‘Mental Illness and Criminal Violence.’’, MOFFIT, TEMI ‘‘Parental Mental Disorder and Offspring Criminal Behavior: An Adoption Study.’’. The largest adoption study to date was carried out in Denmark by the present authors’ research group (n = 14,427). Data thus far suggest that the introduction of some type of teratogen gestation! Sources: family, twin, and the thread of biological parents is considered, she found increase... Adoptive parents were not, this figure only increased to 14.7 percent genetic Predisposition violence! That he lives in a decreased ability to inhibit certain externalizing behavioral patterns and may reflect a in. 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