She mumbled and walked to the bathroom, slamming the door in behind her and sighing softly. This was a soothing moment for both of them "Yeah", said Lincoln. Ronniecoln's great night, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Ronniecoln's great night By: DanialJan2001 After Lincoln and Ronnie Anne got married, they started to make love. And we couldn't find him! Later, he comes back inside and finds his sisters on the couch watching TV). The odd one out. Crackers are salty! The sisters had finally realized what horrible people they have become to their brother, and felt nothing but guilt and heartbreak), Lori: And now thanks to us, (between her tears) Lincoln's gone! ", Lincoln: "We should build sand castles at the sand box. Bobby: I don't think Lori deserves to be my girlfriend if she's gonna make fun of my bro like that. I'm still a kid myself. AHAHAHAHA Get it? (It cuts forward to the Loud House, where all of the sisters are looking for Lincoln. She stuttered slightly and punched him in the shoulder. (spots them outside) Dang it! After accidentally causi Just a truth or dare with the loud house! The sun was setting, his sisters were behaved, and he was on his way back to his room to read his comics. Bobby and Ronnie Anne watch him from upstairs). In addition to a stunning aquamarine puffy dress addressed the shoppers. Why can't you girls do the same thing for me? Lori: Come on girls! She threads the needle and begins sewing the torn blanket, while Lincoln sits on the couch with Lily. "Huh?" Ronnie Anne asked. #maverick Lincoln takes the rag and rinses to food of and wipes Lily himself. "Ronnie, don't lie!" All because one time I took my sister Lucy's blame for clogging the toilet, and me making a fool out of myself at an Ace Savvy convention! Lincoln: "Lily, you got food all over you.". As they hoped, she like it, and starts eating it. "I was at home looking up pictures of you and me, when those mavericks broke in and wrecked the place. Soon, she realizes why it's broken). I don't know where I'm gonna go, but there's no way I'm staying here. Bobby: Wha? Ronnie Anne puts Lily in her bed, covers her with her blanket and kisses her forehead. Lincoln's Justice 25 parts Ongoing Mature After finally getting tired of Lori, Luan and Lynn constantly making his life miserable, Lincoln de. Lincoln asked again, but Ronnie Anne had lost her mood to talk, so she pointed at the TV, implying that Lincoln should find out from the broadcast. SUMMARY:Lincoln finally gets fed up with his family and runs away from home. I had fun babysitting her with you. Slow down! The 2% is all we have. I'm telling you, I haven't seen him. I just need to break it to her.". "I apologized to . This little piece is brought to you by a Thirsty Adeyemi. Now that he is stranded in the Southern part of Chicago, with barely anyone to turn to, and the poli. The girls being laughing with Lincoln still blushing in embarassment. Let's stop the waterworks! Luna: No, He ran away from us, He'll never be back again! Luan: *Knees down and grabs Luna's shoulder* I know this is hard and all considering the fact that we have lost our brother, but we have to keep our hopes up! Its my free time today and then I remembered wattpad and I was like, Oh my gosh I haven't updated yet my stories! On the beach, the Unicorn magically revives Lincoln before departing for her forest. While held captive, the unicorn is befriended by Ginrai and Lincoln: an incompetentmagicianin the service of a Mysertious woman. Lori: Don't be! ! I need to go and have some moment for myself! Leni, can you go and get Lincoln? Glad that's finally over. Ronnie Anne asked, sitting her crotch on Lincoln's. It had been 5 days ever since Lincoln's dear good friend, Kathy Garrison passed away in an airplane accident in the summer time on her way back from Los Angeles, they had a super.This is a list of episodes in the fifth season of The Loud House, which was renewed by Nickelodeon on May 7, 2019 and consists . Ronnia Anne looks at him. Then, Lincoln's crotch bumped into Ronnie Anne's and they looked down at what had happened. (The kids all cheer, as the kids then line up near the stage, with Lincoln at the end of the line). They follow him back to the van, continuing to laugh. But this won't be any normal convention, because we get to SEE Ace Savvy himself! Ronnie Anne rose from her spot on the floor. A few minutes later, Ronnie Anne is putting the finishing touches on her castle. Want to see how this story continues? (Rita walks off-screen, and the girls spot Lincoln inside the comic book store), (Luan starts recording with her phone as they walk inside the comic book store, but Lincoln doesn't notice them yet), (Lincoln attempts to tackle the robot, but the Robot springs back up, tumbling Lincoln off the stage). Ronnie Anne takes a rag, wets it, and wipes the food off of her. You're probably wondering why I'm upset. We all should be sorry! I know it may sound like I'm just whining, but lately it feels like I'm the black sheep of this family. We then cut to a few minutes later, when Lana is tucked into her bed and Lincoln is at her bedside.]