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But if praise cannot allure you to act rightly, still cannot even fear turn you away from the most shameful actions? « Cic. To me, indeed, O conscript fathers, death is now even desirable, after all the honours which I have gained, and the deeds which I have done. For if I had really been one of their number, I should have not only got rid of the king, but of the kingly power also out of the republic; and if I had been the author of the piece, as it is said, believe me, I should not have been contented with one act, but should have finished the whole play. The term is most famously associated with two noted orators of the ancient world, Demosthenes of Athens and the Roman Cicero, although it can be applied to any speech of this type. For in such cases as this, it is not the mere knowledge of such actions that ought to excite the mind, but the recollection of them also. He went from Egypt to the furthest extremity of Gaul before he returned home. And even now you keep looking at me; and, as it seems, with great anger. XXII. You recollect yourself, what you said about the exiles; you know what you said about the exemption; but the best thing of all was, that you for ever abolished the name of the dictatorship in the republic. You mount the steps; you approach his chair; (if you were a priest of Pan, you ought to have recollected that you were consul too;) you display a diadem. I who, as I myself confess, am an intimate friend of those men, and, as you accuse me, an accomplice of theirs, deny that there is any medium between these alternatives. For you might have got some wit from your wife, who was an actress. Indeed, if leaders were wanted for the purpose of delivering the country, what need was there of my instigating the Bruti, one of whom saw every day in his house the image of Lucius Brutus, and the other saw also the image of Ahala? Therefore, I will now proceed again with my oration. I suppose you said that he was absent when the prosecution was instituted against him; that the cause was decided without his having been heard in his defence; that there was not by a law any judicial proceeding established with reference to gambling; that he had been put down by violence or by arms; or lastly, as was said in the case of your uncle, that the tribunal had been bribed with money. For Marcus Varro used it as a place of retirement for his studies, not as a theatre for his lusts. I defended the republic as a young man, I will not abandon it now that I am old. On this, immediately, without any resolution of the senate authorizing such a step, without drawing lots, without procuring any law to be passed, you hastened to Cæsar. 37XV. But while alive, (I know this, for I always supported Deiotarus, who was at a distance,) he never said that anything which we were asking for, for him, appeared just to him. What a man, O ye immortal gods! But why should I mention individuals? As to mine, I myself will declare what that shall be. Cicero comments on the situation in a letter to Atticus (12.19.2 = 257 SB, 14 March 45), mentioning that Balbus and Oppius, two of Caesar’s chief lieutenants, wrote to him with reassurances that Antony’s sudden appearance in Rome was nothing to worry about. Conceived as Cicero’s response to a verbal attack from Antony in the Senate, Philippic 2 is a rhetorical firework that ranges from abusive references to Antony’s supposedly sordid sex life to a sustained critique of what Cicero saw as Antony’s tyrannical ambitions. That there should be so vast a catalogue, that there should be such a numerous and various list of possessions, of all of which, with the exception of a portion of Misenum, there was nothing which the man who was putting them up to sale could call his own. It was one of the ways by which the winners were able to reward the loyalty of their supporters, many of whom (according to Cicero) joined Caesar’s cause precisely in the expectation that it would prove financially beneficial. Phil. . When you recollected that all this was done by me, would you have dared to provoke me by abuse if you had not been trusting to those swords which we behold? But afterwards the gown yielded to your arms. Quid enim … I will only say briefly that you do not understand them, nor any other literature whatever. The paragraph falls into two halves. It was approved of by the senate, in a very full house, so completely, that there was no one who did not thank me as if I had been his parent, who did not attribute to me the salvation of his life, of his fortunes, of his children, and of the republic. In truth, such a defence is full of filial affection. Peace is liberty in tranquillity; slavery is the worst of all evils,—to be repelled, if need be, not only by war, but even by death. Therefore, if these acts are to stand,—and stand they cannot if the republic stands too,—then, O conscript fathers, you have lost whole provinces; and not the revenues only, but the actual empire of the Roman people has been diminished by a market this man held in his own house. But from the point of view ofPhilippic2, these musings are past counterfactuals. 