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BOP, Base Ordnance Park or Battery Observation Post OD, Ordnance Depot GTD, Granted T Wing, Transport Wing LCG, Landing Craft Gun VF, Voice Frequency Best Seller in Snap-On Neck Massagers. RM, Royal Marine D&T, Development and Training SQN, Squadron Treat your clients right so they need less recovery time between workouts. DORA, Defence of the Realm Act CSDU, Central Salvage Depot Unit BL, Breech Loading or Bricklayer’s Labourer AEFLC, Allied Expeditionary Force Line Control We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. WWCP, Walking Wounded Collecting Post REPS, Representatives COSUP, Co-ordination of Supplies MP, Military Police or Meeting Point or Member off Parliament EX, Exercise BU, Broken Up or Bath Unit WIS, Wireless Intelligence Screen FRD Field Remount Depot OFD, Ordnance Field Depot WT COY, Water Tank Company FLT Sgt, Flight Sergeant E Branch, Equipment Branch DPSD (W), Deputy Director of Staff Duties (Weapons) We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. S, Supply (RASC prefix) or South or Shilling SQN O, Squadron Officer OBJ, Objective FH, Field Hospital REL, Relief Dist R, Distant Reconnaissance The product comes with professional quality as it is mainly used by chiropractors and physical therapists. ASLTS, Assaults NS, Naval Service or National Service M and V, Meat and Vegetable Ration BIGU, Base Industrial Gas Unit DENT, Dental BERKS, Berkshire DGHG & TA, Director-General of the Home Guard and Territorial Army Big Brute : des aspirateurs aux performances de niveau industriel à votre portée. ANZAC, Australian and New Zealand Army Corps UMI, Unit Maintenance Inspectorate H & D District, Hants and Dorset District BID, Bulk Issue Depot WH, Wheel or Wheeled WOP, Wireless Operator SMIG, Sergeant Major Instructor in Gunnery RIEME, Royal Indian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers CEPO, Civilian Establishment and Pay Officer HERT, Hertfordshire Regiment DA, Deputy Adjutant or direct action (fuze) or Deputy Assistant WI, Wireless Intelligence Add-on services (0 Selected) Show Less. HBTD, Homeward Bound Trooping Depot TO, Transport Officer or Technical Officer S STAFFORDSHIRE, The South Staffordshire Regiment S & M, Sappers and Miners LCT, Landing Craft Tank AILO, Air Intelligence Liaison Officer DC, District Commissioner or Direct Current IAO, Indian Army Order A-L.NK, Acting-Lance Naik PWV, The South Lancashire Regiment (The Prince of Wales’s Volunteers) RGPF, Royal Gunpowder Factory GI Wire, Galvanised Iron Wire FTB, Fleet Torpedo Bomber RAF, Royal Air Force WOAS, While On Active Service LGOS, London General Omnibus Company COMDR, Commander ADG Tn, Assistant-Director-General of Transportation PTW, Primary Training Wing DIST, District BTI, British Troops in Ireland Air Bse, Air Base PDC, Physical Development Centre Our signature design provides unlimited ways to hold the B37 so you can get the reach, leverage, and force you need. HTU, Holding & Transit Unit BIB, Baby Incendiary Bomb KT, Knight of the Thistle FD BTD, Field Brigade (I), Intelligence Officer PRS, Prisoners TN, Transportation WAOC, West African Ordnance Corps DPW, Director of Prisoners of War LT, Line Telegraphy or Low Tension AUTH, Authorised RED, Reduced Charge MX, Middlesex OB Ph, Oblique Photographs AAOD, Anti-Aircraft Ordnance Depot MAC, Mediterranean Air Command or Motor Ambulance Convoy or Macadam or Malta Auxiliary Corps or Munitions Assignment Committee DG Tn, Director-General of Transportation (Services) WE, War Establishment or Welfare AFM, Aforementioned or Air Force Medal F of S, Factor of safety YORK & LANC R, York and Lancaster Regiment CSBCS, Close Support Bomber Control Sections DST, Director of Supplies and Transport BMM, British Military Mission Pmr-in-Chief, Paymaster-in-Chief BKY, Bakery or Bakeries GAHW, Guards Armoured Holding Wing RATS, Rations TG, Training UEO, Unit Education Officer DS, Dental Surgery or Director of Signals ANXF, Allied Naval Force North-West Europe FLAK, Anti-Aircraft (gun) CMA, Corps of Military Accountants CWT, Hundredweight MELF, Middle East Land Force $199.99 Deep Tissue Massage Gun - Flyby F1Pro - Quiet Handheld Percussion Massager - Back Muscle Soreness & Recovery for Athletes - Men & Women - Lightweight, … ASLT, Assault INT, Intelligence CST BTY, Coast Battery CBO, Counter Battery Officer SLC, Searchlight Commander or Support Landing Craft Webmasters, you … ABW, Advanced Base Workshop/s SAR, Search and Rescue Dest, Destroyer ASSAM. DCS, Director of Clothing and Stores AD MAPS, Assistant Director of Maps IWT, Inland Water Transport WRNS, Women’s Royal Naval Service LW, Long Wave ADPR, Assistant-Director of Public Relations CP&PU, Central Purchase and Production Unit W/S, War Substantive DDTA, Deputy Director of the Territorial Army SKU: SKU. DD of S(4), Deputy Director of Signals (Radio Services) WARWICK, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment PRO, Provost BD & S, Base Depot and School (Royal Corps of Signals) ISC, Indian Signal Corps or Infantry Section Carrier APPX, Appendix TMO, Technical Maintenance Officer ESTB, Established FMN, Formation rpg, Rounds per Gun Rezeptebuch | Hier findest Du kreative und einzigartige Rezepte! SS Sigs, Deputy Director of Signals RTC, Returned to Corps or Railway Training Centre or Research and Training Centre EMB, Embarked KIA, Killed in Action LOND SCOT, London Scottish Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . SPR, Sapper ADMS, Assistant Director of Medical Services BRIG, Brigadier KRRC, King’s Royal Rifle Corps MDS, Main Dressing Station ID, Identification DRSE, Dresser GHQ, General Headquarters C of G, City of Glasgow FSD, Field Supply Depot or Field Service Dressing AAOR, Anti-Aircraft Operations Room BF, Bring Forward Wahl Deep Tissue Percussion Massager - Handheld Therapy with Variable Intensity to Relieve Pain in the Back, Neck, Shoulders, Muscles & Legs for Arthritis, … RDX/BX, Research Department X beeswax PoP, Plaster of Paris YD, Yard or Yorkshire Dragoons RAAF, Royal Australian Air Force SAARF, Special Allied Airborne Rescue Force CCD, Civilian Clothing Depot BTF, Burma Territorial Force TPR, Trooper MVT, Movement P&D, Painter and Decorator CMVS Cavalry Mobile Veterinary Sections VOR, Vehicle off the road CGS, Chief of the General Staff MWEE, Mechanical Warfare Experimental Establishment DD (Movements), Deputy Director of Movements AGDU, Army Guard Dog Unit CREME, Commander Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers ETO, European Theatre of Operations ASTU, Army Selection Training Unit ADCA, Assistant-Director of (Home) Civil Aviation RAP, Regimental Aid Post Adv Gd, Advanced Guard C Prep, Counter-preparation GC, Group Captain or Good Conduct or George Cross or Guncotton or Gin Control DADH, Deputy Assistant-Director of Hygiene SAW, Senior Aircraftwoman MFW, Military Foreman of Works DAQMG, Deputy Assistant-Quarter-Master General RMW, Railway Mobile Workshop IGT, Inspector General of Training It helps with stiff backs, soreness, and tight muscles, leaving you feeling fresh and strong. During that time, Hanita Coatings has earned a reputation of being an innovative independent manufacturer of window film products, with a range of energy-efficient interior and exterior solar control films marketed under the SolarZone brand.. FB, Field Branch or Flying Boat PAT, Pathology 99 $199.99 $ 199. LOR, Lorried or Lorryborne DADMS, Deputy Assistant Director Medical Services FAVO, Fleet Aviation Officer WD, War Department or Westminster Dragoons INTER, Interpreter LB, Local Battery or Labour or Light Bomber or Landing Barge DGD, Director of Ground Defence FIU, Fighter Interception Unit ACC, Army Cycling Corps or Army Catering Corps or Ambulance Car Company or Accounted ADO (Est), Assistant-Director of Organisation (Establishments) SAP, Semi-armour-piercing (projectile) WS, Wireless Set or Warlike Stores AF, Army Form or Air Formation KSLI, King’s Shropshire Light Infantry C $68.72 shipping. This is often in the form of abbreviations and acronyms and can make reading military documents very difficult. SQN QMS, Squadron Quarter-Master Sergeant DDOSI, Deputy Director of Organisational Services and Intelligence HEAP, High Explosive Armour-piercing CMO, Chief Medical Officer or Chief Maintenance Officer Ret, Retired 4.5 out of 5 stars (79) 79 product ratings - Oster Professional 103 Stim-U-Lax … SAS, Special Air Service or Small Arms School APD, Air Personnel Department GATW, Guards Armoured Training Wing HOR, Horses VEB, Variable Elevation Beam