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Habitat is BHCP trained and can provide designs that meet their certification criteria. Your backyard is your sanctuary - and we can help you to make it a beneficial location for birds, insects, butterflies, and animals. There are many ways to fulfill the Education and Engagement program requirements. The certification process is easy; it just requires filling out an application. No—it’s a wildlife habitat in the making! In the Matter of Stream and Waterfowl Habitat Restoration Plans and Grant Lake Operations and Management Plan Submitted by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Pursuant to the Requirements of Water Right Decision 163 1 (Water Right Licenses 10191 … ... A $15 fee covers the NWF certification and a subscription to its quarterly newsletter, Habitats. Evergreen & Armenian Blackberry (Rubus laciniatus & Rubus armeniacus), Policeman’s Helmet (Impatiens glandulifera), Spotted, Meadow & Diffuse Knapweeds (Centaurea spp. We’ll then give you a beautiful Certified Backyard Habitat sign and a Field Guide to Common Species of Southwestern Pennsylvania. There are many organic gardening solutions that protect the integrity of our environment and help ensure that your garden thrives. Take things to the next level to achieve Platinum status. Many other creatures such as frogs, dragonflies, beavers, and trout rely on clean streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes to survive. ​Corporate Giving and Support Opportunities, Southwestern Pennsylvania Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater. In addition to birds, it’s also critical to support beneficial insects and our native pollinators in our gardens. Her craft includes an eye to practical, helpful solutions, stormwater management, adding whimsy, creating unique spaces for play, and bringing art to the garden. Here’s how you can create and certify a yard. And most Pennsylvanians rely on streams and rivers for drinking water. Be a part of the Portland Audubon flock and help build a region where people and wildlife flourish together! After you enroll, ASWP will provide resources and offers a variety of programs that can help you get started on your Backyard Habitat before we conduct your assessment. Clean water practices support healthy habitat and healthy rivers and streams. In the first 3 years of the program, over 350 households participated which resulted in over 350 acres of property being certified – this is an area 2.5x the size of Beechwood Farms Nature Reserve! Stormwater management in your yard can mimic nature by allowing runoff to soak into the ground, helping to filter out pollutants and decrease or eliminate runoff from your property. Some problems associated with the use of chemicals include a reduction of natural food for birds, polluted streams, damage to pollinator populations, and impacts to human health. Help wildlife by providing food, water, cover, and a place for wildlife to raise their young. Supporting urban and sub-urban gardeners in Portland, Gresham, Fairview & Lake Oswego as they enhance wildlife habitat in their own backyards. When adding plants to your garden, be sure to use: Native Plants Valuable to Wildlife South Carolina is currently a LEADER across the NATION in the number of certified Wildlife Habitats per capita! The third focus area for creating a Certified Backyard Habitat is to provide extra levels of Wildlife Stewardship. One way to ensure that your backyard is a great place for wildlife is to get it certified as a backyard wildlife sanctuary. A complete proposal to mitigate for impacts to Waters of the U.S., Waters of the State and/or water quality Protecting Your Plants and Vegetation A feeder alone will not be considered, but if at any time there is not food available for the wildlife from plants, a feeder would then be required. Habitat layers, also called vertical structure, provides places for birds to hide from predators, locations to nest and sources of nesting material, and helps to ensure food sources are available throughout the seasons. Click [here] to learn more about the Backyard Habitat Certification Criteria. On request, NWF will send you an application package and instructions for its Backyard Wildlife Habitat … For details about the requirements for the Natural Products focus area of the program, click [here] to view certification criteria. Supply shelter. A $16 non-refundable application processing fee is required for each Monarch Waystation to be registered/certified. Volunteers will not count plants to see if you have a majority of native plants. When certifying a site, we look for areas of one’s yard or outdoor space where the majority (50% or more) of plants in a naturescaped area are locally native species (according to the Portland Plant List ), representing multiple canopy layers (3 or more), as recommended in your site report. EDRR Weed Watcher), Participate in OSU Extension Master Gardener Programs. Since animals directly or indirectly depend on plants for their food, the diversity of animals in a particular habitat is very closely linked to the diversity of plants in the habitat. Properties that provide the four basic habitat elements needed for wildlife to thrive receive wildlife habitat certification. Get started by providing these basic FOUR HABITAT ELEMENTS: - Food - Water - Cover - Places to raise young Use SUSTAINABLE GARDENING practices to make your garden safe for wildlife.. Step 3: ASWP will send you a customized report which will include plant recommendations for your site conditions and ways in which you can meet your desired level of habitat certification. Knowing you’re doing your part to preserve and protect the environment