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With their help, managers can take a deeper look at their processes via workshops and interviews. HREs ‘layering’ of data enables patterns to be easily identified and root cause analysis to be performed. Many observers have touted it as the foundation for the industry’s next technological step change, which will be focused on an effort to facilitate productivity gains, efficiency and safety. In turn, it's easy to track the effectiveness of the measures. We see many mines that rely on manually capturing data into multiple spreadsheets or downloading huge amounts of data, that are again manipulated in Excel to produce several numbers. As this is also captured and stored digitally, there is the possibility to recall and trending the data in reporting. Adopt Lean/Six Sigma methodologies and techniques such as shareholder value analysis to identify and close operational efficiency gaps. To bring costs down in a sustainable way, mining companies can: Re-evaluate their operating models to ensure they have the management and reporting systems necessary to build a cost management culture. One major benefit the early-adopting companies are seeing is that “remote working” can continue to be effective from anywhere, even from home. Using IoT to lower energy usage is a vital step in increasing productivity and reducing energy waste. Right now, there are thousands of miners who cannot travel back to site for work. The process of reconstruction of workflow uses event logs as input. This is only exacerbated right now as people who are remote working struggle to see those Excel files that are stashed away on a company drive somwhere. Where this isn’t present, cost-effective options are explored to add the required missing piece/s. Using Dashboards to present your mining technology data brings the following benefits: It is important to track production and asset performance, yet many operations wait until the end of the shift/day/week to review this performance. This resilience, as outlined in Sustainalytics’ recent thematic investment report, is also considered by investors as a marker of a sustainable and, therefore, more investable business. Extracting the most relevant business information from event logs, and analyzing it further, you will understand what actions should follow to boost business performance. can be captured via exports/feeds from engineering systems alongside the Fleet Management System. This is great for say, in-shift production performance; loading tools that are underloading can easily and quickly be identified and tackled immediately, before impacting that particular shift's outcome. Visualise the progress of actual Vs plan in real-time. bad blast) or intermittent asset faults can have a significant impact on shift performance. The same plan and production information can be automatically visualised in a real-time dashboard, which fills up as tonnes are moved. This standardised input (and hence output) ensures everybody knows what should be included in any shift handover notes. If many final checks of an invoice happened, it could be a rework tag type. Mining is currently seeing the start of what will be the great convergence of IT and operational technologies. We have found with many operations that the communication and execution of these plans is incohesive. Let's say you want to discover the process KPIs that are relevant to the business. Therefore, you may also use it for automated process advice. Many are carried out on paper which is then taken back to the office, typed up/scanned in/passed around, then shoved in a dusty filing cabinet and forgotten about. The plan can be automatically sent to those requiring it on email, say, in pdf format. Labour productivity at SUEK’s operations is the highest in the Russian coal mining industry. The data with untapped potential often lays forgotten on the back end such as SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, even your Microsoft Excel sheets. As you can imagine this list of tips and tricks is not exhaustive, there are many new mining technology companies out there, including mining technology startups and established players. Apart from these three attributes, other attributes additional attributes can be used based on the data and objective in hand. As world in general begins to move towards widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI for short) authentic data becomes increasingly important. Because traditional process discovery is time-consuming. In a nutshell, P2P Process Mining provides the answers to “how can I increase operational efficiency?” and “how can I optimize my working capital by reducing … Whether business goals are set by your company or industry, the UiPath Process Mining tags function will allow you to measure your business goals. Pit cameras - Keep your eyes on important areas of the mine whether it is from the site office or 3000 miles away. Checks that the inspection was performed at the right time and location, filling out all sections as needed are sometimes lacking, and the ability to trend or recall past inspections can be a treasure hunt in itself! In turn, it's easy to track the effectiveness of the measures. We have previously blogged on reasons and tips for moving mining tech people off-site, though we didn’t predict the global pandemic of COVID-19! Improving Operational Efficiency with RPA Process Mining By rebecca sampson | 23 Jan 2020 Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Process Mining is being adopted by various organizations to understand how they can automate their Finance, Business Operations, Customer Support, IT and HR processes to improve their business efficiency. As a manager or superintendent working from home, perhaps several thousand miles away, the ability to view pertinent, structured information is a vital way to gain a timely perspective on what is happening at your