DAA & CD, Deputy Assistant-Director of Anti-Aircraft and Coast Defence PUS, Permanent Under-Secretary of State FANY, First Aid Nursing Yeomanry R & T, Reception and Training ILL, Illuminating It is designed to aid recovery, decrease soreness and increase range of motion by pleasantly beating your muscles into submission. LOS, Line of Sight EDUCTN DEPT, Education Department Kh, Khandala DCE, Deputy Chief Engineer Arrives by Wednesday, Dec 30. BN, Battalion RBD, Reinforcement Base Depot LD, Light Draught or Light Aid Detachment HQMA, Headquarters Medium Artillery Use this valid 50% off Amazon promo code to save on your Prime order. OO, Orderly Officer or Operation Order or Observer Officer or Ordnance Officer This massage gun runs on one setting, 2,500 ppm, with a one-touch trigger — making it easy to operate. TIS, Theatre Intelligence Section DOS, Director of Ordnance Service M, Mixed or Married or Medical or Movements CIC, Commander in Chief or Cookery Instruction Centre LBH, Lothian and Border Horse to of and a in " 's that for on is The was with said as at it by from be have he has his are an ) not ( will who I had their -- were they but been this which more or its would about : after up $ one than also 't out her you year when It two people - all can over last first But into ' He A we In she other new years could there ? RIASC, Royal Indian Army Service Corps GC Coy, General Construction Company NFP, Night-Fighting Plotting A&R, Assignments and Requirements Branch D of H, Director of Hygiene E/R, Elevation/Range IAMC, Indian Army Medical Corps EO, Emergency Operations or Education Officer or Engineer Officer CHH, Chain (Station) high angle MGAT, Major General Armoured Training TEWT, Tactical Exercise Without Troops SSM, Staff or Squadron Sergeant Major C TPS, Corps Troops HAR, Heavy Artillery Reserve Ops, Operations The included protective case makes it convenient to pack the charging cord and all 7 interchangeable heads: spinal, bullet, round, flat, shovel, Titanium flat, and Titanium bullet. PRC, Polish Resettlement Corps SESO, Senior Equipment Staff Officer Check out NYC graphic designer Lauren Hom’s Tumblr blog Daily Dishone ABMR, Assistant Beachmastermo BAOR, British Army of the Rhine ARG, Armour Replacement Group MIA, Missing in Action TK TPTR COY, Tank Transporter Company BSM, Battery Sergeant Major or British Ministry of Supply Mission LCI, Landing Craft Infantry C of E, Church of England HK, Hong Kong ST, Supply and Transport or Sticky type (grenade) or Stewards’ Store EADCU, Enemy Ammunition Depot Control Unit A-L-DAF, Acting-Lance Daffadar D of E, Duration of Engagement or Director of Equipment DIL, Dangerously Ill List BOWO, Brigade Ordnance Warrant Officer TRAC, Tracer AER, Army Emergency Reserve SGT, Sergeant All classifieds - Veux-Veux-Pas, free classified ads Website. AGC, Automatic Gain Control TNT, Trinitrotoluene or Tent RCASC, Royal Canadian Army Service Corps FFI, Free From Infection GM, George Medal or Ground-Maximum (horse power) or Guard Mounting IC, In Command or In Charge or Intelligence Corps or Inns of Court Regiment or Internal Combustion LOB, Left out of battle DWO, Director of War Organisation AMNL CH, Ammonal with charcoal NSA, National Service Act BALLIST, Ballistite The OPOVE M3 Pro Massage Gun comes with four head attachments for working out tight muscle issues and muscle knots wherever you may experience them. SWPA, South West Pacific Area ORD, Ordnance ES, Electrician Signals or Educational Standard CFN, Craftsman or Craftsmen RDL, Radio detection and location (by radio pulses) SL Comdr, Searchlight Commander FS Offr, Field Security Officer SEWT, Signal Exercise Without Troops DVR, Driver WAAC, Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps D AIR, Director of Air HQBA, Headquarters Base Area IAU, Intelligence Assault Unit ANTI-MAL, Anti-Malarial DADPS, Deputy Assistant-Director of Postal Services RAC, Royal Armoured Corps or Royal Automobile Club Frequent workout schedules and high pain levels might make a $600 massage gun worth it — but in other cases, a … ADOS(P), Assistant Director of Ordnance Services (Provision) WO 1 or 2, Warrant Officer Class 1 or 2 DRP, Director of Radio Production DDSD (W), Deputy Director of Staff Duties (Weapons) D Arm D, Director of Armament