When I ask what exactly is autism? I do so because autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is exactly that, an extremely wide spectrum. Built using WordPress and OnePage Express Theme. Canadians and indigenous people are obligated by law and morality to enforce the verdict of that court and of history upon the Canadian state, its churches, and their agents. From its inception as an Oblate Catholic mission in 1890, the Kamloops residential school was an especially notorious Special Treatment center designed to inflict particularly cruel and severe punishment, experimentation and torture on native children who resisted or ran away more than once. At the end of each term, theyd hand out the red tags and if you had one you had to report to the clinic. Thechiefsof these councils have played a key role in eradicating any lingering indigenous identity or authority and control over traditional lands and resources. [2011] Rev. (6) The Directive consisted of an official plan of state terror that was aimed at aboriginal activists, residential school survivors and the public campaign led by the future ITCCS North American Field Secretary Kevin Annett, who organized the IHRAAM Tribunal. . The article also mentions an alleged witness to the crime, William Combes, whose purported video statement can be seen online. The criminals have pretended to absolve themselves of their guilt, but under Common Law the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada are convicted criminal organizations who have lost the right to operate. Where Did The Claim That "97% of Scientists" Believe Climate Change Is A Man-Made, Urgent Problem Come From? This threat is evident in the continued standing policy known asCrimen Sollicitationaswithin the Roman Catholic church, that subverts child protection laws and the power of sovereign governments by requiring that every Catholic in the world protect in-house child abusers and conceal child abuse and trafficking from the police. She wasnt moving. Select this result to view William E Coombs's phone number, address, and more. They were all eyewitnesses to killings or burials of children at Indian residential schools. This is Section II of three. Born 1956, Canada Nobel Peace Prize Nominee (2013, 2014, 2015) Community minister, human rights consultant and Special Adviser to The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) - Award winning documentary film maker (Unrepentant, 2007) and author* Education: B.A. With this in hand, media outlets will have to evolve. Closer to home, Combes described At the school they had a furnace going twenty-four seven, but it was totally out of bounds. The so-calledNinth Circle, a Catholic sacrificial cult formed in the 17thcentury by the Jesuits and still in operation under the directives of the highest level of the Vatican, functioned in the Canadian residential schools from their inception. Issued by the first court to successfully prosecute and convict the Vatican, Canada and the Crown of England for Crimes against Humanity, the Common Law Training Manual is a weapon to educate and mobilize the people to reclaim their freedom from arbitrary rulers and their tyranny. Quis nostrud exercitation . A renegade clergyman from his own United Church that led the assault on the Ahousahts, author Kevin Annett befriended and fought alongside Chief Earl Maquinna George during the 1990s as he struggled alone to stop the sale and logging of the last of the Ahousaht ancestral land on Flores Island. Is It True? 2. We pay for war with our taxes, we benefit from war materially, and we even draw our pension and retirement funds from the profits of the arms industry as does every major church and religion on the planet, starting with the Vatican Incorporated. Arrest these criminally convicted United Church officers: Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, Gary Paterson, Jon Jessiman, Brian Thorpe, Art Anderson, Foster Freed, Phil Spencer, Bill Howie, Cameron Reid, She was crying for her mother at the top of the stairs. The person who wrote a hit-piece about me ended up exactly where I thought they would - maintaining the status quo. While the general aim of this genocide was the elimination of all non-Christian native peoples, itsassociated purpose was the extirpation of traditional indigenous kinship networks and the matriarchal clan mother system of authority that ensured indigenous control of lands and resources. Todays program commences a two day period of global prayer and fasting designed to call out and separate people from these corporations, and to launch new Covenanted Congregations free of the legacy of colonialism and genocide. And like so many others, the victim, Maisie Shaw, was buried in secret and the truth entombed with her. If not for Kevins unflagging devotion and courage, and his heroic persistence against every imaginable odd, this report, as well as the limited compensation and acknowledgment offered by the Canadian government to Indian residential school