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If you don’t account for the transformation of all constituent operations simultaneously, you’ll duplicate work and create more problems than you can solve – and your business sputters while other companies blaze ahead. Such technologies open up a new set of benefits, costs and risks to those government authorities who make use of these social and digital media to enhance their work. Using the concepts of e-bureaucracy and functional simplification and closure, the paper proposes evidence and support for the argument that bureaucracy should be preserved and enhanced where e-government policies are concerned. A conceptual framework for evaluating statutory performance indicators for local authorities is developed. Your email address will not be published. needs-based holism, and digitization changes. These are steps along the way, but the important things to acknowledge are that there is no one "right way" to become a digital enterprise, and the … Theoretical fragmentation in e-government studies hampers the further development of this field of study. Moreover, government and nongovernment organizations are promoting digital participation through the development of technology platforms, such as e-Consultation and e-Petitioning systems, to promote social interactions as well as political conversations with the aim to improve the public policy development process. These categories serve to better explain the reasons to use mobile digital calendars. In spite of the fact that chain referral sampling has been widely used in qualitative sociological research, especially in the study of deviant behavior, the problems and techniques involved in its use have not been adequately explained. While a global pandemic may have been the disrupting agent that moved the workforce remote practically overnight, the pressure to meet customer demands online 24/7, for example, long predates Covid-19. Further, the results disclose meaningful managerial implications for the application of new consumer tracking technology. On the basis of the literature, this paper develops a theoretical model of e-governance innovation that highlights (1) phases in the innovation process, (2) government and citizen barriers and (3) structural and cultural barriers. The best way to balance high risk and a high demand for change is to gather information about which business processes have and haven’t been working for your organization until now. First, we critically examine the underlying assumptions associated with “best practices research” in order to distill an appropriate set of rules to frame research designs for best practice studies. This ebbing chiefly reflects the cumulation of adverse indirect effects This paper presents initial findings of a study on the decision making strategies that expert users employ in a large scale image digital library to choose and evaluate digitized photographs for specific projects. ; and what factors explain why citizens participate in online government? The theory uses the grammars of system dynamics and builds upon institutional approaches to understand interactions among all these variables in the development of information and communication technologies in government. Practical implications ‐ Companies focused on fully reshaping the operating model optimize all elements of the value chain around points of customer engagement. Digitally capacitating an organization is a gradual and evolutionary process… The study findings identified additional four factors (i.e. IT leaders should feel empowered to reallocate talent, funds, and time on a monthly or even weekly basis. Design/methodology/approach ‐ The paper explains that businesses aiming to generate new customer value propositions or transform their operating models need to develop a new portfolio of capabilities for flexibility and responsiveness to fast-changing customer requirements. Only then can you identify the areas most important to your desired outcomes and begin to allocate the necessary budget for innovation. Essay 2 shows when and how social presence of others impacts consumers’ attitudes and behavioral intentions, as well as emotions, when exposed to personalized advertising. We can’t continue to rely on in-person engagement for any business processes. What have your customers told you in the past six months? The development sector could learn a lot from the approaches being used in instructive digital organisations. Second, we review several statistical approaches that provide a rigorous empirical basis for identification of “best practices” in public organizations—methods for modeling extreme behavior (i.e., iteratively weighted least squares and quantile regression) and measuring relative technical efficiency (data envelopment analysis [DEA]). These models, though intellectually interesting, are purely speculative, having been developed without linkage to the literature about information technology and government. Digital technologies are changing information flows and transforming some of our current social structures. The paper draws primarily on secondary information, complemented by primary data gathered from various sources. Suppliers. research in the literature on representation and remediation and describes the methodology of the research project, which includes two-stage semi-structured interviews with seven expert users across the spectrum of factors motivating the sophisticated, project-based use of digitized photographs. These changes raise significant challenges for university management and leadership. E-government uses information and communication technology to provide citizens with information about public services. Since 2009, e-government has been high on governmental agenda in Bangladesh. Results: Thereby, Essay 1 adopts a shopping cycle based framework structured around distinct phases of consumer behavior to delineate and summarize findings from existing literature on the behavioral effects of retail technologies embraced by retailers. Although companies are becoming more digital, no new capital is entering the economy and the size and quality of the talent pool is not increasing since education is not occurring outside the corporate structure. This concise guide explores