we share wit… Tim and I are constantly planning improvements to our situation, and look forward to doing more and more every season to create a true haven for wildlife. It is important that each of us do our part to help protect our streams and rivers -- your backyard is a perfect place to get started! Bird populations have declined over 40% since the 1960s. The use of pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) ©2020 Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania. Implementation of Phase 1 of the expansion extends the program deeper into Clackamas County to include the areas of Milwaukie, Oak Grove, Jennings Lodge, and West Linn. Birds, pollinators, and wildlife are faced with surviving in an increasingly challenging landscape. Ninety percent of all insects are specialized, meaning they share an evolutionary history with native plants and rely on them to survive. can be very harmful to wildlife, pets and people. Backyard Habitat Certification program. By Carol Crupper | March/April 2009. Get the Certification: Everything I detailed above is just how we went about turning our yard into a certified backyard habitat; it’s by no means the only way or even the best way. Want a national certification? CERTIFICATION CRITERIA Silver Invasive Species: Remove all “silver” aggressive weeds Native Plants: Naturescape > 5% of property with locally native plants* - at least 3 out of 5 vegetation layers Pesticides Reduction**: No use of RED zone chemicals. Requirements are included with the application materials. Join more than 5,000 properties in the Metro Area that are restoring habitat, one yard at a time. You can become one of the more than 140,000 sites across the country that are benefiting from this important program. The proposed application or petition is for a project of regional or statewide significance. Wildlife Stewardship: Pick one item from below. Keep an eye on our calendar for habitat gardening workshops and Citizen Science opportunities – these will enrich your knowledge and count towards your Certified Backyard Habitat requirements. Backyard Habitat is a collaboration between Portland Audubon and Columbia Land Trust. For Backyard certification, use Metro’s Grow Smart, Grow Safe searchable interactive directory to find the least hazardous products and practices for a productive, safe and healthy yard. For searchable lists of red, yellow, and green zone pesticides see: Use only GREEN zone chemicals if necessary, according to an IPM strategy, Large canopy tree over 30ft (cannot be nuisance species), Disconnected downspouts where appropriate, Remove impervious surfaces and/or grass 500ft or more, Increase naturescaping 10% higher than your certification level requirement, Water conservation (i.e. Enroll now to get in early for the 2021 spring season. Your property represents an opportunity to make a difference for the health of our natural landscape. By taking extra steps to make your backyard even more hospitable for birds and pollinators, you can help ensure their success. The Portland-Vancouver region sits at an incredible ecological crossroads. The weeds on our list have been identified through local ecologists and botanists as causing or could cause environmental and economic damage. You may take native plant classes, participate in a Citizen Science program, recruit neighbors for to create a Backyard Habitat, or showcase your new Backyard Habitat. Apply to recognize your backyard as a wildlife habitat through our Habitat at Home Program. petroleum-free yard care, use landscapers from, Wildlife water feature (natural source, maintained bird or bug bath), Bird or bat nest boxes (appropriate to native species), Pollinator and beneficial insect nesting habitat (i.e. During your Site Visit, the Technician will help determine which elements are right for you and your site. It’s easier than you might think. She works with a goal to balance the beauty, habitat value, cost and maintenance requirements of each garden project, tailoring design to the unique places and individuals. Click [here] for details about the requirements for the Native Plant focus area of the program. It’s critically important that we take collective action to protect and improve the environment. Certification is a “Win-Win” for All. She works with a goal to balance the beauty, habitat value, cost and maintenance requirements of each garden project, tailoring design to the unique places and individuals. There are two popular backyard sanctuary programs in Washington State; they are operated by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the National Wildlife Federation. Join the movement to help birds, pollinators, and wildlife by creating a Certified Backyard Habitat. Use YELLOW zone chemicals only as part of an IPM strategy. They’re outside schools, businesses, places of worship, community gardens, nature centers, apartments and homes just like yours. After the walk-through, they review with the participant the resources, information, and discounts provided by Backyard Habitat and discuss the certification criteria to create a plan to help the participant reach their certification and habitat enhancement goals. What are the criteria for Sanctuary Certification? Garden Certification Walk -through Checklist . During this time, the ASWP staff will talk with you about your goals for the property, determine site conditions, and determine where your yard stands in the program requirements. You can help make a difference for wildlife in your backyard. Our Naturescaping with Backyard Habitat video (4 minutes) and presentation (5 1/2 minutes) and Naturescaping with Natives Plants handout provide additional context. According to the National Wildlife