. The rigorous growth in population, technology, industry etc. Making self-interest their priority, man violates various established laws and regulations and drains various harmful substances coming out from the factories directly into the water sources. It is often … Sewage, fertilizer and agricultural runoff contain organic materials that when introduced into the waters, increase the growth of algae. Make sure you read the factsheet page for some unfortunate incidents of water pollution in recent times. 1. Effects of water pollution. Marine pollution and nutrient pollution are subsets of water pollution. Nutrients are essential for plant growth and development. In the polluted water of the rivers, some aquatic weed as aquatic ferns and water hyacinth start increasing. It has also been observed that some industry associations also drain radio-active substances into the water sources which destroy organisms and plants instantly and are extremely harmful. If one uses this water, one can fall a victim to terrible diseases like cancer. June 18, 2018 Atta Black Water Polution. The Ministry of Environment and Forest has marked some industries which are mainly polluting the water bodies. Pollution of water affects both humans and aquatic life. Effects of water pollution. target_type: 'mix' Water pollution can bring about disastrous consequences – for instance, a factory that pumped out a very toxic waste product into the sea directly contributed to causing neurological illness to an entire town for many decades (The Minimata Incident). Effects of Pollution of Water. Since water is crucial for all life on earth, a lack of pure drinking water could result in a decrease in population numbers. 1. Water pollution prevention. Here are some of the effects of water pollution facts, that it is having on our environment. Such contaminated drinking water is the reason of blue baby disease in kids which changes their skin colour. Some effects of pollution are imposing on sea animals is as follows: Waste such as metals, plastics, glass, and radioactive drainage is responsible for the killing of hundreds of sea animals each year. It is due to water pollution, the drinking water becomes smelly and distasteful. As per an estimate, 13 children die per hour in India, due to diarrhoea caused by contaminated water. Aquatic life: The highest effect of water pollution can be seen on the aquatic life. Most water sources close to cities and urban centres are polluted by garbage and dumping of chemicals, legally or illegally. Millions of tribal villagers in Rajasthan are suffering from various diseases due to drinking dirty water from the ponds. These blooms create massive fish die-offs as the oxygen in the water gets depleted and the fish suffocate. Ecosystems (the interaction of living things in a place, depending on each other for life) can be severely changed or destroyed by water pollution. Help us write another book on this subject and reach those readers. The same is true of Yamuna, Gomati, Chambal as well as Jhelum rivers. Polluted water that ends up in local streams and rivers will damage the life in and surrounding it. Below are some of the common as well as adverse effects of polluting water bodies. Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well. Various diseases like polio, cholera, patches, jaundice, fever, viral fever etc are spread through polluted water. Polluted water leads to the worst effect on human health. By protozoa – Pyorrhoea, dysentery, narcolepsy (epidemic encephalitis), malaria, amoebiasis, and giardiasis. Water Pollution : Causes And Effects 2288 Words | 10 Pages. Thermal pollution. Drinking contaminated water caused by sewage overflow may cause sickness and digestive problems in humans. These objects (deposits, colloids, and other solutes) can be obtained from a variety of sources such as household, industry, and so on. Many areas are now being affected by careless human pollution, and this pollution is coming back to hurt humans in many ways. Heavy metals from industrial processes can accumulate in nearby lakes and rivers. Imagine a world void of lakes, rivers, seas and other water bodies! Eventually, humans are affected by this process too. Let’s start with eutrophication. Dead fish, crabs, birds and seagulls, dolphins, and many other animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat (living environment). Within the water bodies, there are several life forms … Eutrophication is another harmful effect of Water pollution. Effects of Water Pollution Pollutants in water resulting from trash, oil spills, sewage spills and run-off from agricultural fields, construction sites and factories affect native plant and animal species. As the population increases, the pollution … Did you read about the water contamination in Flint, Michigan, USA? Water pollution reduces the level of oxygen in it. To protect human beings, plants and other life forms, it is urgent to find out the solution