. Lincoln come from behind the tree. Lincoln: Bobby, I need to ask you a favor. lynnloud lynnloudsr ronnieanne +15 more # 12 the journey of the heart. *Chuckles at her last awfully written statement* Do you agree with me? ", Rita: "Oh, absolutely. Ronnie Anne turns to see Rita looking at her with a smile, Rita: "Thank you so much for helping Lincoln watch over Lily. He departs to start anew. Only time will tell! Comic Book Manager: Alright kids! #old Lori: Hey Boo-Boo Bear! In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. Today is the next big Ace Savvy Comic Convention! They can be easily fixed, and replaced. "Wow, Loud. Hi guys! Lincoln: Come on! Takes place after Helluva Loud Luck. "I'll, um, go talk to her" Lincoln muttered and stood up, making his way down the hall to the bathroom where Ronnie Anne hid. The door opens, revealing Pop-Pop). Looks like she's all tuckered out.". I'm gonna" But before she could finish, white gooey liquid splattered from the couple's private parts. Lincoln takes out some baby food. Ronnie Anne started to feel it from all the humping. loud. (It shows Lincoln and Ronnie Anne sleeping on the couch, when they soon wake up and realize they have to get ready for bed). "They're everywhere", Ronnie Anne replied, starting to faint. [Lincoln reaches for the doorknob again.]. Ace Savvy: Ahh, someone has courage! Bobby: It's cool bro. Lincoln had put her arm around his poor girl. That's me. Ronnie Anne: "So, what should we do next? So please give it back?". Ronnie Anne is Lincoln's best female friend, and former classmate, who moved to Great Lakes City to live with her extended family, the Casagrandes. The Next Day Lincoln was Walking to the living room where the loud sisters were in they turned their heads to see Lincoln The Loud family were so happy to have Him back and Apologizing for not Believing him about what happened They Hugged Him at School Clyde and Ronnie Anne Apologized Too for calling Lincoln and Outcast Boy Lincoln Said " Don't Thank Me It's Ginrai " and Closed The Door For Good In the school, As The Camera Pans To Ginrai In His Robot Mode He Turns to The Viewers and Smiles As the Sunsets behind Him as the words " The End? " But then, his sisters stopped her. Rita: Remember girls, we'll be back on Sunday, so make sure everything goes smoothly. So whaddya say pardner? Can't you tell them what happened? Lincoln: [Looking through Lana's bookshelf] So, which one of these do you want me to read? 11-year-old Lincoln is in the middle of all of the chaos. Lincoln picks up Lily, who's holding her favorite blanket. on a game of baseball to another team. Lincoln: Phew! Lori knocks on the door, and Bobby answers). Loud. Lily takes the baby food in her mouth. Lucy: Actually, I have a confession to make. Besides, with me gone, there'll be no one to interfere with the Sister Fight Protocol, and I know they'll appreciate that. After a while, Ronnie Anne was finished. The little boy appears from behind a bush. When they arrive home, they all approach the front door). The reason it broke was because Lincoln was upset! Lincoln now believing that everyone hates him (which is Usually for Ronnie Annie ) and angrily call him outcast boy. She shrugged and waited for the question. Characters from the Loud House/Casagrandes either shrink or grow in size. I hate seeing you like this. I haven't seen him for days! A couple minutes later, Lily is finished eating and she burps. After looking for a bit, Leni has a nervous look on her face, then goes outside Lincoln's bedroom. I don't mind at all. Luna: *Knocks at the door and waits formally* hmm Ronnie Anne opens the door carelessly and looks up to the newly found but familiar face that she just discovered Ronnie: *Thinks deeply* How May I help--- Wait, are you the rocker in one of Lincoln's sisters? Hope you all enjoy it! I didn't tell any of them about that, but I'm sure they wouldn't have cared if I did. HE DIED? Plus, I want to get to know Lily a little more. Lincoln couldn't help but giggle. I'm on my way home now. The two have finally got the chance to do the moment of what I can described as lovely. See ya, Lame-o. Lori: Everytime I see that costume, I just have to laugh! Luna: *Smiles and grabs Luan's hand to stand up* I do! I was defenseless. ", Lincoln: "Oh, it's fine. Where the heck is he?! He looks at his sisters with a small glare, as all of the sisters suddenly get tears in their eyes), (All of the sisters run up to Lincoln, and hug him, tighter than they had ever done before). Before Lincoln takes off, he takes one last look at the house), (Lincoln starts to walk down the footpath, as tears begin to form in his eyes once again. (A collaboration with crafordbrian17) Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Humor - Ronnie Anne S., Rita L. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,823 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 1h - Published: 12/18/2022 - id: 14174331 But then, out of the bathroom, comes Lincoln. Lincoln: There. ", Lincoln: "No mom, not at all. I want you to make up a new story! I say we do ey? What's wrong?" Rita: Alright girls, we can save the excitement for later, let's just go and get Lincoln first. The two walk over to the carriage and put Lily in it, just before they leave, Lily begins crying. Tell, your mom and brother I said 'hi'.". Lincoln: Lana, I [Sighs] I really don't know what to tell you. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne begin searching all over the park for Lily's blanket. I guess it couldn't hurt.". The Loud House Kids' Choice Awards Nominee Kids 2016 5 SEASONS TV-Y7 Things are crowded in the Loud household, with 11 children -- 10 girls and one boy. "Yeah! A bunch of mavericks, came out of nowhere and pointed their weapons, random appliances at the lovers, in one medium sized circle. Lincoln turned off the TV and dropped the remote in silence. "Alright, Truth or Dare, Ronnie?" Lincoln loud:we are venom by werewolf259226 17K 142 5 when Lincoln was outside (bad luck) his parents and sisters want to send him to a military to get rid of him but when Lincoln was out side a black slime merge into him. Inside the van, the girls talk about the video they uploaded to YouTube, as Lincoln continues to feel embarrassed. Ronnie! Ronnie Anne: "Her blanket? Fanfic transcript This tastes good and is good for you. Are you okay?" If they don't, then I'm not going back home. What was I going to do again? Leni: That was like, the best day at the Mall ever! Has she seen Lincoln? Did you enjoyed my chapter? ", Lincoln: (whispers) "Come on. And whoever can perform an awesome superhero skill in front of him, will get to appear in the next Ace Savvy comic book! (meanwhile with the Loud siblings) So I'm out. Rita: (off-screen) Girls! The girls don't even have pr-. Lincoln asked. Lincoln: Oh, hi there. Let's go ask Bobby. What should we do? Behind this tree perhaps?". ", Ronnie Anne: "Wait, how do you know that's Lily's", Lincoln: "Mom imprinted Lily's name on it in case it ever ends up lost. Rita (through the phone): Hi, sweetie. (Lincoln and Bobby do their bro handshake) Lily giggles. "What's everywhere?" I JUST WANT MY LITTLE BROTHER BACK!!! Whaddye say ye walk the plank matey? He is our SWEET brother! Hopefully it fills you up. After a while, Lincoln gets back up from his bed). Now Lincoln and Ronne Anne are alone with Lily. Furthermore, he saw her enter an apartment building that the bodega store owned by that nice older man Hector Casagrande is a part of. Lincoln called out from behind the closed door. Ronnie Anne fixed your blanket, Lily.". The closest Lucy did was shed tears down her cheeks. Without his sisters. Lana: (from inside) Hey! "Oh hey. Lincoln: [Looking through Lana's bookshelf] So, which one of these do you want me to read? Bobby: Hey, it was no problem bro. [By now, Lana has fallen asleep. Having enough of this and as well at the end of their Rope Lynn Sr and Rita Harshly Grounds Lincoln saying to him That They Didn't Care If Lincoln was Upset,Lori's heartbroken Or Helping Lady amalthea ,And Ginrai and finishes off With " YOU ARE GROUNDED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE AND LEAVE NOW" Devastated By This He walked Upstairs To His As His Sisters Glared at him as well he closed the door Behind him. *Runs to Luna so that she can grab her again*. The 6: NOT A THING TO DO!Most of the parents of the kids are then shown. Lincoln hands Lily to Ronnie Anne, who has a smile on her face. We realized we blamed you for no reason. Lily hugs the blanket. The Loud House (2016-present) is an American animated television series created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon. With the dragon defeated, he and the princess flew back to Valhalla, where they could enjoy all the graham crackers and whole milk they wanted. He paces back and forth in his room, and then he notices the family picture on his door. Luna's neutral face turned into a really frown one considering the fact that she just remembered Lincoln's presence and Lincoln's laughs Luna: *Frowns* That is the situation I needed to talk to you about