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Michigan House Democrats say they are preparing a bill package that would tighten pipeline regulation and give the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality regulatory oversight of pipelines crossing the state. No decisions have been reached in that proceeding at this time. The data comes from inspection records obtained by the NWF through the Freedom of Information Act and others put online recently by the Pipeline Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), which Congress has required to make more information accessible to the public. The easement authorized Lakehead Pipe Line Co., Inc., which eventually became Enbridge Energy Limited Partnership, “to construct, lay and maintain pipe lines over, through, under and upon certain lake bottom lands …for the purpose of transporting petroleum and other products. Line 5 details Marshall spill raises awareness Gretchen Whitmer's order that would result in … The NWF says that's a troubling reminder of the colossal failure that caused the Line 6B spill into the Kalamazoo River in 2010, when the company didn't notice the pipeline had ruptured until being alerted by an outside caller 17 hours later. My Line 5 journey actually started in 2010 when I heard about the Enbridge Line 6b oil spill in Marshall, Michigan, near my hometown, where over 1 million gallons of tar sands overtook 40 miles of the river system. The pipeline’s route through the Straits is within an easement issued in 1953 by the State of Michigan. Wallace's familiarity with the pipeline and regulatory jargon were key in ferreting out Line 5 spills in the PHMSA records, which in some cases required knowing "what kind of mile markers Enbridge uses to read notes in the database.". A FOIA photo from a March 13, 2011 Enbridge inspection report shows stress corrosion cracking the length of the longitudinal seam on a section of Line 5 located between Bay City and Sarnia. The anchor caused three dents to the pipeline – two on the western segment and one on the eastern segment – and raised concerns about the vulnerability of the pipeline to other anchor strikes. One recommendation in the Task Force’s final report was to create the Pipeline Safety Advisory Board (PSAB), which would review and recommend actions for the state to ensure the safety, upkeep and transparency of issues related to the network of more than 3,400 miles of petroleum and hazardous liquid pipelines in Michigan. There were two lawsuits involving Enbridge and the Straits pipelines and efforts to move forward with the tunnel project, one remains active. The other occurred in 1972 when a defective weld caused a 4,200-gallon spill just south of the Krause Road and Hiawatha Trail intersection, near the headwaters of O'Niel Creek, which flows south a few miles into Lake Michigan. Enbridge’s nearby Line 5 pipeline has spilled over one million gallons in its 64-year history. ", "We should be talking about this as we consider long term planning for this pipeline.". Total cost of the tunnel was estimated to be $500 million. A resulting fire injured two people. "The Kalamazoo River spill didn't happen in the river," she said. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. According to Enbridge vice president and president of liquids pipelines, Vern Yu, Line 5 is still very viable. The state is revoking the easement for violation of the public trust doctrine. In 2010, about 21,000 barrels of heavy crude oil spilled in a tributary of the Kalamazoo River near Marshall from a line owned by Enbridge. BACKGROUND: Earlier this month, the state notified Enbridge that it is revoking and terminating the 1953 easement allowing Enbridge to operate the Line 5 dual pipelines in the Straits of Mackinac, effective 180 days from the date of the notice. The Marshall pipeline spill led to the creation of the Michigan Petroleum Pipeline Task Force with the mandate to take a closer look at pipelines transporting petroleum products around the state, and specifically Line 5. "This newly-released data shows a worse history of spill and detection systems failing over time," said Mike Shriberg, NWF Great Lakes regional director, who also sits on the state of Michigan's Pipeline Safety Advisory Board. Under the agreement, Enbridge will undertake an enhanced inspection and stewardship regimen. 2013 (July 1st) - Michigan Department of Environmental Quality issues a citation against Enbridge for… The pipeline is a single, 30-indiameter pipe except for the section that crosses the Straits of Mackinac. The remainder were found by the public or Enbridge staff on the ground. One lawsuit involves a law that was passed by the Michigan legislature in December of 2018 which created the Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority and authorized it to enter into the Tunnel Agreement with Enbridge to build a new tunnel which would be owned by the Authority. Regulatory requirements during much of the 1980s stipulated Enbridge only had to report spills to the state, not the federal government. All of the product released during these three incidents was recovered. Line 5, which is part of Enbridge’s Lakehead System, begins in Superior, Wisconsin, and ends in Sarnia, Canada. Constructed