of water pollution and collective efforts by individuals, society and the government are required to achieve this aim. 55% of over 300 freshwater species have declined because of Water pollution, while 32% of the salt water and land species have declined.In developing countries, water pollution is a leading cause of death [6] A large amount of sulphide in polluted water is the reason of various respiratory diseases and drinking water contaminated with urea increases intestinal disorder. }); Copyright White Planet Technologies Pvt. WATER POLLUTION Water pollution: how to protect our source of life. Effects of Water Pollution Pollutants in water resulting from trash, oil spills, sewage spills and run-off from agricultural fields, construction sites and factories affect native plant and animal species. To prevent the effects of water pollution, the following measures should be taken. Such species are recognized as… Contaminated water is not only unsuitable for drinking but also for agriculture purposes. The effects of agricultural runoff and land pollution have on waterways, rivers, streams, and ultimately the ocean introduces toxic chemcials and livestock waste into water supplies and the ocean. There are many different types of water pollution and all have a different adverse effect on the environment. Polluted water also negatively impacts the breeding power of aquatic life. Disease is one of the major issues of the water pollution affecting animals and humans too. In many poor regions, there is frequently an outbreak of cholera and diseases as a result of poor drinking water treatment from contaminated waters. Eutrophication: Chemicals in a water body, encourage the growth of algae. The factors causing most harm to human health through contaminated water are pathogenic microbes. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6070398767421094"; _taboola.push({ Polluted water that ends up in local streams and rivers will damage the life in and surrounding it. Ltd. | 2017 All Rights Reserved. Later, these animals are consumed by fish and shellfish, and the food chain continues to be disrupted at all higher levels. Contaminated water contains a variety of disease-causing bacteria that results in several types of ailment. Many water bodies near urban areas (cities and towns) are highly polluted. Pollution of water leads to several illnesses. Aquatic life is even more threatened when the waters are polluted. The main problem caused by water pollution is that it kills organisms that depend on these water bodies. Adverse Impact on Aquatic Flora and Fauna. It is also responsible for destroying the beauty of the lakes and rivers. Excessive use of soap, soda, bleaching powder, detergent or acids at home and chemicals in the industries are primarily responsible for water pollution. Valuable species of game fish (e.g., trout) cannot survive in … 55% of over 300 freshwater species have declined because of Water pollution, while 32% of the salt water and land species have declined.In developing countries, water pollution is a leading cause of death Increasing pollution in the sea and oceanic areas has become a threat. Today, water pollution has assumed alarming proportions. The planet keeps nudging us with increasingly extreme droughts, reminding us that water is life. #environmental sustainability #society #health. By bacteria – Diarrhoea, loose motions, paratyphoid, high fever, cholera, whooping cough, gonorrhoea, syphilis, gastroenteritis, dysentery, and tuberculosis. Water pollution is a change caused in the chemical, physical or biological properties of the water that has the capacity of hurting the living organism. Water pollution is caused by four major factors: untreated sewage, agricultural practices, global warming, and ocean acidification. With all of the causes of water pollution, of course come the effects on the environment and human health. Some of these water-borne diseases are Typhoid, Cholera, Paratyphoid Fever, Dysentery, Jaundice, Amoebiasis and … 2. Water pollution poses severe threats to humanity. Try drinking untreated water nowadays and your body will immediately react to it. Fertilizers and pesticides that we use in our farms are dissolved in water, and some amount of these dissolved substances are washed into water bodies and pollute them. It is generally … Contamination of the groundwater from the use of pesticides causes reproductive damage … Large amounts of chloride in drinking water deform the spine which becomes snaky and their teeth go yellow, start falling and moreover their hands and feet lose flexibility of the bones and their body deforms. When polluted water is found in our ecosystem, it leaves a trail of destruction. In August 2018, red algae bloomed off the southwest coast of Florida and created a state of emergency. The use of such water also increases the risk of having children with disabilities. Aquatic plants get severely affected due to water