me (m’)-> me Tu -> te (t’) -> you il -> lui-> him elle -> lui-> her a) When pour means "on behalf of" an animate noun, the noun is replaced by a stressed pronoun. Therefore, it’s replaced by a direct object pronoun: Here, mères is an indirect object and must be replaced by an indirect object pronoun, even though "mothers" is direct: When the object is already a pronoun, the task is even more complicated, because there’s no preposition to give you a hint. Indirect object pronouns (pronoms objets indirects) replace the people in a sentence to/for whom the action of the verb occurs. nous us. > Je lui obéis. Title: Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French 1 Direct and Indirect ObjectPronouns in French 2 What is a direct object? pronoun. Indirect object pronouns are the same as direct object pronouns, apart from lui (to him/her) and leur (to them.) If it's preceded by any other preposition, it can't be replaced by an object pronoun. I'm talking to him. So “He phones them every evening” translates into French as Il leur téléphone tous les soirs rather than Il les téléphone tous les soirs , where les is the direct object pronoun. In this grammar lesson you will learn how to position object pronouns in compound tenses. Direct vs Indirect Object Pronouns. In this unit, we consider direct object pronouns (for indirect ones, go to unit 4a). Direct, Indirect Object Pronouns: Video here. The lesson will go over pronouns used by both groups, then direct object pronouns and indirect object pronouns. Two pronouns is the limit. Contracted forms: m’ and t’, for use in front of a vowel or h muet 3. Le / l' –> him, it. Remember a pronoun replaces a noun, and in this case the noun is a direct object. A word or group of words that receives the direct action of the verb. If it's not preceded by a preposition, it is a direct object. Unlike the direct object pronoun, we do not distinguish between gender. However, there’s no preposition in French, so mères a direct object. 3) The preposition pour precedes an animate noun who is the recipient of the action of the verb (thus pour means "for the benefit of, as a gift to") = noun is indirect object …. Pay attention to your teacher - Pay attention to him. Direct: you see her (her placed directly after the verb is the direct object) Indirect: You are speaking TO her (her is the indirect object) Reflexive: himself, herself, themselves. If there is a preposition (I give to charity) between the verb and an object, then you have an indirect object. ressembler à quelqu’un ( to look like someone) téléphoner à quelqu’un ( to call someone) Some common French verbs, like regarder ( to look at ), écouter ( to listen to ), chercher ( to look for ), and attendre ( to wait for ), use direct objects when their English counterparts use indirect objects. The imperative has different rules for word order. It’s important to note that: The imperative only applies to tu (you, singular informal), nous (we) and vous (you, plural or formal) verb forms. 5 – Direct and Indirect French Object Pronouns A – The key to figuring out French direct and indirect object pronouns. A direct object is an object which is acted on directly by verb, without being mediated by a preposition: Elle met ses chaussures. par example: Nous la buvons. When you can go directly from a verb to its object (what the verb acts upon), you are dealing with a direct object (I give money). Le and la both change to l' . (She puts on her shoes.) It is always placed before the verb. Complément d'objet indirect or French indirect object pronoun is affected by the transitive verb in the sentence. In French, direct object pronouns generally precede the verb, whereas in English they follow it – learn more. We’re drinking it. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window). Il parle à toi et à moi - Il nous parle. 1- THINGS. Homepage; About; Resources; French. This set of lists can help: Verbs with prepositions. We listen to them. I'm thinking about my sisters - I'm thinking about them. *"For" only in the sense of a recipient as in, "I bought the gift for you" not when it means "on behalf of" (he speaks for all the members). 4) Some other preposition precedes the noun = noun is object of the preposition and cannot be replaced by an object pronoun. The French use personal pronouns in a way that is distinctly different from English. Je vous donne le pain. In order to do that, you will ask a very specific grammatical question. With most verbs and in most tenses and moods, when the indirect object pronoun is first or second person, it has to precede the verb:   He's talking to me = Il me parle, not "Il parle à moi"When the pronoun refers to the third person, you can use a stressed pronoun after the verb and the preposition à in order to stress the distinction between masculine and feminine:   I'm talking to her = Je lui parle, à elleHowever, with some verbs, the indirect object pronoun has to follow the verb—see verbs that don't allow a preceding indirect object pronoun. “I talk to my brother/my dog … You will face several questions in English, and you have to answer accordingly in French. A direct object pronoun replaces a noun that is the object in a sentence, eg I throw the ball becomes I throw it. La / l' –> her, it. There’s a preposition in English, which makes "mothers" an indirect object. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. je lui regarde. Talk about being controlling, French! It can be difficult knowing when to use direct and indirect object pronouns in French. This goes the other way as well. However for these 3 subcategories, the first and the second persons are the same: Me: me, m’ You: te, t’ Us: nous You: vous. Start Here. 1) No preposition in front of the noun = noun is direct object …. (Infront of, Behind, After, Before, In the middle of) 8. In language there are two kinds of speech: direct speech (le discours direct) and indirect speech (le discours indirect). In these exercises we will contrast and combine direct and indirect object pronouns. it: le, la them: les. In English, an indirect object can be animate or inanimate. Here are some tips to help you figure out which type of object you’re dealing with. Click here to see the current stats of ... >>> Search pages about this theme: search PRONOUNS TEST on our 100% free site to learn French . Since there's no preposition, 'it' is a direct object here: le. Tu m’aimes ? So in the sentence John likes Mary; Mary is the direct object. Homepage; About; Resources; French. I'm talking to Pierre. Sam December 11, 2020 Je lui parle. Test yourself on direct and indirect object pronouns with these fill-in-the-blanks exercises: Note: You must be logged into your Progress with Lawless French account to take this test. I know him. Direct object pronouns. © 2020 Lawless French. Wrong: xx Fais-lui attention xxIt is also possible, though rare, to replace the person with the adverbial pronoun y:   Je pense à mes sœurs - J'y pense. While third person pronouns have different forms depending on whether they’re direct (le, la, les) or indirect (lui, leur), first and second person direct and indirect pronouns are identical (me, nous, te, vous). Pay attention to the lesson - Pay attention to it. Therefore, it’s replaced by a direct object pronoun: Nous les écoutons. Learn more about the pronouns me, te and le. This is a short test to examine your French grammatical knowledge. Indirect pronouns replace indirect objects. > There is the preposition à between the verb and the object, therefore it’s an … How to Use Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French. Je l’ai dit. So, "pay attention to him" would be fais attention à lui, but "pay attention to it" (e.g., the program, my explanation) would be fais-y attention. Like indirect object pronouns, French direct object pronouns are placed in front of the verb. → me (= indirect object pronoun) lui him, her. 2) The preposition à precedes an animate noun = noun is indirect object …. Are you ready? When the indirect object is a person, you must keep the preposition à after the verb, and follow it with a stressed pronoun:   Je pense à mes sœurs - Je pense à elles. je regarde le . An indirect object is a nominal group that is connected to the verb through the preposition à. Je parle à ma nouvelle collègue. He buys books for them. He gave me a book. indirect object pronouns in French. This will be explained further in a future lesson. The French imperative form can be used to express a desire, give advice, make a request, make a recommendation or give an order. For example, what rule covers the following sentence: “Take us to them.” Vous and leur are in the same column. In compound tenses like the passé composé, direct object pronouns precede the auxiliary verb. Fais attention à la leçon - Fais attention à cela, Fais-y attention. When using direct speech you quote what another person says with quotation marks. me (m’ in … I gave the book to my brother - I gave him the book. In these situations, your direct object personal pronouns come first (me, te, nous, vous), and then come your optional inanimate direct pronouns (le, la, les). It replaces only people or animals. French A1: All 99 Lessons You Need to Know in 2020! Me and te change to m' and t', respectively, in front of a vowel or mute 'H '. It answers to the question: 1. à qui ? (He broke the vase.) It is important to understand the difference between direct and indirect object pronouns in English, as they can have different forms in French: an indirect object answers the question who to/for? French A1: All 99 Lessons You Need to Know in 2020! - Il doit s'y habituer. All rights reserved. Think about your responsibilities - Think about them. Here are the direct object pronouns and their English equivalents. Direct Object Pronouns. te / t' you. Advanced word order. But the biggest problem most people have is that they aren't really aware if a pronoun is direct or indirect, precisely because you don't need to know in English. Il a cassé le vase. In French the choice is made even a bit more complicated because of the existence of the so-called disjunctive, or tonic, pronouns. je le regarde . Vous –> you. Fais attention à ton prof - Fais attention à lui. When you have an indirect object that's not a person or animal, it can only be replaced with the adverbial pronoun y. Like direct object pronouns, French indirect object pronouns are usually placed in front of the verb. This is an easy way of identifying which is which. French A2; French B1; French B2; French C1; French Roadmap; Blog; Contact; Shop; Cart; Menu. 1 Using indirect object pronouns. Nous –> us. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. French has seven direct object pronouns (DOPs) — and three more when you count the forms with an apostrophe. The first thing to understand is the difference between a DIRECT OBJECT and an INDIRECT OBJECT, and then you can more easily identify them in a sentence. You can ask the question: Je parle à qui? These pronouns are a bit different from the previous ones: Singular. Fais attention à ton prof - Fais-y attention. Next come your indirect objects (lui, leur), and finally our new friends y and en. Do you love me? This is a short test to examine your French grammatical knowledge. + The first and second person singular pronouns have three forms each: 1. As I explained in the first paragraph, the key to figuring out what pronoun you should use to replace a French word is understanding the grammatical value of that word. A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | C1    Find your level. pro-noun = for a noun). In both English and French, the choice of which pronoun to use is determined by its role in the sentence, i.e. The first thing to understand is the difference between a DIRECT OBJECT and an INDIRECT OBJECT, and then you can more easily identify them in a sentence. Indirect objects are the objects in a sentence to or for whom/what* the action of the verb occurs. John is the subject. Les –> them. In English: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them. subject, direct object or indirect object, etc. They see you. To Pierre. She wrote to me. This free website is created with love and a great deal of work. Even though these two words are pronouns, they act as if they were adverbs: Y and en are used to replace words in a phrase that denote quantities, qualities, properties and relations. … A direct object is a noun following the verb that answers the questions 'what?' or 'whom?' Te / t' –> you. … and can be replaced by an indirect object pronoun. Indirect object pronouns are the words that replace the indirect object, and in French, they can only refer to a person or other animate noun. You will face several questions in English, and you have to answer accordingly in French. When deciding between direct and indirect objects, the general rule is that if the person or thing is preceded by the preposition à … If you don’t have one, sign up – it’s free! At first glance, y or en may look like your average French pronoun being used to replace a noun in a phrase, but I’m here to warn you that this simple assumption is incorrect. Wrong: xx Je leur pense xx   Il doit s'habituer à moi. Les pronoms compléments indirects: me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur An indirect object pronoun replaces the person to whom a verb is carried out. (no change)   He has to get used to me. or to/for what? Normal forms: me and te 2. So when you need to figure out which one you’re dealing with, you have to consider the verb in order to determine whether it requires a preposition, and if so, which one. He's talking to you and me - He's talking to us.However, a few French verbs and expressions* do not allow a preceding indirect object pronoun, and what to use instead depends on whether the indirect object pronoun is a person or a thing. Adverbial Pronouns: French Imposters. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, When the Indirect Object Pronoun Is a Person, *French Verbs and Expressions That Don't Allow a Preceding Indirect Object Pronoun, Understanding Object Pronoun Verb Order in French, Personal Pronouns: French Grammar and Pronunciation Glossary, Y: An Adverbial Pronoun That Replaces Prepositional Phrases, Introduction to French Stressed Pronouns - Pronoms Disjoints, French Direct Objects and Direct Object Pronouns, Prepositions: Small and Mighty Words That Drive French Sentences, 'Lequel,' a Difficult French Pronoun, Explained, Overview of the French Causative "le Causatif", All About the French Verb "Penser" ("to Think"), Using the French Prepositions 'En' and 'Dans', How to Say 'None,' 'No One,' 'Nothing" in French. Test to examine your French grammatical knowledge opposed to indirect object pronouns and their English equivalents when direct! Forms: m ’ in … direct object or an indirect object pronouns ( for ones! 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Log in to Reply. French is more strict than English: if the pronoun is a direct object, you have to use 'le', 'la' or 'les', if it's indirect, you have to use 'lui' or 'leur'. Know when to use a French direct object pronoun. Direct objects and indirect objects can be tricky to understand and use, but it’s essential to know the difference in order to speak and write French correctly. In French, demander à (“to ask”) and téléphoner à (“to call on the phone”) take indirect objects in spite of the fact that their English counterparts use direct objects instead. Par exemple… Je le connais. Want to learn to speak even more French the fast, fun and easy way? If you love it, please consider making a one-time or monthly donation. He buys books for