during the Eisenhower administration in 1953, the two 20-inch-in-diameter “Line 5” pipelines owned by Canadian company Enbridge, Inc., lie exposed in the water at the bottom when they cross the Straits of Mackinac. Others were caused by manufacturing defects in the pipe, such as stress cracking along a seam. Enbridge Energy’s Line 5 pipeline was built in 1953 and extends for 645 miles across the state of Michigan. According to the data, the largest spills happened earlier in Line 5's history -- apart from a fairly well known 222,600-gallon oil and natural gas liquid spill near Crystal Falls in 1999, caused by the line lying on a rock, which forced the evacuation of about 500 people after responders ignited a vapor cloud that sparked a 36-hour long fire. “Line 5 remains safe, as envisioned by the 1953 Easement, and as recently validated by our federal safety regulator,” which according to the Detroit Free press is the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA). "Only one spill I could find was discovered by leak detection systems," said Wallace, a Pipeline Safety Trust board member who co-authored the NWF's 2012 "Sunken Hazard" report that helped galvanize scrutiny on the Line 5 section under the Straits of Mackinac. “In addition, Enbridge Inc. will take full responsibility for the clean-up of any incident in Michigan or anywhere along our pipeline system.” Under the U.S. Oil Pollution Act, the owner of Line 5 “would be obligated as a responsible party to assume the cost of any cleanup,” Koby said. The group said Monday it has found at least 29 instances of oil and natural gas liquids spills totaling more […] FLOW’s team of lawyers and scientists has helped spark and define a growing public call to stop the flow of oil in Line 5 … In between, Enbridge alerted the state to gaps in the protective coating on the pipeline in the Straits, information the company had as early as 2014. A new administration took office in January 2019, with both Gov. They are based in Calgary, Alberta and have been responsible for the two largest inland oil spills in US history. These spills released approximately 161,475 barrels (25,672.5 m3) of crude oil into the environment … Will YOUR Community Be Next? A spill from Enbridge Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac could contaminate nearby municipal drinking water, devastate major fisheries, kill aquatic and terrestrial wildlife, impair critical ecosystem services, diminish coastal property values, and tarnish the image of the State of Michigan and its high levels of ecological integrity. Subscribe to Line 5 transports up to 540,000 barrels – or 22.68 million gallons – per day of light crude oil and natural gas liquids, according to Enbridge. Some of the natural gas liquids are refined into propane and used in the Upper Peninsula, while other products are routed for processing at oil refineries in Detroit and Toledo, Ohio. Although the line is 64 years old, 1968 is the earliest year of data available, The most recent spill is a small one, about 8 gallons, caused by an equipment failure on March 5, 2015 near Marenisco that Enbridge staff discovered while conducting a station review. Among their many oil pipelines in the US and Canada, Enbridge operates Line 5 through Michigan. Among the provisions of the legislation are ones calling for the Authority to provide that the tunnel is built to last and will contain potential oil spills to prevent oil from entering the Straits of Mackinac, limit liability for the state, the authority and members of the authority, and ensure the state bears no cost. Concerns about the existing Line 3 pipe were also echoed by the Minnesota PUC as a reason to move ahead with Enbridge’s replacement and expansion plan. The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) has filed lawsuits against PHMSA and the U.S Department of Transportation (DOT). Enbridge Energy Partners LLP (Enbridge) reported a 30-inch pipeline ruptured near Marshall, Michigan. The oil spill response plan for Enbridge Line 5 is the Integrated Contingency Plan: Superior Region Response Zone, which was submitted, reviewed, and approved by PHMSA. That was followed in July 2016 with a Consent Decree between Enbridge and the federal government to resolve claims related to the Marshall spill. A significant spill occurred from Line 5 in 1999 when more than 220,000 gallons of oil and natural gas liquids gushed into a marsh near Crystal Falls in the Upper Peninsula. Plains is a subsidiary of Texas-based Plains All American Pipeline, LP. Line 5 helps heat Michigan homes, schools, hospitals and businesses, fuels vehicles, and powers industry by safely and reliably transporting light crude oil, light synthetic crude oil and natural gas liquids (NGL).. Lansing — Gov. LANSING (WJRT) (6/25/2020) - A judge ordered Enbridge to shut down its controversial Line 5 oil pipeline under the Straits of Mackinac and give … That spill is among almost 30 spills along the pipeline -- many of them previously unknown or largely forgotten incidents -- unearthed in federal records by National Wildlife Federation (NWF) pipeline safety specialist and researcher Beth Wallace. In March, Enbridge admitted that parts of Line 5 under the straits had lost its outer wrap anticorrosion coating, although there's no bare metal exposed. Note: This a rush transcript and has been lightly edited for clarity. Line 5, which is part of Enbridge’s Lakehead System, begins in Superior, Wisconsin, and ends in Sarnia, Canada. However, Enbridge has denied any plans to pump such materials. Many of the spills incident records do not say how the leak was initially detected. Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel saying publicly that they oppose the continued operation of Line 5 within the Straits of Mackinac. The organization released the results of Wallace's research this week, estimating that Line 5, which runs from Superior, Wis., to Sarnia, Ontario by way of Michigan, has spilled at least 1.13 million gallons of oil in 29 incidents since 1968. Its legal arguments in the case, similar to its arguments in previous lawsuits, hinge upon the PHMSA’s reliable green-lighting of Enbridge’s actions concerning Line 5. Wallace said the number of spills caused by stress cracking along the longitudinal pipe seam is a major red flag. The NWF research comes ahead of a pair of state-ordered studies on Line 5 commissioned by the pipeline safety board that are expected out in June. On its 645-mile journey from Wisconsin to Ontario, Line 5 crosses 23 counties and 360 Michigan waterways. Enbridge is the largest oil and gas transportation company in North America. In 1972 near Iron River, a 252,000-gallon spill was caused by a longitudinal weld failure. The NWF has taken an aggressive stance against the pipeline, fighting the government and Enbridge in court to shut down the controversial submerged Line 5 segment. Using data from Enbridge's own reports, the Polaris Institute calculated that 804 spills occurred on Enbridge pipelines between 1999 and 2010. In November 2017, the State of Michigan announced an agreement with Enbridge, known as the First Agreement, to compel the company to add protections for the Straits of Mackinac and the Great Lakes. That product is introduced into the pipeline at Lewiston, Michigan. The NWF released 2011 inspection photos obtained through FOIA that show stress cracking along the longitudinal seam between Bay City and Sarnia. The spill prompted increased attention and focus on the potential ecological and economic damage that could occur if the Line 5 pipeline running beneath the Straits of Mackinac failed. That decision was recently affirmed by the Michigan Court of Appeals, and not appealed to the Michigan Supreme Court. After nearby residents were evacuated, Enbridge officials ignited a resulting vapor cloud to prevent it from spreading, which sparked a raging fire that burned for 36 hours and scorched eight acres of land. Enbridge Inc. has sued in federal court to halt Gov. Enbridge Energy’s Line 5 pipeline was built in 1953 and extends for 645 miles across the state of Michigan. Placed deep under the lakebed, the tunnel virtually will eliminate the chance of a spill and prevent an anchor strike to Line 5, according to Enbridge. Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission. Enbridge Line 5 was constructed in 1953 and now carries nearly 23 million gallons of crude oil and natural gas liquids between Superior, Wisconsin, and Sarnia, Ontario, every day. Heavy rains caused the river to overtop existing dams and … A similar spill disaster on Line 5 in the Straits would devastate the Great Lakes shoreline communities and the Michigan economy, critics of the pipeline have long contended. Enbridge, for its part, said the pipeline is safe, as evidenced by the recently granted PHMSA approval of the replacement project. "That's a big problem for the overall pipeline if it's system-wide. … ”. That 4.5-mile section is two separate pipelines, each 20 inches in diameter, that lie on the lake bottom. LANSING – If the Enbridge Line 5 oil pipeline across the Straits of Mackinac ruptures, the various agreements involving the pipeline do not require the company to pay for the cost of cleanup and remediation, a study commissioned by the departments of Attorney General and Environment, Great Lakes and Energy says. As a result of the Kalamazoo River spill – one of the largest inland spills in U.S. history – the State and Enbridge in May 2015 entered into a $75 million Consent Judgment. The agreement called for Enbridge to fix gaps in Line 5’s protective coating and undertake a study of three alternatives to replace the pipelines in the Straits: a tunnel, horizontal directional drilling or a trench with secondary containment. The lower court ruled that it had been properly enacted and that the agreements entered into pursuant to the law between the State and Enbridge were valid. What is Enbridge Line 5? Enbridge agreed to pay $110 million on spill prevention and pipeline operations in the Great Lakes region and a $61 million fine. "That can be very dangerous," she said. Copy may not be in its final form. The Second Agreement also added safety enhancements along the entire length of the Line 5 petroleum pipeline crossing the state, such as providing a radar system to track wave heights in the Straits to inform whether conditions require the pipeline to be temporarily shut down, install cameras to monitor boat traffic to make sure none is