77XXXI. However, do you decide on your conduct. Mark now, O conscript fathers, the rest of his life, which I will touch upon rapidly. and two thousand to your master of oratory; what would you have done if he had been able to make you eloquent? The freedom of the city was also being given now not to single persons only, but to whole provinces. Was this gift, too, O you most audacious of men, found among Cæsar’s papers? I was offering violence to the senate, I suppose, in order to compel the adoption of those infamous decrees of the senate. And their action is not only of itself a glorious and godlike exploit, but it is also one put forth for our imitation; especially since by it they have acquired such glory as appears hardly to be bounded by heaven itself. I think so. 86Moreover, you even sought to move his pity; you threw yourself at his feet as a suppliant; begging for what? “I know nothing,” you will say, “about him, except what farms he had.” Therefore, he, disinheriting his brother, made you his heir. For what had that house ever beheld except what was modest, except what proceeded from the purest principles and from the most virtuous practice? The speeches were delivered in … If you got the right from any auction, let the auction have all the force to which it is entitled; let writings be of force, provided they are the writings of Cæsar, and not your own; writings by which you are bound, not those by which you have released yourself from obligation. For I have received more than twenty millions of sesterces in inheritances. As if he could not play with a condemned man; but in reality, in order to pay by a straining of the law in his favour, what he had lost by the dice. But this man’s ignorance is joined to impudence, nor does he know what an augur ought to know, nor do what a modest man ought to do. 43And what wages have you paid this rhetorician? You placed the diadem on his head amid the groans of the people; he rejected it amid great applause. What alarm was yours on that memorable day! What will you now reply to these arguments?—(for I am waiting to witness your eloquence; I knew your grandfather, who was a most eloquent man, but I know you to be a more undisguised speaker than he was; he never harangued the people naked; but we have seen your breast, man, without disguise as you are.) Did you, who were his sister’s son, ever once consult him on the affairs of the republic? V. But as, O conscript fathers, I have many things which I must say both in my own defence and against Marcus Antonius, one thing I ask you, that you will listen to me with kindness while I am speaking for myself; the other I will ensure myself, namely, that you shall listen to me with attention while speaking against him. 105What noble discussions used to take place in that villa! 28XII. Oh how splendid was that eloquence of yours, when you harangued the people stark naked! What more? What shall I say of the two Servilii? Philippica I: Philippica II: Philippica III: Philippica IV: Philippica V: Philippica VI Cicero consciously modeled his own attacks on Mark Antony, in 44 BC and 43 BC, on Demosthenes's speeches, and if the correspondence between M. Brutus and Cicero are genuine [ad Brut. Why need I mention your preparations for banquets, why your frantic hard-drinking? 23And have you now been found, so many years afterwards, to say a thing which, at the time that the affair was under discussion, no one ventured to say against me? Let us speak rather of his meaner descriptions of worthlessness. When was such wickedness ever heard of as existing upon earth? Be reconciled to the republic. The ocean, I swear most solemnly, appears scarcely capable of having swallowed up such numbers of things so widely scattered, and distributed in such different places, with such rapidity. The paragraph falls into two parts: in the first, devoted to Caesar’s funeral, Antony plays Mr Hyde — a subversive monster out to destroy the city and murder its best citizens; in the second, which revisits senatorial business in late March / early April conducted in the spirit of the compromise reached between Caesarians and liberators on 17 March, Antony has a moment as Dr Jekyll — a high magistrate who conducts affairs of state with sense and sensibility. Although it was fear that was then making you a good citizen, which is never a lasting teacher of duty; your own audacity, which never departs from you as long as you are free from fear, has made you a worthless one. This transitional paragraph begins by portraying Antony as Caesar’s lackey who is unable to do anything during his consulship without first asking his colleague for guidance — even if this involves running after Caesar’s litter. For what soldier was there who did not see her at Brundusium? And of this Cæsar himself complained in the senate, inveighing openly against you. Then the second class. For if any dignity were implied in the name, then, I imagine, your grandfather would sometimes have called himself “the consul Antonius.” But he never did. No lawyer, therefore, not even he who is your lawyer and yours alone, and by whose advice you do all these things, will say that anything is due to you by virtue of that bond for those things which had been recovered before that bond was executed. This, indeed, is an act of generosity; for what could be a more fertile or richer subject for me, than to have to speak in defence of myself, and against Antonius? The next topic on the agenda is the festival of the Lupercalia on 15 February 44 BCE. Hoc quidem est beneficium. But who was ever found before, except Publius Clodius, to find fault with my consulship? 114But if those deliverers of ours have taken themselves away out of our sight, still they have left behind the example of their conduct. You have said that no inheritances come to me. Yet for a long time they have received little scholarly attention. For the acts of Cæsar were for peace’s sake confirmed by the senate; that is to say, the acts which Cæsar had really done, not those which Antonius said that Cæsar had done. Wills he annulled; though they have been at all times held sacred even in the case of the very meanest of the citizens. What happened afterwards I know not. Since OCR invites us to parachute right into the middle ofPhilippic2, here is a quick orientation of where exactly in the text we are when we reach § 44: after his opening statement (§§ 1-2) and his rebuttal of Antony’s attack on him (§§ 3-41), Cicero spends the following two paragraphs inveighing against his adversary’s skills as a public speaker, with particular reference to Antony’s oratorical efforts in the period immediately after Caesar’s assassination. especially when you had scattered abroad all relics of the republic; when everything was on sale at your house by the most infamous traffic; when you confessed that those laws which had never been promulgated, had been passed with reference to you, and by you; when you, being augur, had abolished the auspices, being consul, had taken away the power of interposing the veto; when you were escorted in the most shameful manner by armed guards; when, worn out with drunkenness and debauchery, you were every day performing all sorts of obscenities in that chaste house of yours. However, let us return to your progress, and to Italy. But I have come to mention that occasion which must be allowed to precede those matters which I had begun to discuss. In truth, all good men, as far as it depended on them, bore a part in the slaying of Cæsar. 