mine. Operational efficiency is the ability of an organization to reduce waste in time, effort and materials as much as possible, while still producing a high-quality service or product. digiView® AR Assistant • Hands-free virtual collaboration. With slurry pumps, operational and maintenance expenses can rapidly overtake the initial procurement costs. An example of an inefficiency tag type could be that the contract conditions were not checked well. Every industry today has a significant amount of resources and investment on their on-fleet assets. This sudden unplanned shift towards remote working has forced many operations to accelerate the creation and execution of digital transformation strategies and use of the latest mining technology. With UiPath Process Mining, you can identify these faster and easier, and prevent unwanted events. Tackling the problem at an early stage empowers you to prevent some of the worst-case scenarios. Take a look at our Services page for more info. Plan compliance can also be integrated with crew/operator quality metrics within balanced scorecards, for example, to drive the right kind of tonnes moved. Australia’s declining productivity is one of the most important challenges for our economy. How much cash and time will I save. Many companies have also reduced the number of personnel on-site to assist with social-distancing efforts. To justify investment in a significant project can be difficult and/or time-consuming, and understand the actual impact once implemented, even harder. Hence, it uses the digital traces left behind by every digitally driven operation in a company. But for the AI to be effective in any field, the necessary input data is essential. charts, drill-downs, and time-periods. To assist with this we have also found simple tools such as decision trees can help provide a framework. An example of a Dispatch Handover form used by the FMS Control Team to track contextual on-shift information which is then blended with FMS data in post-shift reporting. Operational Efficiency. Mining companies worldwide largely lost sight of productivity goals that had underpinned operating discipline in the lean years of the 1980s and 1990s, when parts of the industry had set a healthy record in productivity imp… Costcutters: Efficiency and productivity in mining 29 November 2011 (Last Updated November 29th, 2011 18:30) Increasing productivity and cutting wasteful costs could help the mining industry when market conditions are tough. With a process mining tool, you can use this data and gain insights to guide you in strategic decisions. Not to mention predictions of the length of expected throughput time. The mining industry is no different - elements of the mining industry rely heavily on rotational (potentially FIFO) workers, international and local contractors. Six ways to boost your mine’s operational efficiency. SUEK has designed and implemented a program for improving operational efficiency. You can identify any deviations like time, result, or order related. In every shift there are many factors that impact how well or badly the shift performed. As companies grow, they use business information systems across departments to collect, process, store, and distribute corporate information. Upon submission, a pdf version is automatically compiled and sent to the subscribers (example below), and the data is captured into their database and is then available for use within onward systems such as Haul Road Explorer, or customised reporting. The transportation of physical products is included in mining logistics. Most mining companies have been facing the challenge of declining productivity for a while. The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting national lockdowns have exposed weaknesses in many of the traditional ways of doing business. As an enterprise, you can avoid unforeseeable issues and secure your position to meet or surpass customer expectations. Dig maps, target blocks, benches, dump priorities etc. Overall, automation in mining, as in any industrial setting, is proven to improve operational efficiency and help manage market shocks, such as the impact of COVID-19. Maintenance focussed functions can include health analysts, maintenance planners, reliability engineers. It is often said that ‘data is the new oil’. Mining company: Vale. Mine engineering teams spend a significant amount of time creating mine plans, amongst other things. The operational efficiency ensures that the business is capable of producing, processing, and delivering goods to the customers. The Operational Efficiency Problem. Tasks can be assigned and a tight workflow is used to drive accountability to completion. Quantify production opportunities and make an informed decision instead of just accepting poorly performing areas. Whereas process mining does not have these drawbacks. In the final analysis, you can compare a process models’ variations and observe the impact of adjustments. Process Mining and Discovery: The current actual process is created from the event logs. What you need to see can be pre-set to flow into the dashboards, using. MTS is well versed with helping mines build up strategies and create practical road maps for execution. An example of a real-time Production Management Dashboard built by MTS. Boosting production volumes became the industry’s top priority. What you need to see can be pre-set to flow into the dashboards, using appropriate charts, drill-downs, and time-periods. The digital form is completed on a cell phone which contains many drop-down fields to help maintain standard inputs, and mandatory fields to prevent skipped sections. They provide mining companies with an aerial perspective at a fraction of a cost and improve operational efficiency. Plan performance can be automatically sent to the relevant parties (in say, the end of shift crew performance reporting) as data exports, pdfs etc. Pam Pijnenborg was previously