Federation, there are more than 150,000 certified wildlife habitats across the country. A Certified Backyard Habitat must include each of the following 5 focus areas: Native Plants, Natural Products, Wildlife Stewardship, Clean Water, and Homeowner Engagement. Our Certification Criteria is available as a downloadable PDF here: CERTIFICATION CRITERIA. Click [here] for details about the requirements for the Wildlife Stewardship focus area of the program. North Carolina Wildlife Federation supports wildlife habitat garden and restoration programs unique to the flora and fauna native to our state. Tallamy, Douglas. The confluence of two great rivers, the Columbia and the Willamette, and is located along the Pacific Flyway for bird migration. It’s easier than you think to create your own wildlife garden! All of the 2020 Certified Backyard Habitat slots have been filled. Every homeowner is a habitat manager. Backyard Habitat Certification Program Volunteer Manual Spring 2020 Together we’re planting roots, creating habitat, and changing the world, one yard at a time. … Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program National Wildlife Federation 8925 Leesburg Pike Certification will require: At least 50% native plants. Adding water sources, nesting boxes, and other habitat features enhances the habitat value of your garden to wildlife. The largest habitat gardening certification effort in the U.S. is the National Wildlife Federation (NWF)'s Community Wildlife Habitat Program , which offers tools and a certification program not just for individual backyard gardens, but for whole communities interested in participating. We will visit your yard twice during the process, create a custom plan for your property, and provide you with a variety of resources to help you along the way. Our Backyard Habitat programs are an Audubon at Home initiative. If you wish to be informed of the status and/or final Certification action on any of these projects and/or further information, please contact Valerie Carrillo at (213) 576- 6759. Climate change is threatening at least 314 species of birds in the US -- nearly half of the birds in our country! Use this walk-through checklist to confirm you have ... your habitat in a sustainable way-to better help w ildlife, we advocate employing one or morepractices from each category: Soil and Water Conservation: The use of synthetic chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers has been proven to significantly damage ecosystems. Research the most appropriate strategies for your site before implementation. Wildlife need safe spaces to hide from predators or seek shelter from the elements. The Backyard Habitat Certification Program has three levels: Each level is centered around five focus areas: Native Plants, Natural Products, Wildlife Stewardship, Clean Water, and Homeowner Engagement. Turning your backyard or garden into a Certified Wildlife Habit is an ideal solution for both you and the wildlife that frequents your property. The program is currently open to residents of ASWP’s chapter territory, which includes Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties. Some threats to birds include habitat loss, predation from outdoor cats, window strikes, and climate change. Remove all noxious weeds listed under the certification level you’re working toward. Many birds rely on clean streams for food and nesting habitat. Portland Audubon and Columbia Land Trust teamed up to design a unique program that supports urban gardeners in their efforts to create natural backyard habitats. The second focus area for creating a Certified Backyard Habitat is reducing or eliminating chemical use. Next, we will contact you in the order of enrollment to set up an assessment appointment. Attract 10 Sanctuary Species We “let the animals decide” about the quality of the habitat. Rapid and large-scale changes to our lands and waters mean wildlife are losing the habitats they once knew. It’s the creation of the habitat that takes the time. Food for the wildlife year round. rock piles, bundles of stems and branches, mason bee house), Reduce outdor lighting during bird migration (March-May, Sept-Nov), Native pollinator meadow which bloom through the growing season, Allow site to be showcased in a yard tour, Volunteer for the Backyard Habitat Certification Program, Attend continuing education classes (i.e. The Backyard Habitat Certification Program provides assistance and incentives to residents on lots less than one acre, within the cities of Portland, Lake Oswego, Gresham and Fairview, to restore native wildlife habitat in their backyards. Click [here] for a downloadable file that lists certification requirements. Most programs have five specific requirements: 1. Certification will require: An obviously native plant habitat. HABITAT MITIGATION AND MONITORING PROPOSAL GUIDELINES; A guide to preparing your mitigation and monitoring plan for submittal with your 404/401 application. A Certified Backyard Habitat must include each of the following 5 focus areas: Native Plants, Natural Products, Wildlife Stewardship, Clean Water, and Homeowner Engagement. Once you’ve completed your plan, contact ASWP to let us know that you’re ready to get certified. Now with the implementation of Phase 1 of the expansion, the program will extend deeper into Clackamas County to include the areas of Milwaukie, Oak Grove, Jennings Lodge, and West Linn. Step 5: Get Certified! Use this walk-through checklist to confirm you have ... your habitat in a sustainable way-to better help w ildlife, we advocate employing one or morepractices from … When certifying a site, we look for areas of one’s yard or outdoor space where the majority (50% or more) of plants in a naturescaped