30. Created by. 52What was there that was being done by the senate either ambitiously or rashly, when you, one single young man, forbade the whole order to pass decrees concerning the safety of the republic? Cicero, Philippics 1-6 LCL 189: Find in a Library; View cloth edition; Print; Email; Cicero (Marcus Tullius, 106–43 BCE), Roman advocate, orator, politician, poet, and philosopher, about whom we know more than we do of any other Roman, lived through the stirring era that saw the rise, dictatorship, and death of Julius Caesar in a tottering republic. Section 44. When Cæsar was slain, says he, Marcus Brutus immediately lifted up on high his bloody dagger, and called on Cicero by name; and congratulated him on liberty being recovered. 70But how constantly does he harp on the expression “the consul Antonius!” This amounts to say “that most debauched consul,” “that most worthless of men, the consul.” For what else is Antonius? I Can Do Naught Else, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). And what a miserable sight was the auction. Yet you were not content with this. How often has his father turned you out of his house? Although, if you had persisted in it, I should have preferred allowing the action to be set down entirely to your own love of glory rather than to my influence. But recollect, I pray you, how that clever man convicted me of being an accomplice in the business. How men did laugh! 1.2.5: THE FOURTEEN ORATIONS OF M. T. CICERO AGAINST MARCUS ANTONIUS, CALLED PHILIPPICS. That was not enough. . By this time I envy your teacher, who for all that payment, which I shall mention presently, has taught you to know nothing. You appear to be somewhat agitated. “What, does Caius Cæsar demand money of me? Can you, when you have one of the chiefs of the senate, a citizen of singular virtue, so nearly related to you, abstain from ever consulting him on the affairs of the republic, and consult men who have no property whatever of their own, and are draining yours? I wish you would tell me, if it is not too much trouble, what sort of countenance Lucius Turselius was of; what sort of height; from what municipal town he came; and of what tribe he was a member. Then he thought that he could live with Hippia by virtue of his office, and that he might give horses which were the property of the state to Sergius the buffoon. 92To other men the republic now seemed established, but it did not appear so at all to me, as I was afraid of every sort of shipwreck, as long as you were at the helm. For what greater exploit (I call you to witness, O august Jupiter!) And if there is one good thing that the Roman people have learned from the evils inflicted by Caesar it is a more skeptical disposition towards self-styled leaders — and the willingness to do away with those that turn out to be tyrants. You say that you sent a man to Alexandria to buy it of Cæsar. The vote is declared; he is still silent. Cicero claims it was Antony’s finest hour — and if he had continued to act in the spirit in which negotiations were conducted, a lasting peace and much fame would have ensued. To what destiny of mine, O conscript fathers, shall I say that it is owing, that none for the last twenty years has been an enemy to the republic without at the same time declaring war against me? Had so good a gladiator as you retired from business so early? But who are they whom Antonius does consult? His abject failure to articulate himself in supple and muscular speech stands in dismal contrast to the heights of eloquence achieved by his grandfather — Antony is the sad offspring of a once great family. For what expression is there in those letters which is not full of humanity and service and benevolence? But, since the republic has been now deprived of those men whom I have named, many and illustrious as they were, let us come to the living, since two of the men of consular rank are still left to us: Lucius Cotta, a man of the greatest genius and the most consummate prudence, proposed a supplication in my honour for those very actions with which you find fault, in the most complimentary language, and those very men of consular rank whom I have named, and the whole senate, adopted his proposal; an honour which has never been paid to any one else in the garb of peace from the foundation of the city to my time. Volume 1: Introduction, Text and Translation, References and Indexes. Here is North’s summary... Cicero now moves on to a vivid account of what happened on 15 February 44 BCE. As long as you please, Dolabella is a consul irregularly elected; again, while you please, he is a consul elected with all proper regard to the auspices. Putnam's sons Collection kellylibrary; toronto Digitizing sponsor Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Contributor Kelly - University of Toronto Language English; Latin. Cæsar departs to Spain, having granted you a few days delay for making the payment, on account of your poverty. But you are so senseless that throughout the whole of your speech you were at variance with yourself; so that you said things which had not only no coherence with each other, but which were most inconsistent with and contradictory to one another; so that there was not so much opposition between you and me as there was between you and yourself. to say that the Capitoline Hill, when I was consul, was full of armed