the students. Here is a list of Direct object pronouns: me te le, la nous vous les. I'm giving the bread to you. Tex cherche le numéro de téléphone de Tammy. Direct object pronouns in French agree in number and gender with the nouns they replace. See also how to use direct and indirect pronouns: Me, te, nous, vous = Me, you, us, you (direct and indirect object pronouns) Replacing nouns with le, la, l', les = it, him, her, them (direct object pronouns) Replacing people with lui, leur = him, her, them (indirect object pronouns) Elle m'a écrit. Direct, Indirect Object Pronouns in French. To whom am I talking? → Who did he give the book to? The French indirect object pronouns are:   me / m'   me   te / t'   you   lui   him, her   nous   us   vous   you   leur   them. Like in English, the French language has both direct and indirect objects. b) When pour is followed by an inanimate noun, it can only be replaced by a stressed pronoun or indefinite demonstrative pronoun. Je fais confiance à tous mes collègues. For whom does he buy books? If the object is followed by one of these, then we are talking about the direct object. (I talk to whom ?) 10) I'm looking at the book --> I'm looking at it. When the indirect object is a thing, you have two equally acceptable choices: You can either keep the preposition à as above but follow it with an indefinite demonstrative pronoun, or you can replace the preposition and indirect object with y: Je songe à notre jour de mariage - Je songe à cela, J'y songe. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Enfin il le trouve et il l' appelle. Example: Me and te change to m' and t', respectively, in front of a vowel or mute H . Me and te change to m' and t', respectively, in front of a vowel or mute H. When deciding between direct and indirect objects, the general rule is that if the person or thing is preceded by the preposition à or pour, that person/thing is an indirect object. Your support is entirely optional but tremendously appreciated. Indirect object pronouns are usually placed _____ the verb. The French direct object pronoun replaces a indirect object complement(COI) and makes it possible not to repeat the noun. In French, à plus a person can usually be replaced by an indirect object pronoun:   J'ai donné le livre à mon frère - Je lui ai donné le livre. So it’s the French usage that dictates whether you’re dealing with a direct object or an indirect object in French. Indirect Object Pronoun in French. If you need to make a distinction, you can add à lui or à elle: Je lui ai donné le livre, à elle. This is also true in French; however, an indirect object pronoun can replace the indirect object only when it is an animate noun: person or animal. The golden rule here is this: Verbs followed by the preposition à trigger the usage of the indirect object pronoun. Elles vous voient. Wrong: xx Fais-lui attention xx   Il faut penser à tes responsabilités - Il faut penser à cela, Il faut y penser. Correct answer(s): je le regarde » Explanation: In French, regarder means 'to look at.' It can be difficult knowing when to use direct and indirect object pronouns in French. The grammar can be very different than in English. … and can be replaced by a direct object pronoun. Il achète des livres pour les étudiants. Thanks. Also, note that some textbooks refer to this as direct and indirect discourse. The grammar can be very different than in English. Direct object pronouns, as opposed to indirect object pronouns, DOPs are used when there is the absence of a preposition. It is important to note now that pronouns can be direct or indirect. But the biggest problem most … Correct answer(s): ils doivent nous répondre » Explanation: Indirect object is placed between the semi-auxiliary verb and infinitive. The question of prepositions can be really tricky, because they are often not the same in French and English. There are two types: Direct object pronouns (pronoms objets directs) replace the people or things that receive the action of the verb in a sentence. Je parle à Pierre. > Je lui parle. 2. à quoi ? je lui regarde . + The first and second plural indirect object pronouns are identical to the first and second person direct objec… Welcome to this French quiz on direct object pronouns. leur them. The French use the following quotation marks: « ». Think you’ve got it? This is a more advanced lesson on French direct and indirect object pronouns suitable for students in 9th grade up to University level. Direct vs Indirect Object Pronouns. > Je leur fais confiance. Il doit s'habituer à moi. Pronouns replace nouns; they stand for nouns (cf. However, there’s no preposition in French, so mères a direct object. Il leur achète des livres. I'm dreaming about our wedding day - I'm dreaming about it. February 22, 2018 April 27, 2010 by Pascal Dherve. French is more strict than English: if the pronoun is a direct object, you have to use 'le', 'la' or 'les', if it's indirect, you have to use 'lui' or 'leur'. When the object is a noun, it’s a question of whether there’s a preposition, and if so, which one? Using the Imperative Form with Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns. Stressed forms: moi and toi, for use in a particular imperativeconstruction + There’s no distinction between "to him" and "to her" in French; use lui for both. Your chart for affirmative imperative pronoun order doesn’t cover the case when both the direct and indirect object pronouns are in the same column. vous you. There’s a preposition in English, which makes "mothers" an indirect object. An indirect object, which goes by the French name complément d'objet indirect, (COI), is an object in a sentence affected by the action of the transitive verb. Then return to the four scenarios at the beginning of this lesson. J’obéis à mon chef. Lui and leur are used for him, her and them. Indirect object pronouns always precede direct object pronouns in word order. Welcome to this French quiz on direct object pronouns. For the students. Me- Me. Je -> me (m’)-> me Tu -> te (t’) -> you il -> lui-> him elle -> lui-> her a) When pour means "on behalf of" an animate noun, the noun is replaced by a stressed pronoun. Therefore, it’s replaced by a direct object pronoun: Here, mères is an indirect object and must be replaced by an indirect object pronoun, even though "mothers" is direct: When the object is already a pronoun, the task is even more complicated, because there’s no preposition to give you a hint. Indirect object pronouns (pronoms objets indirects) replace the people in a sentence to/for whom the action of the verb occurs. nous us. > Je lui obéis. Title: Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French 1 Direct and Indirect ObjectPronouns in French 2 What is a direct object? pronoun. Indirect object pronouns are the same as direct object pronouns, apart from lui (to him/her) and leur (to them.) If it's preceded by any other preposition, it can't be replaced by an object pronoun. I'm talking to him. So “He phones them every evening” translates into French as Il leur téléphone tous les soirs rather than Il les téléphone tous les soirs , where les is the direct object pronoun. In this grammar lesson you will learn how to position object pronouns in compound tenses. Direct vs Indirect Object Pronouns. In this unit, we consider direct object pronouns (for indirect ones, go to unit 4a). Direct, Indirect Object Pronouns: Video here. The lesson will go over pronouns used by both groups, then direct object pronouns and indirect object pronouns. Two pronouns is the limit. Contracted forms: m’ and t’, for use in front of a vowel or h muet 3. Le / l' –> him, it. Remember a pronoun replaces a noun, and in this case the noun is a direct object. A word or group of words that receives the direct action of the verb. If it's not preceded by a preposition, it is a direct object. Unlike the direct object pronoun, we do not distinguish between gender. However, there’s no preposition in French, so mères a direct object. 3) The preposition pour precedes an animate noun who is the recipient of the action of the verb (thus pour means "for the benefit of, as a gift to") = noun is indirect object …. Pay attention to your teacher - Pay attention to him. Direct: you see her (her placed directly after the verb is the direct object) Indirect: You are speaking TO her (her is the indirect object) Reflexive: himself, herself, themselves. If there is a preposition (I give to charity) between the verb and an object, then you have an indirect object. ressembler à quelqu’un ( to look like someone) téléphoner à quelqu’un ( to call someone) Some common French verbs, like regarder ( to look at ), écouter ( to listen to ), chercher ( to look for ), and attendre ( to wait for ), use direct objects when their English counterparts use indirect objects. The imperative has different rules for word order. It’s important to note that: The imperative only applies to tu (you, singular informal), nous (we) and vous (you, plural or formal) verb forms. 5 – Direct and Indirect French Object Pronouns A – The key to figuring out French direct and indirect object pronouns. A direct object is an object which is acted on directly by verb, without being mediated by a preposition: Elle met ses chaussures. par example: Nous la buvons. When you can go directly from a verb to its object (what the verb acts upon), you are dealing with a direct object (I give money). Le and la both change to l' . (She puts on her shoes.) It is always placed before the verb. Complément d'objet indirect or French indirect object pronoun is affected by the transitive verb in the sentence. In French, direct object pronouns generally precede the verb, whereas in English they follow it – learn more. We’re drinking it. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window). Il parle à toi et à moi - Il nous parle. 1- THINGS. Homepage; About; Resources; French. This set of lists can help: Verbs with prepositions. We listen to them. I'm thinking about my sisters - I'm thinking about them. *"For" only in the sense of a recipient as in, "I bought the gift for you" not when it means "on behalf of" (he speaks for all the members). 