pollution. Bilharzia. These are toxic to marine life such as fish … The consequences can be disastrous depending on the degree The ability of industries also gets reduced due to water pollution as it affects the performance of industrial units. Alkaline substances mixed in polluted water get accumulated in and around taps making them weak. Water pollution can be classified as surface water or groundwater pollution. Though a major portion of the Earth’s surface as well as our body consist of water, yet we continue to pollute the different sources of water. Polluted water leads to a scarcity of water in many countries. mode: 'thumbnails-rr', https: ... What is water Pollution and Types of Water Pollution? It causes typhoid, cholera, hepatitis and various other diseases are caused by water pollution. The effects of water pollution can be catastrophic, depending on the kind of chemicals, concentrations of the pollutants, and where there are polluted. Water Pollution Facts Water pollution is caused when a toxic substance gets into the water supply, whether that be a river, ocean, or the underground aquifer, and contaminates it to the point that the supply becomes dangerous. A big word for a big problem. Dead fish, crabs, birds and seagulls, dolphins, and many other animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat (living environment). About 360 persons per one lakh die in India and over 50 per cent patients getting admitted in hospitals are the patients of water borne diseases. Polluted water is like poison for human beings. In many poor regions, there is frequently an outbreak of cholera and diseases as a result of poor drinking water treatment from contaminated waters. These are wine industry, petrochemical, skin purifier industry, paper industry, fertilizer industry, pharmaceutical industry, and sugar industry. Water pollution, like other types of pollution result when an overwhelming amount of waste comes from different sources of pollutant which harmfully disrupts the balance of the ecosystem; consequently, the waste cannot be destroyed or cleaned up as quickly as produced which results in many disadvantageous to humans and animals, as well as other living organisms. … 1. However, it’s the aquatic animals that get affected the most. Heavy metals from industrial processes can accumulate in nearby lakes and rivers. Water pollution can destroy the entire ecosystem and its living organisms. Canal polluted by single use plastic, effect of water pollution Till date, water pollution remains a serious concern for the environmentalists and civil society alike. Water pollution can cause an entire ecosystem to collapse if left unchecked. Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. This is due to the additional energy costs and chemicals to filter and clean the water. The effects of water pollution can be catastrophic, depending on the kind of chemicals, concentrations of the pollutants, and where there are polluted. Water is a basic resource that guarantees the life of all living beings on the planet. Water bodies in the vicinity of urban areas are extremely polluted. Due to plethora of moss in the polluted water of the rivers, the sun light fails to reach to the depths of the river which affects the growth of aquatic plants in the lack of photosynthesis. As the stream or river water dumps into larger bodies, such as the ocean… These algae form a layer on top of the pond or lake. Those are the material that caused pollution in the water. Most water sources close to cities and urban centres are polluted by garbage and dumping of chemicals, legally or illegally. For example, the Great Lakes in Minnesota suffer from enormous algae blooms. Polluted water being acidic in nature also damages the structure of the pot in which it is stored which results in interruptions in water storage. The waterborne diseases are infectious which spread primarily from polluted water. Due to rapid industrialization, water pollution has already reached dangerous levels. Animal in the water bodies and who survive on water bodies are dying due to dangerous effects of water pollution. The dictionary definition is excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, Effects of Water Pollution Water pollution can demolish an entire society as it is used for almost all purposes. A healthy growing ecosystem relies on a complex web of animals, plants, bacteria, and cookies, all of which interact directly or indirectly with each other. 2. 1. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater). container: 'taboola-right-rail-thumbnails', Human Health We all drink water that comes from a source: this may be a lake or local river. Let’s take a look at some of the most pronounced ill effects of water pollution on animals. Polluted water is also harmful for agriculture as it adversely affects the crops and the soil fertility. Many nutrients are found in wastewater and fertilisers, and these can cause excess weed and algae growth if large concentrations end up in water. Freshwater pollution effects Water pollution can result in human health problems, poisoned wildlife, and long-term ecosystem damage. In countries that have poor screening and purification practices, people often get water-borne disease outbreaks such as cholera and tuberculosis. Also, animals fall prey to a variety of diseases due to drinking polluted water. Below are some of the common, as well as adverse, effects of polluting water bodies. Some people believe pollution is an inescapable result of humanactivity: they argue that if we want to have factories, cities, Water Pollution Facts, Types, Causes and Effects of Water Pollution … Water Pollution Effects on Animals. First, pollution increases water treatment prices. ADVERTISEMENTS: Some of adverse effects of water pollution are as follows: Water pollution adversely affects the health and life of man, animals and plants alike. The dangers emanating from water pollution have severely affected humans, animals, and plants. It generally spreads through polluted food, milk or water, improperly washed fruits … How does water pollution affect humans? "Water pollution" is defined as the addition of harmful or objectionable material to water bodies causing an alteration of water quality. Water Pollution: Effects, Prevention, and Climatic Impact, Water Challenges of an Urbanizing World, Matjaž Glavan, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.72018. When water contamination causes algae to grow i… Bacteria feed on this algae and this decreases the amount of oxygen in the water body, severely affecting the aquatic life there. Source. Effects of Water Pollution. Additionally, increased use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture has also aggravated the situation. Water pollution is one of the inevitable human-induced climate change issues that called for urgent remedial measures. google_ad_slot = "1982849078"; On this regard, pollution of water threatens the survival of humans, animals, and plants. 2. Different varieties of fish are the most affected creatures due to water pollution. Water pollution damages human health, makes our living conditions precarious and threatens life on the planet. Available from: Over 21,000 IntechOpen readers like this topic. Fish and other aquatic organisms start dying due to lack of oxygen in the polluted water. By worm – Filariasis, hydatid cyst and a variety of worm disease (various types of stomach worms). Water pollution will in no small measure affect or alter the basic water quality parameters comprising the micro-pollutants, physiochemical, and biological parameters . Infectious diseases can be spread through contaminated water. Moreover, if water becomes a scarce resource, people are likely to fight for their share and this may even lead to serious conflicts. Dead fish, crabs, birds and seagulls, dolphins, and many other animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their. That’s equivalent to a jumbo jet crashing every hour, and the majority of these are children. When organic substances in the polluted water start decaying, it produces hydrogen sulphide and ammonia gas which gives the water very bad smell. 1. Degradation and Total Loss of Habitat. Disastrous Effects of Water Pollution Water is one of the most utilized natural resources by humans, animals, and plants for survival. Heat is considered to be a water pollutant because it decreases the capacity of water to hold dissolved oxygen in solution, and it increases the rate of metabolism of fish. He headed the editorial team of 'Sahara Time', a 48-page general interest English weekly newspaper, and later, handled a 24x7 online wing www.samaylive.com. Vegetation that feeds on this water for survival can be damaged and killed from polluted streams. If the polluted water gets stagnated, it becomes a breeding ground for mosquito and many other parasites which are very common in tropical areas. Although it is rare to see an ocean or a sea like the Pacific … With all of the causes of water pollution, of course come the effects on the environment and human health. Vegetation that feeds on this water for survival can be damaged and killed from polluted streams. Sewage, fertilizer and agricultural runoff contain organic materials that when introduced into the waters, increase the growth of algae. As the stream or river water dumps into larger bodies, such as the ocean… Pollution of water affects both humans and aquatic life. Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well. Some industries use water for cooling in industrial operations and later drain the hot water into water bodies. Water pollution, the release of substances into subsurface groundwater or into lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, and oceans to the point where the substances interfere with beneficial use of the water or with the natural functioning of ecosystems. It is caused because of a parasite. Radioactive substances produced from nuclear explosions also reach the water bodies and makes drinking water severely contaminated. Water pollution reduces the level of oxygen in it. The human being is the main responsible for water pollution. placement: 'Right Rail Thumbnails', Children often get sick if they drink polluted water and sometimes they even die due to intensity of the diseases. //-->. The rigorous growth in population, technology, industry etc. Making self-interest their priority, man violates various established laws and regulations and drains various harmful substances coming out from the factories directly into the water sources. It is often … Sewage, fertilizer and agricultural runoff contain organic materials that when introduced into the waters, increase the growth of algae. Make sure you read the factsheet page for some unfortunate incidents of water pollution in recent times. 1. Effects of water pollution. Marine pollution and nutrient pollution are subsets of water pollution. Nutrients are essential for plant growth and development. In the polluted water of the rivers, some aquatic weed as aquatic ferns and water hyacinth start increasing. It has also been observed that some industry associations also drain radio-active substances into the water sources which destroy organisms and plants instantly and are extremely harmful. If one uses this water, one can fall a victim to terrible diseases like cancer. June 18, 2018 Atta Black Water Polution. The Ministry of Environment and Forest has marked some industries which are mainly polluting the water bodies. Pollution of water affects both humans and aquatic life. Effects of water pollution. target_type: 'mix' Water pollution can bring about disastrous consequences – for instance, a factory that pumped out a very toxic waste product into the sea directly contributed to causing neurological illness to an entire town for many decades (The Minimata Incident). Effects of Pollution of Water. Since water is crucial for all life on earth, a lack of pure drinking water could result in a decrease in population numbers. 1. Water pollution prevention. Here are some of the effects of water pollution facts, that it is having on our environment. Such contaminated drinking water is the reason of blue baby disease in kids which changes their skin colour. Some effects of pollution are imposing on sea animals is as follows: Waste such as metals, plastics, glass, and radioactive drainage is responsible for the killing of hundreds of sea animals each year. It is due to water pollution, the drinking water becomes smelly and distasteful. As per an estimate, 13 children die per hour in India, due to diarrhoea caused by contaminated water. Aquatic life: The highest effect of water pollution can be seen on the aquatic life. Most water sources close to cities and urban centres are polluted by garbage and dumping of chemicals, legally or illegally. Millions of tribal villagers in Rajasthan are suffering from various diseases due to drinking dirty water from the ponds. These blooms create massive fish die-offs as the oxygen in the water gets depleted and the fish suffocate. Ecosystems (the interaction of living things in a place, depending on each other for life) can be severely changed or destroyed by water pollution. Help us write another book on this subject and reach those readers. The same is true of Yamuna, Gomati, Chambal as well as Jhelum rivers. Polluted water that ends up in local streams and rivers will damage the life in and surrounding it. Below are some of the common as well as adverse effects of polluting water bodies. Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well. Various diseases like polio, cholera, patches, jaundice, fever, viral fever etc are spread through polluted water. Polluted water leads to the worst effect on human health. By protozoa – Pyorrhoea, dysentery, narcolepsy (epidemic encephalitis), malaria, amoebiasis, and giardiasis. Water Pollution : Causes And Effects 2288 Words | 10 Pages. Thermal pollution. Drinking contaminated water caused by sewage overflow may cause sickness and digestive problems in humans. These objects (deposits, colloids, and other solutes) can be obtained from a variety of sources such as household, industry, and so on. Many areas are now being affected by careless human pollution, and this pollution is coming back to hurt humans in many ways. Heavy metals from industrial processes can accumulate in nearby lakes and rivers. Imagine a world void of lakes, rivers, seas and other water bodies! Eventually, humans are affected by this process too. Let’s start with eutrophication. Dead fish, crabs, birds and seagulls, dolphins, and many other animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat (living environment). Within the water bodies, there are several life forms … Eutrophication is another harmful effect of Water pollution. Effects of Water Pollution Pollutants