dragging its anchor through the Straits, guarantee Enbridge can make available up to $1.8 billion is available to Enbridge for cleanup should a spill occur, require immediate additional safety measures at 13 priority Line 5 water crossings across the state and permanently banning the transport of heavy crude oil through the pipeline. All rights reserved (About Us). Meanwhile, Michigan legislators on both sides of the aisle are targeting the pipeline. "This is not new information and we have addressed this issue many times in the past," Duffy said via email. Cleanup efforts are ongoing and are estimated at more than $1 billion. In response to questions raised by the Governor, the Attorney General issued a formal legal opinion that the legislation was not properly enacted under Michigan’s Constitution and should be considered void. Enbridge spokesman Michael Barnes took issue with the National Wildlife Federation’s assessment of Line 5’s leak history, stating that the line has … In April 2018, Line 5 in the Straits was damaged by a boat anchor that was dragged along the lake bottom. Besides the legislation, a Third Agreement was signed that carries forward provisions of two previous agreements with the company. Some Michigan drilling companies use Line 5 to transport the oil they produce. Wallace said mapping the data reveals incident clusters that may indicate potential chronic problems with certain sections of pipe, which is not "seamless" through most of its path through Michigan -- the exception being under the straits -- but rather rolled like a cigarette and welded together with a seam. Enbridge challenged that ruling. The Kalamazoo River oil spill occurred in July 2010 when a pipeline operated by Enbridge (Line 6B) burst and flowed into Talmadge Creek, a tributary of the Kalamazoo River.A 6-foot (1.8 m) break in the pipeline resulted in one of the largest inland oil spills in U.S. history (the largest was the 1991 spill near Grand Rapids, Minnesota). Less than a year later in October 2018, the State and Enbridge announced a Second Agreement that calls for the construction of a utility tunnel beneath the Straits to house a new section of Line 5 and permanently shuts down the current segment. The Pipeline Safety Advisory Board oversaw two independent analyses of Line 5, which the Task Force recommended: An alternatives analysis that was to look at the feasibility of other forms of transportation to handle the same amount of product that moves through Line 5, and a risk analysis of the potential financial impact of a worst-case spill to determine the final assurance amount as required under the 1953 easement. Advocates with the National Wildlife Federation say they’ve uncovered more oil and gas spills from Enbridge’s Line 5 than they previously thought, raising questions about how leaks are reported and whether there have been more. Sen. Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge, has reintroduced a bill from last session that would require all existing submerged pipelines undergo a third-party review and be shut down if the risk is too great. MACKINAC COUNTY, MI -- In 1990, a helicopter patrol spotted a patch of oil on the ground about a mile south of Millecoquins Lake near Engadine. In 1968 near Lake Gogebic, a 285,600-gallon spill was caused by a weld failure, but PHMSA records lack more detail beyond "equipment rupturing pipe.". The release, estimated by Enbridge at 843,000 gallons, entered Talmadge Creek and flowed into the Kalamazoo River, a Lake Michigan tributary. ", "There has never been an incident on Line 5 at the Straits.". Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline runs under the Straits of Mackinac. Enbridge files federal challenge to Whitmer’s Line 5 shutdown order Enbridge filed a federal lawsuit soon thereafter to battle the order and keep the pipeline flowing. News of the damage comes a day after Enbridge announced a settlement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that includes $6.7 million in fines for failing to quickly address pipeline safety issues within its Lakehead Pipeline System, which includes Line 5 and other Midwest pipelines.. Rick Snyder signed legislation to create the Mackinac Straits Corridor Authority and its Board voted to approve an agreement with Enbridge to build a utility tunnel in the Straits. A 2011 toll agreement describes the materials as "condensate, light synthetic, sweet, light sour and NGL," as does … This is not the first time Line 5 has sustained damage in recent years. The oil was from Enbridge Line 5, which had spilled 630 gallons through a pinhole leak. The 1990 spill spotted by chopper patrol is actually one of two along the pipeline near Engadine. Built in 1953, the two 20-inch-in-diameter “Line 5” pipelines owned by Canadian company Enbridge, Inc., lie exposed in the water along the public bottomlands of the Mackinac Straits. Mike Ludwig talks to Whitney Gravelle, an attorney for the Bay Mills Indian Community, about the fight against Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline. The most common theme was the method of spill discovery. Please support high-quality journalism. The NWF considers its estimate conservative because the research identified known spills, like a 1980 