4) Some other preposition precedes the noun = noun is object of the preposition and cannot be replaced by an object pronoun. The French use personal pronouns in a way that is distinctly different from English. Je vous donne le pain. In order to do that, you will ask a very specific grammatical question. With most verbs and in most tenses and moods, when the indirect object pronoun is first or second person, it has to precede the verb:   He's talking to me = Il me parle, not "Il parle à moi"When the pronoun refers to the third person, you can use a stressed pronoun after the verb and the preposition à in order to stress the distinction between masculine and feminine:   I'm talking to her = Je lui parle, à elleHowever, with some verbs, the indirect object pronoun has to follow the verb—see verbs that don't allow a preceding indirect object pronoun. “I talk to my brother/my dog … You will face several questions in English, and you have to answer accordingly in French. A direct object pronoun replaces a noun that is the object in a sentence, eg I throw the ball becomes I throw it. La / l' –> her, it. There’s a preposition in English, which makes "mothers" an indirect object. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. je lui regarde. Talk about being controlling, French! It can be difficult knowing when to use direct and indirect object pronouns in French. This goes the other way as well. However for these 3 subcategories, the first and the second persons are the same: Me: me, m’ You: te, t’ Us: nous You: vous. Start Here. 1) No preposition in front of the noun = noun is direct object …. (Infront of, Behind, After, Before, In the middle of) 8. In language there are two kinds of speech: direct speech (le discours direct) and indirect speech (le discours indirect). In these exercises we will contrast and combine direct and indirect object pronouns. it: le, la them: les. In English, an indirect object can be animate or inanimate. Here are some tips to help you figure out which type of object you’re dealing with. Click here to see the current stats of ... >>> Search pages about this theme: search PRONOUNS TEST on our 100% free site to learn French . Since there's no preposition, 'it' is a direct object here: le. Tu m’aimes ? So in the sentence John likes Mary; Mary is the direct object. Homepage; About; Resources; French. I'm talking to Pierre. Sam December 11, 2020 Je lui parle. Test yourself on direct and indirect object pronouns with these fill-in-the-blanks exercises: Note: You must be logged into your Progress with Lawless French account to take this test. I know him. Direct object pronouns. © 2020 Lawless French. Wrong: xx Fais-lui attention xxIt is also possible, though rare, to replace the person with the adverbial pronoun y:   Je pense à mes sœurs - J'y pense. While third person pronouns have different forms depending on whether they’re direct (le, la, les) or indirect (lui, leur), first and second person direct and indirect pronouns are identical (me, nous, te, vous). Pay attention to the lesson - Pay attention to it. Therefore, it’s replaced by a direct object pronoun: Nous les écoutons. Learn more about the pronouns me, te and le. This is a short test to examine your French grammatical knowledge. Indirect pronouns replace indirect objects. > There is the preposition à between the verb and the object, therefore it’s an … How to Use Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French. Je l’ai dit. So, "pay attention to him" would be fais attention à lui, but "pay attention to it" (e.g., the program, my explanation) would be fais-y attention. Like indirect object pronouns, French direct object pronouns are placed in front of the verb. → me (= indirect object pronoun) lui him, her. 2) The preposition à precedes an animate noun = noun is indirect object …. Are you ready? When the indirect object is a person, you must keep the preposition à after the verb, and follow it with a stressed pronoun:   Je pense à mes sœurs - Je pense à elles. je regarde le . An indirect object is a nominal group that is connected to the verb through the preposition à. Je parle à ma nouvelle collègue. He buys books for them. He gave me a book. indirect object pronouns in French. This will be explained further in a future lesson. The French imperative form can be used to express a desire, give advice, make a request, make a recommendation or give an order. For example, what rule covers the following sentence: “Take us to them.” Vous and leur are in the same column. In compound tenses like the passé composé, direct object pronouns precede the auxiliary verb. Fais attention à la leçon - Fais attention à cela, Fais-y attention. When using direct speech you quote what another person says with quotation marks. me (m’ in … I gave the book to my brother - I gave him the book. In these situations, your direct object personal pronouns come first (me, te, nous, vous), and then come your optional inanimate direct pronouns (le, la, les). It replaces only people or animals. French A1: All 99 Lessons You Need to Know in 2020! Me and te change to m' and t', respectively, in front of a vowel or mute 'H '. It answers to the question: 1. à qui ? (He broke the vase.) It is important to understand the difference between direct and indirect object pronouns in English, as they can have different forms in French: an indirect object answers the question who to/for? French A1: All 99 Lessons You Need to Know in 2020! - Il doit s'y habituer. All rights reserved. Think about your