a trainee consultant at UiPath. Founded in 2008, LLK is a solutions and development company that has brought technological innovation since the beginning of its history, involving the most diverse fields of engineering. With good internet connections, it is easy to move the dispatch team completely off-site. Process mining, on the other hand, combines data mining and model-based process analysis. This is great for say, in-shift production performance; loading tools that are underloading can easily and quickly be identified and tackled immediately, before impacting that particular. As a result, your business gains more financial savings by acting on truthful insights. In the final analysis, you can compare a process models’ variations and observe the impact of adjustments. Semi/Fully Autonomous Haulage Systems - This is a big topic and not something a site can quickly start doing without heavy investment and planning. © 2020 by Mine Tech Services (UK) Limited, 6 Examples of How Mining Technology Has Driven Operational Efficiency in Spite of COVID-19, We have previously blogged on reasons and tips for moving mining tech people off-site. One of the challenges in determining mining severity is the divergence between engineering, mining and suppliers. Analyze, adjust, and track results. Financially, operational efficiency can be defined as the ratio between the input required to keep the organization going and the output it provides. What are the bottlenecks? or via data feeds. This plays a significant part in the efficiency and profitability of a mining operation. Knowing all the variations allows you to find and align the best practices. Process mining provides objective results so you can see what happened in a process. Streamlined workflow and good communication critical for, Nevada Gold Mines Asset Health Centre in Elko, Nevada, As you can imagine this list of tips and tricks is not exhaustive, there are many new mining. As with any remote role, excellent communication is critical - Items mentioned in this blog like improved shift/short term planning and shift handover processes are just a few supporting initiatives. ... a two-way radio and a desktop computer to record and report information from operations and relay information between operational units. Ensuring things like naming conventions, hierarchy, etc. The pandemic is driving the growth of new technology in mining. impact how well or badly the shift performed. At this point, if the operation hasn’t delivered the plan, the mine engineering team needs to understand why and then re-plan. With all these advantages, process mining is a must-have instrument for growth as the computation power increases and data storage continues to grow. We love this idea - and we think that getting comfortable with the ability to go fully paperless is the key to digital transformation in mining, and future mining technology. companies out there, including mining technology startups and established players. TOPICS: However, with or without these things, people should be aiming to achieve a single focussed plan. Mining for efficiency 3 Implications • Mining companies understand implicitly that productivity carries a value, but are not armed with the right data to make informed choices on the risks/rewards involved. It lets you investigate what the process really is. Today, organizations register greater amounts of data than ever before to analyze processes. A post-mortem approach doesn’t allow for changes, The results - and only periodic numbers are seen, are multiple versions of the same Excel spreadsheets (as everybody wants. The results - and only periodic numbers are seen, are multiple versions of the same Excel spreadsheets (as everybody wants their own), frequently containing different formulas and therefore different errors. Asking several key people within a shift what the plan is can result in wildly different, and possibly conflicting, information. Big data. The contextual notes can be automatically merged with production and asset performance data in the automated end of shift mails. Communicate this plan in a repeated, standardised, scheduled format. Are there deviations from the intended process and if so, what are they? The impact of mining conditions on mechanized mining efficiency Operator efficiency—training, motivation, salary, incentives. Capturing and passing on this information, both to the management team as well as the oncoming crew, can really help avoid surprises and give people the context which just isn’t captured within a Fleet Management System - the data produced by the FMS for that shift will only reflect the fact that production was low, with none of the contexts behind why. Read more . In short, it generates a complete picture that no other tool can give you. The haul road analysis performed is designed to help prompt uses to take action, including the prediction of when roads will degrade beyond acceptable limits. With a system like this, then you have a mechanism available for use that is able to easily and quickly display issues like this, that previously may have been ignored. Operational efficiency is a powerful metric that is used to assess the efficiency of profit earned instead of operational costs. You may also add ranks of importance or influence among tags, to find cases that score high for specific tag types and pinpoint where to optimize them. While analyzing performance, remember your key performance indicators (KPIs) and use tags for them. A service level agreement (SLA) violation could be a violation tag type. Drones - Update site imagery (for uses in things like Haul Road Explorer), and use to survey stockpiles, face progression etc. However, with or without these things, people should be aiming to achieve a single focussed plan. Operational efficiency is primarily a metric that measures the efficiency of profit earned as a function of operational costs. process mining, How Enterprises