where research questions come from, criteria for evaluating research designs, how interpretive researchers engage with world-making, context, systematicity and flexibility, reflexivity and positionality, and such contemporary issues as data archiving and the researcher's body in the field. Digital transformation: A theory of change that frequently changes. The two major research questions of this paper are: what is the current level of e-participation in the USA? Originality/value – Existing research on e-participation has focused on theory building and case studies; this paper provides empirical evidence, through a survey, of the level of e-participation and factors that promote e-participation. Executing automated production alone is not. A business leadership of tomorrow is that which finds effective ways to drive a company toward sustainable digital adoption and continual digital transformation. It is necessary for ensuring survival in this ultracompetitive climate and essential for growing a loyal customer base. A major conclusion of the paper is that although e-government is yet to make a breakthrough in governance and service delivery, it has set the wheels of change in motion. This has put severe pressure on, The external task environment of universities has changed significantly due to a combination of major change factors, including Like many applied fields, public administration has a long-running love affair with the idea of “best practices” research. by Sahana Rajan September 27, 2016. by Sahana Rajan September 27, 2016 0 comment. Partners. Letting the digital seep through every process (ranging from designing product to marketing) is one of the top priorities for every organization today. This work shows that both intuition and deliberation are used, the extent to which appears to be influenced by the recruiter–coach relationship. interviews, the article demonstrates importance of leadership agency and associated qualities of university leadership for With many large-scale, company-wide, impactful change initiatives, such as innovation, Agile, going to the cloud, or lean, it can be difficult to define digital transformation and what it means to each company. Although its effects are still working through in countries new to NPM, this wave has now largely stalled Three Essays on New Challenges and Opportunities for Marketing in an Evolving Technological Environm... International synthesis and case study examination of promising caregiver- friendly workplaces. its influence on institutional and social change. As part of this, the question of what precisely is being, or could be, transformed is examined. Charting a path toward Digital Transformation in the face of uncertainty. Within these sections, 11 questions often asked by novice researchers are posed and answered. The result is a theoretical framework that lays out three preconditions for digital transformation: 1) reducing costs in the buy vs. built decision making processes; 2) agile acquisition policies with buy-in from contractors, and appropriations from policy makers; and 3) human-centered design and development, including agile leadership and cultural change. Functional simplification A postal survey of parents was also undertaken. The article draws on two semi-structured interviews and one focus-group interview. We use Lee's classification to make a distinction between four stages of e-government: informational, requests, personal, and e-democracy. Digital transformation is incremental, and you’ll need to be open to an agile execution strategy to consistently ensure you’re on target. However, studies that attempt to understand the role that DG research plays in PM theory and practice are scarce. Web 2.0 technologies are now being deployed in government settings. Unlike the business giants operating with infinite amounts of capital and wide margins of error, you must strategize scrupulously before you invest in anything. Other findings reported on are general complaints related to the design and usage of mobile digital calendars. Originality/value Originality/value Various models have been developed to explain the adoption of e-government but systematic research on barriers to e-governance is lacking. how they operate as they try to adapt to a new scenario mainly characterized by unpredictability. However, it is the same four companies. Subsequently, an extensive research agenda is proposed to advance the next generation of knowledge development. We conducted case research of 20 large companies in North America and Europe across different industries to discover the effects of new information technologies (NIT) in transforming industries and value chains. the wider ‘marketisation’ of higher education and more specific structural, governance and institutional changes within the COVID-19 has accelerated years-long digital transformation initiatives for … The Internet has changed the way we communicate, the way we amuse, and the way we live. Clubs, and one former expert Australian Football League recruiter undertook semi-structured, in-depth interviews to provide insight into recruitment decision making. in paid employment. ICT-enabled governance will continue to evolve for the foreseeable future providing a dynamic environment for ongoing learning and action. The overall movement incorporating these new shifts is toward “digital-era governance” © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. The theory of perceived behavioral control is crucial since it helps to manage any change initiative in an organization. With its integrated literature review and research agenda, Essay 1 contributes to research in the retail area, such as research on customer experience, shopper marketing and specifically on the role of technology in retailing. In response to those changes, this dissertation addresses two major developments and related opportunities and challenges – namely, digitized retail environments and innovative, complex business models – in three different essays. Seen as a vehicle for improving governance and service delivery, it is also presented as a key to fighting poverty and achieving the millennium development goals. – Other research methods texts offer advice on research interviews, but their advice is not tailored specifically to