responsibilities - Think about them. Here are the direct object pronouns and their English equivalents. Direct Object Pronouns. te / t' you. Advanced word order. But the biggest problem most people have is that they aren't really aware if a pronoun is direct or indirect, precisely because you don't need to know in English. Il a cassé le vase. In French the choice is made even a bit more complicated because of the existence of the so-called disjunctive, or tonic, pronouns. je le regarde . Vous –> you. Fais attention à ton prof - Fais attention à lui. When you have an indirect object that's not a person or animal, it can only be replaced with the adverbial pronoun y. Like direct object pronouns, French indirect object pronouns are usually placed in front of the verb. This is an easy way of identifying which is which. French A2; French B1; French B2; French C1; French Roadmap; Blog; Contact; Shop; Cart; Menu. 1 Using indirect object pronouns. Nous –> us. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. French has seven direct object pronouns (DOPs) — and three more when you count the forms with an apostrophe. The first thing to understand is the difference between a DIRECT OBJECT and an INDIRECT OBJECT, and then you can more easily identify them in a sentence. You can ask the question: Je parle à qui? These pronouns are a bit different from the previous ones: Singular. Fais attention à ton prof - Fais-y attention. Next come your indirect objects (lui, leur), and finally our new friends y and en. Do you love me? This is a short test to examine your French grammatical knowledge. + The first and second person singular pronouns have three forms each: 1. As I explained in the first paragraph, the key to figuring out what pronoun you should use to replace a French word is understanding the grammatical value of that word. A1 | A2 | B1 | B2 | C1    Find your level. pro-noun = for a noun). In both English and French, the choice of which pronoun to use is determined by its role in the sentence, i.e. The first thing to understand is the difference between a DIRECT OBJECT and an INDIRECT OBJECT, and then you can more easily identify them in a sentence. Indirect objects are the objects in a sentence to or for whom/what* the action of the verb occurs. John is the subject. Les –> them. In English: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them. subject, direct object or indirect object, etc. They see you. To Pierre. She wrote to me. This free website is created with love and a great deal of work. Even though these two words are pronouns, they act as if they were adverbs: Y and en are used to replace words in a phrase that denote quantities, qualities, properties and relations. … A direct object is a noun following the verb that answers the questions 'what?' or 'whom?' Te / t' –> you. … and can be replaced by an indirect object pronoun. Indirect object pronouns are the words that replace the indirect object, and in French, they can only refer to a person or other animate noun. You will face several questions in English, and you have to answer accordingly in French. When deciding between direct and indirect objects, the general rule is that if the person or thing is preceded by the preposition à … If you don’t have one, sign up – it’s free! At first glance, y or en may look like your average French pronoun being used to replace a noun in a phrase, but I’m here to warn you that this simple assumption is incorrect. Wrong: xx Je leur pense xx   Il doit s'habituer à moi. Les pronoms compléments indirects: me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur An indirect object pronoun replaces the person to whom a verb is carried out. (no change)   He has to get used to me. or to/for what? Normal forms: me and te 2. So when you need to figure out which one you’re dealing with, you have to consider the verb in order to determine whether it requires a preposition, and if so, which one. He's talking to you and me - He's talking to us.However, a few French verbs and expressions* do not allow a preceding indirect object pronoun, and what to use instead depends on whether the indirect object pronoun is a person or a thing. Adverbial Pronouns: French Imposters. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our, When the Indirect Object Pronoun Is a Person, *French Verbs and Expressions That Don't Allow a Preceding Indirect Object Pronoun, Understanding Object Pronoun Verb Order in French, Personal Pronouns: French Grammar and Pronunciation Glossary, Y: An Adverbial Pronoun That Replaces Prepositional Phrases, Introduction to French Stressed Pronouns - Pronoms Disjoints, French Direct Objects and Direct Object Pronouns, Prepositions: Small and Mighty Words That Drive French Sentences, 'Lequel,' a Difficult French Pronoun, Explained, Overview of the French Causative "le Causatif", All About the French Verb "Penser" ("to Think"), Using the French Prepositions 'En' and 'Dans', How to Say 'None,' 'No One,' 'Nothing" in French. Test to examine your French grammatical knowledge opposed to indirect object pronouns and their English equivalents when direct! Forms: m ’ in … direct object or an indirect object pronouns ( for ones! 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