in water resulting from trash, oil spills, sewage spills and run-off from agricultural fields, construction sites and factories affect native plant and animal species. As the population increases, the pollution … Did you read about the water contamination in Flint, Michigan, USA? Water pollution reduces the level of oxygen in it. To protect human beings, plants and other life forms, it is urgent to find out the solution of water pollution and collective efforts by individuals, society and the government are required to achieve this aim. 55% of over 300 freshwater species have declined because of Water pollution, while 32% of the salt water and land species have declined.In developing countries, water pollution is a leading cause of death [6] A large amount of sulphide in polluted water is the reason of various respiratory diseases and drinking water contaminated with urea increases intestinal disorder. }); Copyright White Planet Technologies Pvt. WATER POLLUTION Water pollution: how to protect our source of life. Effects of Water Pollution Pollutants in water resulting from trash, oil spills, sewage spills and run-off from agricultural fields, construction sites and factories affect native plant and animal species. To prevent the effects of water pollution, the following measures should be taken. Such species are recognized as… Contaminated water is not only unsuitable for drinking but also for agriculture purposes. The effects of agricultural runoff and land pollution have on waterways, rivers, streams, and ultimately the ocean introduces toxic chemcials and livestock waste into water supplies and the ocean. There are many different types of water pollution and all have a different adverse effect on the environment. Polluted water also negatively impacts the breeding power of aquatic life. Disease is one of the major issues of the water pollution affecting animals and humans too. In many poor regions, there is frequently an outbreak of cholera and diseases as a result of poor drinking water treatment from contaminated waters. Eutrophication: Chemicals in a water body, encourage the growth of algae. The factors causing most harm to human health through contaminated water are pathogenic microbes. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6070398767421094"; _taboola.push({ Polluted water that ends up in local streams and rivers will damage the life in and surrounding it. Ltd. | 2017 All Rights Reserved. Later, these animals are consumed by fish and shellfish, and the food chain continues to be disrupted at all higher levels. Contaminated water contains a variety of disease-causing bacteria that results in several types of ailment. Many water bodies near urban areas (cities and towns) are highly polluted. Pollution of water leads to several illnesses. Aquatic life is even more threatened when the waters are polluted. The main problem caused by water pollution is that it kills organisms that depend on these water bodies. Adverse Impact on Aquatic Flora and Fauna. It is also responsible for destroying the beauty of the lakes and rivers. Excessive use of soap, soda, bleaching powder, detergent or acids at home and chemicals in the industries are primarily responsible for water pollution. Valuable species of game fish (e.g., trout) cannot survive in … 55% of over 300 freshwater species have declined because of Water pollution, while 32% of the salt water and land species have declined.In developing countries, water pollution is a leading cause of death Increasing pollution in the sea and oceanic areas has become a threat. Today, water pollution has assumed alarming proportions. The planet keeps nudging us with increasingly extreme droughts, reminding us that water is life. #environmental sustainability #society #health. By bacteria – Diarrhoea, loose motions, paratyphoid, high fever, cholera, whooping cough, gonorrhoea, syphilis, gastroenteritis, dysentery, and tuberculosis. Water pollution is a change caused in the chemical, physical or biological properties of the water that has the capacity of hurting the living organism. Water pollution is caused by four major factors: untreated sewage, agricultural practices, global warming, and ocean acidification. With all of the causes of water pollution, of course come the effects on the environment and human health. Some of these water-borne diseases are Typhoid, Cholera, Paratyphoid Fever, Dysentery, Jaundice, Amoebiasis and … 2. Water pollution poses severe threats to humanity. Try drinking untreated water nowadays and your body will immediately react to it. Fertilizers and pesticides that we use in our farms are dissolved in water, and some amount of these dissolved substances are washed into water bodies and pollute them. It is generally … Contamination of the groundwater from the use of pesticides causes reproductive damage … Large amounts of chloride in drinking water deform the spine which becomes snaky and their teeth go yellow, start