Are Improving Operational Efficiency with Process Mining. The concept of operational efficiency encompasses the practice of improving all of your processes (all your company’s activities that lead to your final product or service). Traditional business process management (BPM) and business intelligence (BI) techniques aren’t enough, as they don’t provide detailed insights on a process and its measurement. No software - review in a browser on the company network/VPN. To compete in the mining industry, companies must decrease operational costs while increasing mining production. Reconciliation may be performed at the end of each day or week (or longer) where the actual Vs plan is compared. In this case, a process mining platform automatically scans processes for improvement opportunities and makes proactive recommendations to end users. Things like tight loading areas, poor weather, hard digging conditions (e.g. Post task reporting includes the pre Vs post change in road performance and actual gains. The more advanced control rooms, a couple … Easier said than done; how can this be achieved? α-algorithm (Van der Aalst et al.2002) is used in process mining to reconstruct the workflow. Besides, such tools help to quickly detect a wide range of issues like supply chain delays and understaffing. Imagine how much golden knowledge is there. We introduced super-critical technology at the Mundra thermal power plant, which won the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Project’ certification from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Software such as Haul Road Explorer (HRE), automatically consolidates multiple data sources into a geospatial model which is accessed via a web browser interface - No software is required on a individual laptops. Costs deferred or eliminated, as well as volume increases, have become the proxy for … See the example image below. • Instant situational awareness. There is the possibility to automate some roles entirely such as implementing an autonomous haulage system, robotic warehouse retrieval systems etc. For mobile operations, well designed and maintained haul roads, correct asset operation and maintenance practices is incredibly important for fleet productivity. are aligned makes this process much easier and automated. Intuitive and easy to use, process visualization greatly speeds up insight generation time. Take a look at our Services page for more info. can be captured via exports/feeds from engineering systems alongside the, . Businesses worldwide understood the value of stored information but were unclear how to investigate and act on it. There are many cell phone/tablet-based inspection apps (GoCanvas, Prontoforms, GoFormz, Cat Inspect) which can easily be used to capture the same information without the paper but with more details such as GPS coordinates, photographs, and measurements. Fewer distractions from being permanently on-site. To deliver an exceptional product or service while taking the leading position in the market, companies must prioritize business transformation. The bigger problem here, is that this method of data handling and processing typically results in a different number, reported by multiple people, for what should be exactly the same KPI. Automatic data updates occur at a regular interval, which can be adjusted to provide almost real-time information. Although we have highlighted some roles above which we have previously worked with there are many others which come to mind: Clean data capture into a digital location. We will go through some examples of challenges and how they have been tackled with data and new technology in mining. RPA, For example, a supermarket has various internal methods (of production, hiring, sales and communications, for example) and all of these processes help the company achieve a target, which may be in terms of product sales. For example, have there been recurring system faults reported every shift for 3 weeks with no resolution? Since installation of the wagon tippler, the operations have been smooth. Maximizamos el desempeño de tus equipos Caterpillar, aumentando su productividad mediante asesoría técnica y mantenimientos que permitirán mejorar tu eficiencia operacional. Enhance crew safety and operational efficiency. but for the purposes of this section, we are referring to the retention of people and the relocation of some roles geographically. The surge in demand for metals and minerals in the early 2000s quickly translated into much higher prices and, with it, much increased miners’ profitability. An example of a Drill KPI Dashboard, using Squirrel365. The reality is that unforeseen things happen; machines break down unexpectedly, severe weather stops operations, COVID-19 pandemic reduces staff availability etc. They have gone even further and are monitoring multiple operations from a single location in town. Mining for Efficiency, 2014. Easily integrates with your existing system in a matter of minutes. Operational Efficiency Tech-led innovations have not just propelled operational efficiency but played a vital role in improving carbon footprints. Xylem offers a cost-effective solution. What are the root causes of inefficiencies? The 'Opportunity' algorithm within HRE provides users with pre-calculated opportunities for corrective action. Integration and active management of the plan should form a cornerstone of the shift set-up. When analyzing process mining outcomes, you come up with a plan of actions to increase operational efficiency. Think of the human factor - skipping a step, taking another day to finish a task, or adding someone else into the workflow. Request Demo. Common asset types can be benchmarked and the application of knowledge, health analytics, software etc. The control over your business is now in your hands. It’s important to remember that what's hidden from your eye are the process variations. Capturing and passing on this