Development G2, General Staff Officer Grade 2 KP, Knight of St. Patrick STA, Station DCTU, Depot Control Transport Unit Go To Site . TD, Temporary Duty or Tractor drawn or Territorial Decoration QOOH, Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars GSW, Gunshot wound or General Service Wagon WAASC, West African Army Service Corps DGTP, Director-General of Tank Production MID, Mentioned in Dispatches EA, East Africa or African or Enemy Ammunition AEO, Assistant Embarkation Officer T, Transport or Territorial or Transmitter IE, Illegal Enlistment POC, Port Operating Company METC, Middle East Training Centre If you have a knot, allow the massage gun to sit on the area — without pressing into it — for several minutes. HS, Home Service or Hospital Ship RRS, Refuelling Receiving Strip DCRE, Deputy Commander Royal Engineers NORTHAMPTONS r, The Northamptonshire Regiment FS, Flash Spotting ASP, Air Stores Park or Asphalt I, India or Indian or Intelligence TRG, Training or Goods Trucks (Reconnaissance Code) RP, Road Protection CKD, Completely knocked down BR WIR, British West Indies Regiment ERY, East Riding Yeomanry GL, General List or Gun Laying or Gun Light (radio direction finding) GTS, Glider Training School M of S, Ministry of Supply SY, Staffordshire Yeomanry ARA, Army Rifle Association ITW, Initial Training Wing Rep, Representative or Replacement WV, Wheeled Vehicle CMG, Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George CANTT MAGTE’S DEPT, Cantonment Magistrate’s Department IND CATTLE STK SEC, Indian Cattle Stock Section UNSVC, Unserviceable FTU, Field Transfusion Unit ORS, Operational Research Section GCI, Ground Controlled Interception SL, Sick Leave or Squadron Leader or Searchlight or Start Line Light AA TNG REGT, Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment C $23.81 shipping. MFP, Military Foot Police MFU, Mobile Flotation Unit Electric; Cordless Massage Gun $ 249.00 $ 179.00. CCP, Casualty Collecting Point CMF, Central Mediterranean Force CU, Camouflage Unit or Communications Unit DERBY Yeo, Derbyshire Yeomanry PY, Pay TO-in-C, Tank Officer in Charge SO, Senior Officer or Staff Officer or Section Officer MOD, Ministry of Defence Sales Tax will be calculated at checkout. Here's a sneak peek of what's coming your way! GNS, Guns in action but not firing MOB, Mobile or Mobilisation AYR YEO, Ayrshire Yeomanry CA, Coast Artillery or Civil Affairs This might seem impossible but with our highly skilled professional writers all your custom essays, book reviews, research papers and other custom tasks you order with us will be of high quality. MB, Mercian Brigade or Medium Bomber I am not good at conversation starters. COLDM GDS, Coldstream Guards ADRC, Assistant-Director of Regional Control CMB, Coastal Motorboat or Civilian Medical Board/s G3, General Staff Officer Grade 3 FFC, Field Force Consumption or Field Force Committee D of M, Director of Manning or Director of Mechanisation USA, United States of America or United States Army DDV, Deputy Director of Vehicles TD, Tank Destroyer ARG, Armoured Replacement Group VCO, Viceroy’s Commissioned Officer DGR, Director of Graves Registration RT, Range Table MU, Maintenance Unit OPC, Operator Fire Control OVS, Overseas TAF, Tactical Air Force D of W, Director of Works TPTR, Trumpeter IMA, Indian Mountain Artillery DWAAF, Director of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force HMG, Heavy Machine Gun LBG, Large Box Girder IRA, Irish Republican Army PSO, Personnel Selection Officer ED, Efficiency Decoration or Examination Deferred or Elementary Drill BWM, British War Medal LX, Left Section LZ, Landing Zone M, Mixed or Married or Medical or Movements (M), Medical Branch Officer MA, Military Attache or Military Assistant or Military Advisor or Massage MAAD, Manual of Anti-Aircraft Defence MAC, Mediterranean Air Command or Motor Ambulance Convoy or Macadam or Malta Auxiliary Corps or Munitions Assignment Committee BCC, Beach Company Commander COMDT, Commandant E L Cr, Engineer Lieutenant-Commander SW DIST, South Wales District D Tn, Director of Transportation F Sp, Flash Spotting M I Room, Medical Inspection Room RV, Rendezvous BRD Base Remount Depot LOCSTATS, Location Statement DOCA, Director of Overseas Civil Aviation BGM, Burma Gallantry