falling and moreover their hands and feet lose flexibility of the bones and their body deforms. When polluted water is found in our ecosystem, it leaves a trail of destruction. In August 2018, red algae bloomed off the southwest coast of Florida and created a state of emergency. The use of such water also increases the risk of having children with disabilities. Aquatic plants get severely affected due to water pollution. Bilharzia. These are toxic to marine life such as fish … The consequences can be disastrous depending on the degree The ability of industries also gets reduced due to water pollution as it affects the performance of industrial units. Alkaline substances mixed in polluted water get accumulated in and around taps making them weak. Water pollution can be classified as surface water or groundwater pollution. Though a major portion of the Earth’s surface as well as our body consist of water, yet we continue to pollute the different sources of water. Polluted water leads to a scarcity of water in many countries. mode: 'thumbnails-rr', https: ... What is water Pollution and Types of Water Pollution? It causes typhoid, cholera, hepatitis and various other diseases are caused by water pollution. The effects of water pollution can be catastrophic, depending on the kind of chemicals, concentrations of the pollutants, and where there are polluted. Water Pollution Facts Water pollution is caused when a toxic substance gets into the water supply, whether that be a river, ocean, or the underground aquifer, and contaminates it to the point that the supply becomes dangerous. A big word for a big problem. Dead fish, crabs, birds and seagulls, dolphins, and many other animals often wind up on beaches, killed by pollutants in their habitat (living environment). About 360 persons per one lakh die in India and over 50 per cent patients getting admitted in hospitals are the patients of water borne diseases. Polluted water is like poison for human beings. In many poor regions, there is frequently an outbreak of cholera and diseases as a result of poor drinking water treatment from contaminated waters. These are wine industry, petrochemical, skin purifier industry, paper industry, fertilizer industry, pharmaceutical industry, and sugar industry. Water pollution, like other types of pollution result when an overwhelming amount of waste comes from different sources of pollutant which harmfully disrupts the balance of the ecosystem; consequently, the waste cannot be destroyed or cleaned up as quickly as produced which results in many disadvantageous to humans and animals, as well as other living organisms. … 1. However, it’s the aquatic animals that get affected the most. Heavy metals from industrial processes can accumulate in nearby lakes and rivers. Water pollution can destroy the entire ecosystem and its living organisms. Canal polluted by single use plastic, effect of water pollution Till date, water pollution remains a serious concern for the environmentalists and civil society alike. Water pollution can cause an entire ecosystem to collapse if left unchecked. Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. This is due to the additional energy costs and chemicals to filter and clean the water. The effects of water pollution can be catastrophic, depending on the kind of chemicals, concentrations of the pollutants, and where there are polluted. Water is a basic resource that guarantees the life of all living beings on the planet. Water bodies in the vicinity of urban areas are extremely polluted. Due to plethora of moss in the polluted water of the rivers, the sun light fails to reach to the depths of the river which affects the growth of aquatic plants in the lack of photosynthesis. As the stream or river water dumps into larger bodies, such as the ocean… These algae form a layer on top of the pond or lake. Those are the material that caused pollution in the water. Most water sources close to cities and urban centres are polluted by garbage and dumping of chemicals, legally or illegally. For example, the Great Lakes in Minnesota suffer from enormous algae blooms. Polluted water being acidic in nature also damages the structure of the pot in which it is stored which results in interruptions in water storage. The waterborne diseases are infectious which spread primarily from polluted water. Due to rapid industrialization, water pollution has already reached dangerous levels. Animal in the water bodies and who survive on water bodies are dying due to dangerous effects of water pollution. The dictionary definition is excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, Effects of Water Pollution Water pollution can demolish an entire society as it is used for almost all purposes. A healthy growing ecosystem relies on a complex web of animals, plants, bacteria, and cookies, all of which interact directly or indirectly with each other. 2. 1. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