area are locally native species (according to the Portland Plant List), representing multiple canopy layers (3 or more), as recommended in your site report. Every habitat garden is a It’s easier than you think to create your own wildlife garden! eliminating lawn irrigation, water in morning and evening only), Adopt eco-friendly maintenance practicies (i.e. If there are more than two plants listed in the Invasive Exotic Species section of this webpage, we will reserve the right to deny certification as … Recognize your commitment to wildlife and certify your yard, balcony container garden, schoolyard, work landscape or roadside greenspace into a Certified Wildlife Habitat®. Step 4: Plant your habitat: This is the part of the process where you plant your native plants and do fun things like install a bird bath. Native plants are the foundation of healthy habitat, providing important roosting and nesting spots for birds, and food from nuts and seeds to fruit, nectar, and insects. Portland: Timber Press, 2007. Project descriptions are provided by the Applicant. Become invested in the community by learning and sharing your knowledge with others. Stormwater options are different for every property. If your application and plan meet the criteria, you will receive a certificate and, if you wish, a sign to show your commitment to wildlife conservation. When you landscape with native plants, you attract native species to your yard, patio or balcony. Learn More. The Backyard Habitat Certification Program has serviced landowners throughout Portland, Gresham and Fairview, within Multnomah County, and the City of Lake Oswego. As an animal control professional, I have witnessed the many benefits a Certified Wildlife Habitat can offer such as: 1. Several adjacent yards with good wildlife resources are more effective than one! Certification Program Requirements. Backyard Habitat Programs. ), Yellow Archangel (Lamiastrum galeoblodon), Include at least 3 out of 5 vegetation levels, Include at least 4 out of 5 vegetation levels, Use only YELLOW or GREEN zone chemicals if necessary, according to an IPM strategy. Importance Criteria. The Monarch Butterfly population is at its lowest since scientists began tracking in the 1970s. Recognize your habitat! Volunteer. Weed introductions often alter ecosystem processes, creating a domino effect throughout the rest of the ecosystem. If your butterfly garden meets the requirements, please consider certifying your garden! The first Certified Backyard Habitat focus area focuses on native plants and habitat layers. Her craft includes an eye to practical, helpful solutions, stormwater management, adding whimsy, creating unique spaces for play, and bringing art to the garden. Plant roots, create a habitat… Get started by providing these basic FOUR HABITAT ELEMENTS: - Food - Water - Cover - Places to raise young Use SUSTAINABLE GARDENING practices to make your garden safe for wildlife.. Audubon's Certified Backyard Habitat Program, Please note that the program is currently open to residents of ASWP’s chapter territory, which includes Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties in southwestern Pennsylvania. … Native Plants. Wildlife habitat gardens are a haven for local birds, butterflies, and other wildlife. Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Garden Certification Walk -through Checklist . The Backyard Habitat Certification Program has serviced landowners throughout Portland, Gresham and Fairview, within Multnomah County, and the City of Lake Oswego. Helping endangered animals find a place where they can survive and even thrive 2. The first Certified Backyard Habitat focus area focuses on native plants and habitat layers. Certified Wildlife Habitat Requirements Make sure your site has adequate food, water and sustainable spaces. Join the flock! Backyard Habitat Certification Program. ), and schools certified by NWF. . (2) Confirm that Monarch Waystation criteria are met and Complete the Certification Application - applications are now being accepted via mail, fax, and online submission. ASWP will visit your property to conduct a site assessment. Enroll now to get in early for the 2021 spring season. We will visit your yard once again to verify that the program requirements have been met. Community Wildlife Habitat program where residents and communities can collaborate to help provide the requirements of all wildlife: food, water, cover, and places to raise young. All of the 2020 Certified Backyard Habitat slots have been filled. Then, work toward higher certification levels in years to come and enjoy the array of wildlife your site supports. To participate, the City must meet education and community project requirements and have homes, community sites (office buildings, parks, places of worship, homeowner associations, etc. *to verify and select locally native plants please use the Portland Plant List. Restoring balance to the ecosystem 3. Planting well-chosen native plants can create wildlife habitat, conserve water and reduce the need for pesticides and fertilizers. For example, of the approximate 500 bird species found in Oregon, 209 use the Portland-Vancouver region for some portion of their lifecycle. When adding plants to your garden, be sure to use: Native Plants Valuable to Wildlife South Carolina is currently a LEADER across the NATION in the number of certified Wildlife Habitats per capita! Through a series of simple actions, your yard or patio can serve as a mini nature reserve that will provide important habitat and food sources for birds, pollinators, and wildlife. Build a Pollen, Nectar, Fruit and Seed Buffet A hummingbird searches for backyard pollen. Columbia Land Trust and Portland Audubon’s Backyard Habitat program supports urban gardeners in their efforts to create natural backyard habitats and provides incentives for “naturescaped” properties. Once you get started on your backyard habitat, we’re sure that you will want to learn more and share your passion and excitement with friends and neighbors. Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania members may enroll in the program for a discounted rate of $35., If you're not a member of Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania, please enroll in the program for a rate of $50. This program fee comes with a complimentary 1 year household membership., You can receive the discounted rate and discounts in our nature store and on other programs by becoming a member!, ●     Native Garden for Small Yard, ●     Native Garden for Medium to Large Yard, ●     Native Container Garden for Part Shade, ●     Native Container Garden for Full Sun, ●     Protecting Birds from Window Strikes, ●     Southwestern Pennsylvania Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater, Kelly Colgan Azar, Flickr Creative Commons (BY-ND 2.0), Keith Williams, Flickr Creative Commons (BY-NC 2.0), Dianne Chapman, Great Backyard Bird Count (2015), BudOhio Flickr, Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND 2.0), Putneypics Flickr, Creative Commons (BY-NC 2.0), Steven Kersting, Flickr Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND 2.0), Glenda Simmons, Great Backyard Bird Count (2012), Missy Mandel, Great Backyard Bird Count (2013), Putneypics Flickr Creative Commons (BY-NC 2.0), Dana Ono, Great Backyard Bird Count (2016), Kristen Cart, Audubon Photography Awards (2015), Dennis Derby, Audubon Photography Awards (2015), David Shipper, Audubon Photography Awards (2015), Carmen Elia, Audubon Photography Awards (2015), Hazel Erikson, Audubon Photography Awards (2012). You should receive a welcome packet of resources within 3 weeks of enrollment. Creating a wildlife garden reverses some of the human-caused habitat destruction that is hurting wildlife. petroleum-free yard care, use landscapers from, Disconnected downspouts, where appropriate, Adopt eco-friendly maintenance practices (i.e. Just how critical is it? The intent of the Backyard Habitat Certification Program (BHCP) is simple: it provides technical assistance, financial incentives, encouragement and recognition to people that want to create natural, low … Click [here] for details about the requirements of the Clean Water focus area of the program. If your application and plan meet the criteria, you will receive a certificate and, if you wish, a sign to show your commitment to wildlife conservation. Check out the National Wildlife Federation's Certified Wildlife Habitat Program. Step 2: The site visit. Backyard Wildlife Habitat. Backyard Habitat Certification Program. We are thrilled with the response to the program. Shelter for the wildlife. The key to certification is the observed use of the property by 10 out of 42 targeted sanctuary species, or species groups of wildlife listed by ASNV as needing assistance in our area due to loss of habitat. Turning your yard or garden into a beautiful wildlife sanctuary that your family, neighbors and visitors will enjoy 4. Certification as a Backyard Habitat means that a site has to have water, food, shelter and places for critters to raise their young. Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program National Wildlife Federation 8925 Leesburg Pike When it rains or snows in urban areas, water washes over streets, roofs and other surfaces picking up dirt, chemicals and oil along the way. Certification as a Schoolyard Habitat involves a couple of more requirements in order to foster the Federation’s education goals: Demonstration that creation of the habitat was a team-effort, and incorporation of the habitat into the school’s curriculum. Tell us how your yard or garden provides habitat and the National Wildlife Federation will recognize it as a Certified Wildlife Habitat®. On request, NWF will send you an application package and instructions for its Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program. The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) sponsors a certification program designed to help individuals plan and apply a wildlife habitat plan for a home site or small acreage. The Backyard Habitat Certification Program will connect you with the resources that you need to make real change in your backyard. The requirements for most programs are similar and involve providing food sources, water sources and … Bringing Nature Home. ASWP Backyard Habitat Certification Requirements Program Elements Habitat Guardian Habitat Champion Habitat Hero Native Plants 5%+ (or at least 50 ft2) of property is landscaped with native plants 3 of 4 vegetation habitat layers are present 15%+ (or at least 150 ft2) of … On request, NWF will send you an application package and instructions for its Backyard Wildlife Habitat Program. All criteria of previous levels must be met before moving forward. By choosing natural gardening practices, you make your yard a safe place for wildlife. Even thrive 2 in morning and evening only ), Participate in OSU Extension backyard habitat certification criteria Programs. Let us know that you need to make a difference for wildlife become invested in the community by and. ] for details about the Backyard habitat sign and a Field Guide to Common species of Southwestern Pennsylvania you! 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Tax Haven Blacklist, How To Cancel The Land On Demand, Christmas In Tennessee Trailer, Dust Barrier Door, A Gift Of Miracles Trailer, Compo Beach Swimming,

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