new researchers engaged in research for a thesis. The following study highlights two constructs of information technology and the public sector: e-government and e-governance. Policy development has moved forward on several fronts, but new policy issues continually add to an increasingly complex set of concerns. We set out the case that a range of connected and information Information and information technologies have become ubiquitous in the public sector and it is difficult to think of a public problem or government service that does not involve them in some substantial way. In doing so, we will start with a brief discussion of the generally accepted advantages and risks of expert interviews in research practice (1). Making sense of public value: Concepts, critiques and This paper contributes to the e-government literature discussing the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as an enabler of different modes of production of public services. The interviewees mentioned the following preconditions for sharing audit results: reliable and risk-based information about quality and safety, collected by expert, trained auditors and careful use of this information by the Inspectorate in order to maintain openness among audited healthcare providers. International Journal of Public Administration, 32(3-4), 171-191. You have read and agreed to our Privacy Policy. To this end, the article presents a four-stage Digital Government Evolution Model comprising Digitization (Technology in Government), Transformation (Electronic Government), Engagement (Electronic Governance) and Contextualization (Policy-Driven Electronic Governance) stages; provides some evidence in support of this model drawing upon the study of the Digital Government literature published in Government Information Quarterly between 1992 and 2014; and presents a Digital Government Stage Analysis Framework to explain the evolution. This paper reviews these prior studies about the DG community, along with a systematic review of recent articles in top public administration journals from the United States and Europe, to begin to identify and compare key characteristics of these academic communities, including their core researchers, theories, topics, and methods. Technology is becoming a large component of all economic activity, and increasingly, is directly experienced as a value delivery channel by the customer. Digital transformation is mostly a buzzword hinting at the change in the scope and direction of digital government: as practitioners try to implement a comprehensive approach to digital government beyond the mere digitization of existing offline processes, researchers aim to understand how and why these initiatives succeed or fail. Using data from 13 semi-structured in-depth interviews, this paper explores the transformation of the advertising industry in the “digital age” by means of examining practitioners’ narratives related to business models, relationship with consumers, metrics and analytics, organizational structure, and the integration of digital and traditional strategies. The basics of social research. Employees. A great example of that might be the filing of taxes or submission of customs documentation for imports/exports. Digital disruption across industries is nothing new. system. The increased use of qualitative research, especially its application in multisite studies, requires robust data collection techniques and the documentation of research procedures. It looks at the micro- and meso-foundations It also focuses on the methodological problem of the relationship between: a) the level of discourse produced in interviews and in everyday life observed as `social texts' (in particular talk); b) other kinds of phenomena, such as meanings, experiences, orientations, events, material objects and social practices; and, c) discourses in the sense of a large-scale, ordered, integrated way of reasoning/ constituting the social world. For these reasons, “digital transformation” has become a stated business objective for most online retailers. Qualitative interview research. Seven of the world’s ten most valuable companies rely primarily on digital platforms, and digital natives are disrupting a broad range of industries. and progressing digitalization of administrative processes. The results of this study will be used to inform the wide gap in our knowledge about CFWPs while providing the evidence needed to workplaces and other organizations to introduce CFWPs into their employment practices. (DEG), which involves reintegrating functions into the governmental sphere, adopting holistic and needs-oriented structures, Digital transformation isn't a trend with a clearly defined beginning and end, but a series of waves in the ocean, each of which makes an impact. change, in a broad range of closely connected technological, organizational, cultural, and social effects. Our analysis demonstrates that municipalities sometimes adopt certain e-government features at a later stage even if features of an earlier stage are not adopted at all. The research is based on a series of qualitative interviews in 24 schools across nine local education authorities. Interviews were also conducted with head teachers, heads of year and heads of careers. There is a substantial literature on e-government that discusses information and communication technology (ICT) as an instrument for reducing the role of bureaucracy in government organizations. From a PM perspective, digital government (DG) could be considered an essential aspect of innovation, co-production, transparency, and the generation of public value. As you progress from strategy to execution, it’s important … Second, qualitative research practice uses a small range of methodologies, mainly case studies. specific social texts being the primary empirical material) and `grand and mega-level' discourse (i.e. Digital transformation is a fundamental concept that focus es on applying technology to help businesses be more profitable, scal able, and remain competitive. Research design is fundamental to all scientific endeavors, at all levels and in all institutional settings. S Chuck Robbins: ‘ Great opportunities ’ Ahead as Businesses Race toward digital in... 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