Medal AGRE, Army Group Royal Engineers DGR & E, Director of Graves Registration and Enquiries APR, Army Plotting Room KING’S, The King’s Regiment (Liverpool) AO, Army Order or Accounts Office or Administration Officer VIC, Vicinity FG, Frigate INSTAL A, Installations type A NWEF, North Western Expeditionary Force Q, Quartering or Quartermaster TELS, Telecommunications TH, Theatre MPSC, Military Provost Staff Corps DECN, Decontamination MEC, Medical Examination Centre BOW, Base Ordnance Workshop Ph R, Photographic Reconnaissance T EX, Telephone Exchange TEK, Tel el Kebir EPIP, Egyptian Pattern, Indian Production (tent) RTB, Returned to Base ACO, Air Cadet Organisation FEAR, Far East Air Force AIPT, Assistant Inspector of Physical Training DHCA, Director of Civil Aviation HGS, Hirings DCR, Distrct Coke Representative OW, Officers’ Ward DGTA, Director General of the Territorial Army ROC, Railway Operating Company or Royal Observer Corps TEE, Test and Evaluation Establishment PRP, Petrol Refilling Point DRUM MAJ, Drum Major GDSM, Guardsman or Guardsmen S/P, Signalling Projector Search multiple sites at once. OSS, Office of Strategic Services PSTO, Principal Sea Transport Officer GAL, Gallon APM, Assistant Provost Marshal OR, Other Rank/s or Orderly Room RLY, Railway TSC, Technical Service Corps SWG, Standard Wire Gauge RS, The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) or Ration Scale RA, Royal Artillery or Royal Regiment of Artillery or Retirement Age RH, Railhead or Riverhead or Roadhead or Relative Humidity or Right Hand RSP, Regimental Starting Point AS, Anti-Submarine or Air School None. SASO, Senior Air Staff Officer or Senior Administrative Staff Officer DAP, Divisional Ammunition Park BDE TO, Brigade Transport Officer MOT, Motor or Motorised DEVON, The Devonshire Regiment SAIR, South African Irish Rifles DRO, Daily Routine Order or Orders CSE, Course SIGINT, Signals Intelligence SCM, State Certified Midwife M/H, Medium and Heavy SUP SEC, Supply Sections DD of M, Deputy Director of Manning ADS, Advanced Dressing Station or Army Dental Services or Air Despatch Service CD & TC, Camouflage Development and Training Centre REGT, Regiment or Regimental DACG, Deputy Assistant-Chaplain General APC, Armoured Personnel Carrier or Armour-piercing capped (projectile) MED, Medical or Medium or Mediterranean The daughter of U.S. President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, she served as the executive director of the Delaware Center for Justice from 2014 to 2019. TRH, Their Royal Highnesses DAA, Divisional Administrative Area PCLU, Pioneer and Civil Labour Unit TIMEX, Time Expired RMP, Royal Military Police APS, Army Pigeon Service TECH TRNG GP Technical Training Group LZ, Landing Zone Qty: Add to cart . FASL, Forward Air Support Link SSC, Sector Searchlight Commander INT O, Intelligence Officer MDU, Military Dispersal Unit MAG, Magazine or Magnetic Wonder Maxi Massage Gun is the best massage gun that will relieve muscle soreness after a workout. NCS, Non-Combatant BFF, Burma Frontier Force BUFFS, The Buffs (Royal East Kent Regiment) NZ, New Zealand CCS, Casualty Clearing Station BOMB, Bombardier (M), Medical Branch Officer Free delivery. Magnassager Magnetic Massager Model A Ball Muscle Recovery Thane Fitness Massage. HRFD, Herefordshire Regiment SGO, Senior Grade Officer D&D, Devon and Dorsetshire Regiment DDHG, Deputy Director of the Home Guard QAIMNS, Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service Speed can be as low as 15Hz or as high as 55Hz depending on what you need. WAC, Women’s Army Corps LF, The Lancashire Fusiliers or Low Frequency or Left Flank Muscle Massage Gun, Deep Tissue Percussion Muscle Massager, Electric Handheld Body Massager, Percussion Massage Gun with 4 Massage Heads . IGSM, India General Service Medal ADWAAF, Assistant-Director of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force MVO, Member of the 4th or 5th Class of the Royal Victorian Order UC, Undercarriage or Universal Call Rptd, Repeated KAR, King’s African Rifles T ” shape of other massage devices, our unique 15° angled handle allows for less wrist.... Slowly over your treatment area the first World War also saw service in the Second War... 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