spill in Hiawatha National Forest, that weren't in federal records. The agreement called for Enbridge to negotiate a public-private partnership agreement with the Mackinac Bridge Authority for Enbridge to fund the construction of a tunnel. The First Agreement also called for Enbridge to replace the portion of Line 5 that crosses beneath the St. Clair River with horizontal directional drilling, temporarily shut down Line 5 during periods of sustained adverse weather conditions in the Straits, implement additional underwater technologies to better monitor the pipeline beneath the Straits, implement measures to mitigate a potential vessel anchor strike, evaluate every Line 5 water crossing in Michigan and implement measures to minimize the likelihood of an oil spill at these locations, and increase transparency through regular communication with the state. © 2020 Advance Local Media LLC. "The oil made its way there though a major tributary.". The pipeline was constructed in 1953 and was meant to last only 50 years. Gretchen Whitmer is moving to shut down Line 5 by revoking and ending a 1953 easement that allows Enbridge Energy to run the dual pipeline through the Straits of Mackinac. "Over the past fifteen years, there have been three incidents on Line 5 that have resulted in a total of approximately 21 barrels of product being released off the mainline. The agreement with Snyder included a pledge to hold the state financially harmless for any damages from a Line 5 spill. The debate is intensifying amid an Enbridge advertising and public relations campaign touting the benefits of Line 5 that is bumping up against stepped-up … [63] The information was revealed as part of Enbridge’s permit application to the Department of Environmental Quality (now known as the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, or EGLE) to install additional anchor screws to secure portions of the pipeline to the lakebed in the Straits. Many incidents were related to construction mishaps. In December 2018, Gov. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your California Privacy Rights (each updated 1/1/20). But the deal was signed by Enbridge Energy Company Inc., a subsidiary of Enbridge Inc., which is based in Calgary, Alberta. Enbridge says it plans to test Line 5 under the straits at its original 1953 pressure, install more anchor supports and take a closer look at the defective coating. The group says the amount of manufacturing and construction defects and weld failures revealed by Wallace's research call into question the overall integrity of the Line 5 system. In addition, people tracking the existing Line 5 said it has numerous leaks, a sign of an aging pipeline that has seen its better days. The alternatives report was submitted in June 2017 while the risk analysis was completed in August 2018. Line 5 ships nearly 23 million gallons of crude oil and petroleum products every day. Such stress cracking along the seam isn't limited to the Upper Peninsula section. Families and businesses in the Upper Peninsula rely on Line 5 to meet 65% of their propane demand. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. That kind of failure caused the Line 6B disaster. Enbridge in Michigan. The remainder crosses the St. Clair river for processing in Sarnia. The cause was recorded as a seal that failed due to "normal wear and tear.". A second suit was brought in June of 2019 by the Attorney General against Enbridge seeking to void Enbridge’s use of the 1953 Line 5 easement and end its current use of the existing dual pipelines in the Straits. Two people were also injured a few years later in 1976 when another 210,000-gallon spill near Lake Gogebic was caused by a "pipe failure.". It also was charged with advising state agencies on matters related to pipeline routing, construction, operation, and maintenance, and with helping Michigan to better understand the risks, benefits, and alternatives to pipelines. The strike led to the State of Michigan declaring a portion of the Straits a “No Anchor” zone and the subsequent approval by the United States Coast Guard of a regulated navigation area in the Straits where boats and ships can only under certain circumstances or during an emergency drop their anchor. Duffy did not respond to questions about whether Enbridge disputed any of the estimates reached by the NWF or why only the last 15 years of spill history is a relevant benchmark for a pipeline that began operating in 1953. Enbridge spokesperson Ryan Duffy dismissed the findings. It remains the largest inland oil spill in US history A federal investigation determined Enbridge officials had known the 41-year-old pipeline was unstable. The 2013 expansion, coupled with the anticipated expansion of the Alberta Clipper pipeline, led to concerns from the National Wildlife Federation and other groups over the possible shipment of diluted bitumen from the Alberta tar sandsthrough Line 5. The agreement also includes interpretations of the 1953 easement for the dual pipelines on the bottom of the Straits, as well as ongoing financial assurance requirements for the pipelines. Meanwhile, Michigan 360 Michigan waterways in North America and pipeline operations the. 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