Ronnie Anne: *Greatly confused* WaitHuh? Rita: "Alright, You're father and I will be back with your sisters at 5:00. We're all screwed, if there is no hero to save us, so good day and good" But before he could finish, a maverick shot a cannon at the news anchor and cameraman, obliterating them, causing the broadcast to turn static. Lincoln: Okay okay! Lily looks at Ronnie Anne, who has a trusting smile on her face. "The Louds of Oz" - Leni and Charles get caught up in a tornado and end up in the Land of Oz and they try desperately to get back home, on their journey, they meet the Lincrow (Lincoln), who wants a brain, the Tin Girl (Lana), who wants a heart, and the Cowardly Chaz-lion (Chaz), who wants courage. Lincoln is pushing Lily in her carriage, and Ronnie Anne walks beside him. #maybelemon If you don't, please read with discretion. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. See you, Ronnie Anne. Ronnie Anne: "Sleep well, you cute little angel.". ", Lincoln: "Yes, that one. Lori: Alright Bobby, what did you want to show us? Well if it isn't my favorite grandaughters! Lincoln & Ronnie Anne Vlog #15: Unboxing Special! Lincoln: Bobby, thanks for letting me stay here for the past few days. Without any proof! Ronnie Anne pulls out Lily's blanket, which looks good as new. I am the only boy, so I guess that's to be expected, but I can't help but think that the girls resent me sharing a space with them -like they wanted another girl instead of me. Where do we keep the chocolate syrup? Besides, if they didn't want him anyway, then why did he need to stay here? Can you please give it back? Ronnie Anne Santiago. You can stay here for a few nights. She turned over to his alarm clock and saw that it was almost 10:00 in the morning. Lincolns eyes went wide in disbelief. Lori: Or, when he clogged the toilet, with a Princess Pony book! And the lucky one who can show me how heroic they can be, will get to guest star in my next comic book! Ronnie Anne moves the spoon close to Lily while making airplane sounds. Lincoln stomped upstairs to his room and slammed the door shut, making it echo throughout the house. Will it go well? Lori: (brightens up) O-Okay. "D-dare". Chapter 4A: Can You Feel The Love Tonight? ", Ronnie Anne: "Lincoln. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne both take a spoonful of the food and eat it. Now that he is stranded in the Southern part of Chicago, with barely anyone to turn to, and the poli En la regin de johto, Lincoln Loud por culpa del orgullo de su hermana Lynn, fue rechazado por los Loud. The girls all feel personally guilty for what they had done to their brother, and some even began to cry again. After deciding to be "independent" together, they set out to seek "Fame and Fortune". You're missing out, Lily.". ", Rita: "I'm sorry, sweetie. Please don't tell anyone at school about this.". Can you invite your other sisters too? Lana: I need something to wash it down with. Luna: No no no! Free to cause havoc for all Now go to your room, twerp! Sorry for the long wait, school is stopping me and many drawing purposes because of my new Deviantart "Reomatic". Lori: Leni, she's only a baby, she can't talk yet. (puts the phone down) Girls, get ready, we're going somewhere. Leni: I went into Lincoln's room and he wasn't there! Ronnie Anne: Yeah man. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. ", Ronnie Anne: "Listen. Then they both laughed at their own jokes that they forgot about stress anymore, so they strolled the street and went into their seperate missions, Luna went to Ronnie Anne and Bobby's House while Luan went to Clyde's house. Lincoln: "Hey, Lily. Ronnie Anne: "Awww. Lincoln: Let me tell you girls something. They hear the door knob move and the door opens, right before they broke apart from the hug. [Lincoln walks into the kitchen, grabs a box of graham crackers from the pantry, and hands it to Lana. (When Lincoln walks outside his room, he is greeted by his sisters laughing at him). "My Leg!" [Lincoln takes out his smartphone, opens his browser and starts googling for the answer.]. Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, it'll be okay. He carried her to the couch, grabbed the remote, and turned on the TV. (All of the sisters are sitting in the living room, all looking depressed. At the last moment before her capture, Ginrai uses his unpredictable magic and transforms her into a human woman with white knee-length hair. Luan: Luna! He winched and rubbed it as the group of students headed inside and grabbed some snacks to satisfy their hunger. Ronnie Anne: And that's pretty much what happened, Lori and Bobby ended their relationship when Lincoln accidently threw up.
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