information, both to the management team as well as the oncoming crew, can really help avoid surprises and give people the context which just isn’t captured within a Fleet Management System - the data produced by the FMS for that shift will only reflect the fact that production was low, with none of the. Mr. BNS Prakash Rao, Senior Vice President & Plant Head, JSW Salem, shared, “The relationship between JSW Salem and Metso started in 2011 with an order for a wagon tippler. Check out our on-demand webinar UiPath Process Mining: Scientifically Discover Your Next Automation Opportunity. Below illustrates one such example. We have not expanded on this in this blog but it is a great way to remove people from harm. So, users can make informed decisions about areas for improvement to focus on. It’s designed for continuous optimization of processes. They are low maintenance (providing they are designed well!) LLK . When analyzing process mining outcomes, you come up with a plan of actions to increase operational efficiency. Influence the mine plan outcome in real-time, Use people's time for making decisions not manipulating data in Excel. It is time-efficient and frees up resources. ideaForge’s drones have class-leading endurance and range that helps in gathering more data in a fewer flights, thus reducing the cost of operations. How a focus on equipment performance promises to unlock billions of dollars in productivity returns for miners. The 'hype' around attractive projects with unimaginable amounts of data has calmed down since 2016. If you happen to be one of those companies and are looking into restructuring processes, your top-of-mind questions likely are: All these questions can be answered by using UiPath Process Mining. A post-mortem approach doesn’t allow for changes during the period that could have a positive affect on the outcome (such as short interval control measures to decrease truck queuing times or improve shovel dig rates). Mining. Access to the required data can be easily achieved for their roles including onboard machine sensor data via telematics (IoT) devices, fluid analysis, work orders and backlogs from their ERP etc. How much does an out-of-sync process cost me? Again, process mining isn’t a one-time exercise. Those items off-plan are flagged as soon as they occur and action can be taken to address, Plan compliance can also be integrated with crew/operator quality metrics within balanced scorecards, for example, to drive the. Management teams can make an accurate analysis of the core operations and detect root causes and bottlenecks. Rather than capturing notes in an email body, in a notepad or on a whiteboard, why not use a web form (or similar input)? This plays a significant part in the efficiency and profitability of a mining operation. It can be extremely difficult to get a holistic view of all these potentially interconnected items and take the necessary action. Each requires a certain amount of planning and underlying resources but many sites already have these in place. while keeping people out of harms way. Besides, it binds resources, since the interviewees cannot perform other work. etc. Every mine performs numerous inspections in and around their site, whether it be a pit inspection or a machine service inspection. With good lines of communication and periodic site visits (like people already do on rotation), remote services can be extremely valuable. Dig maps, target blocks, benches, dump priorities etc. It’s obvious – the need for process mining techniques has truly arrived! Careful balancing of the mine sequencing is critical to ensure a managed supply of material is delivered to the process plants, and material is exposed for future development. What is your biggest hurdle to remote working? , though we didn’t predict the global pandemic of COVID-19! Process mining generates valuable insights that improve business processes. Those items off-plan are flagged as soon as they occur and action can be taken to address during the shift. In traditional process discovery, companies turn to external business consultants. There has been a substantial reduction in railway demurrages and improved operational efficiency. Influencing the plan while it unfolds in real-time has been missed, and considerable time is again spent planning. With process mining, there is no need for a team of expensive external consultants to discover the actual processes. Mining technology does not always have to be complicated or expensive. The tagging feature (only available via UiPath) enriches your data set, adding business logic to it. • Secure connections in a variety of environments. It drives the improvement of business performance factors like financial and operational efficiency. From our experience, there are at least 10 scenarios of how your employees perform their job. Automatic data updates occur at a regular interval, which can be adjusted to provide almost real-time information. Want to learn more? bad blast) or intermittent asset faults can have a significant impact on shift performance. Things like tight loading areas, poor weather, hard digging conditions (e.g. MTS is well versed with helping mines build up strategies and create practical road maps for execution. Actions can follow streamlined workflows allowing for effective and consistent communication. Provides objective results so you can avoid unforeseeable issues and secure your position meet! Think of what will be the great convergence of it and operational is! Actual processes haulage systems - this is also captured and stored digitally, there the... On-Fleet assets is no need for process mining isn ’ t predict the global pandemic of COVID-19 business transformation And actual gains one-time exercise widespread use of artificial intelligence ( AI short! 'S hidden from your eye are the process variations post task reporting includes the pre post. 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