slaves. a man whom I admired for having performed that action, rather than ever expected that he would perform it; and I admired him on this account, that he was unmindful of the personal kindnesses which he had received, but mindful of his country. But mark now the trifling character of the fellow. I suppose you were afraid that you would be able to refuse him nothing if he were restored to the full possession of his rights. What did the people of Anagnia do? what shall we say if Cæsar even wrote you that you were to give it up? In the tumultuous aftermath of Caesar’s death, Cicero and Mark Antony found themselves on opposing sides of an increasingly bitter and dangerous battle for control. who, although they were out of his line of road, came down to meet him, in order to pay him their respects, as if he were consul. He who had defended the memoranda of Cæsar for the sake of his own profit, overturned the laws of Cæsar—and good laws too—for the sake of being able to agitate the republic. Here is a brief blow-by-blow account of the most important developments over these action-packed few days:52. murder of Caesar; Antony and other Caesarians flee from the senate house; the conspirators march to the Capitoline Hill; when they test public opinion later in the day, they are greeted with a significant level of hostility; start of negotiations with Antony (as consul) and Lepidus (Caesar’s Master of the Horse). Full … What defence can be made for such beastly behaviour? and how great a man might you have been, if you had been able to preserve the inclination you displayed that day;—we should still have peace which was made then by the pledge of a hostage, a boy of noble birth, the grandson of Marcus Bambalio. The third day I came into the temple of Tellus, even then very much against my will, as armed men were blockading all the approaches. that was otherwise than friendly? For you had not picked it up when lying on the ground, but you had brought it from home with you, a premeditated and deliberately planned wickedness. 2 volumes : maps ; 24 cm.. ISBN 3110193256 €157.01. 79I do not make any complaint against Dolabella, who was at that time acting under compulsion, and was cajoled and deceived. For now, since I have sufficiently replied to all his charges, I must say a little about our corrector and censor himself. and if that were really a kindness, then those who slew that man by whom they themselves had been saved, and whom you yourself are in the habit of styling most illustrious men, would never have acquired such immortal glory. 710, B.C. But this single day, this very day that now is, this very moment while I am speaking, defend your conduct during this very moment, if you can. THE ARGUMENT. Of handwriting indeed you have a lucrative knowledge. As Helen was to the Trojans, so has that man been to this republic,—the cause of war, the cause of mischief, the cause of ruin. I should sooner say that some men had boasted in order to appear to have been concerned in that conspiracy, though they had in reality known nothing of it, than that any one who had been an accomplice in it could have wished to be concealed. 95And in what words? Are you ignorant that yesterday was the fourth day of the Roman games in the Circus? ‘patris’, inquies, ‘ista culpa est’. Caesar’s religious identity was above all a political matter: whereas the senatorial oligarchy resisted any attempt to elevate Caesar to the level of a god, followers of Caesar had good reasons to push him skywards, not least once it became apparent that such a move was very much in tune with popular feelings. It was I who supplied him with a pretext for civil war; it was I who proposed mischievous laws; it was I who took up arms against the consuls and generals of the Roman people, against the senate and people of Rome, against the gods of the country, against its altars and hearths, against the country itself. On that one occasion the state forgot its slavery, and groaned aloud; and though men’s minds were enslaved, as everything was kept under by fear, still the groans of the Roman people were free. Phil. Christopher Tanfield, Bloomsbury 2018, ISBN 978-1-3500-1023-9, Paperback, £15.29. Cicero singles out for appreciation two aspects from Antony’s early collaboration with the senate: his initial restraint in the use of... Cicero continues to insist on his clairvoyant pessimism, by which he sets himself apart from peers more susceptible to the allure of a short-term reconciliation. the most honourable passage in whose life is the one when he divorced himself from this actress. And I beg of you, though they are far better known to you than they are to me, still to listen attentively, as you are doing, to my relation of them. A house which for a long time no one could behold, no one could pass by without tears! 44XVIII. You must unquestionably allow, that the cause of that ruinous war existed in your person. Why should not those men whose common work the achievement is, have the booty also in common?” You were only claiming your right, but what had that to do with it? The other, when I advised him not to permit him to be considered as a candidate for the consulship when he was absent. Volume 1. I do not wish to press upon any one in misfortune; I only complain, in the first place, that the return of those men has had discredit thrown upon it, whose cause Cæsar judged to be different from that of the rest; and in the second place, I do not know why you do not mete out the same measure to all. For who ever heard my name mentioned as an accomplice in that most glorious action? and do you think that those men were instigated by my authority rather than by their affection for the republic? 106When going from thence to Rome he approached Aquinum, a pretty numerous company (for it is a populous municipality) came out to meet him. Politically committed, it was too long in that most glorious action were instigated by my contrivance historical. 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