survivors, would never have come about. The Pulse introduces you to bold ideas & investigative journalism on current events, science, consciousness, solutions & more inviting viewers to inquire how our current paradigms shape our society. Criminal charges and arrests must be made, and the childrens remains must be given a proper and traditional burial. An RCMP report in June 1933 concerning the recapture of runaway Kamloops school children refers to the helpful and willing cooperation of the Siwash (Indians) and their Chiefs. Kevin Daniel AnnettAvailable now atwww.createspace.com/7997500. Note:After todays show, our program will resume broadcasting on Sunday, January 7, 2018 at the regular time, with a new line up and newinitiativesfor liberty and justice. The Kamloops school was also an early location for involuntary sterilization programs, which according to survivors and government sources began as early as 1929 and continued until well into the 1970s. Crimes against Humanity, from Canada to Rome: A recent, exclusive interview with Kevin Annett (June 26, 2018), Proof: The Medical Murder of Willam Combes, eyewitness to crimes by Queen Elizabeth Windsor, Testimonies of Survivors and Eyewitnesses, The International Common Law Court of Justice. She went falling down the stairs and just lay there. One of these terms was the imposition of the conditions of Crimen Sollicitationas on all Anglican clergy, officials and members. 2023Murder by Decree. To do anything less is to defile their memory and any hope for a society free of the murderous legacy of state and church sponsored Genocide. (See Addendum on the testimony of Kamloops survivor William Combes witnessing of the abduction of ten Kamloops children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on October 10, 1964, and of Combes subsequent death by arsenic poisoning at the Catholic St. Pauls hospital in February 2013, according to eyewitness and attending nurse Chloe Kirker). There is a clear moral and legal obligation of sovereign nations to restrain and punish proven criminal regimes like Canada, the British Crown and the Vatican. Life. Johnny Bingo Dawson, died of police beating, Vancouver, December 9, 2009. Not surprisingly, the TRC produced the absurdly low figure of only 3200 residential school deaths spanning more than a century. Harriett Nahanee, died of induced pneumonia in Surrey Remand prison, February 24, 2007; Genocide survivor. The most recent and blatant coverup was the governments misnamed Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) established by the very Church-State parties responsible for the crime. Breathe slowly into the area for 60 seconds. 41 and following in. Authored by Rev. Why and how have they done so? Public opponent of state-funded, drug dealing native politicians in Manitoba. They also routinely engage in the terrorizing and exploiting of their own people, including through the trafficking and sale of tribal children. Hydro to secure their land. The Kamloops center was a traditional hotspot of cultic activity involving the ritual torture and murder of children by top officials of the Anglican/Church of England and the Vatican/Roman Catholic Church. william coombes kamloops. These deadly experiments occurred not only at the Kamloops residential school but adjoining Indian hospitals operated by Indian Affairs, the Canadian military and the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. The author came to know them intimately as they shared their stories with him and helped to publicly expose the horrors of the state and church-run residential schools. These six aboriginal activists were all survivors of the murderous, church-run Indian residential schools and active members of the campaign to expose and prosecute these crimes by the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. We are especially directing this call to President Vladimir Putin, his government and the people of Russia, and all countries outside the western bloc. I thought I put out a gag order on that little bastard! former Prime Minister Jean Chretien. After enduring years of sodomy, torture on a rack and electric shocks at the Kamloops school, and just before he was to give his testimony before a citizens' Grand Jury in February 2011, William Combes was killed by arsenic poisoning at the Catholic St. Paul's hospital in Vancouver. A Curious Case of Aluminum, Vaccines, Autism & Censorship Before COVID, The WEF Thinks Governments & Your Boss Should Have Access To Your Thoughts, Technology already exists today that can display what people are thinking, what emotions they're feeling, and even create images of the thoughts they. The general purpose and consequence of the Chretien state terror directive has been to protect these men and camouflage their links to the residential school era and present day corporate power brokers. Her life was snuffed out in a moment by a kick from United Church minister Alfred Caldwell, who got away with his crime. . These crimes have a darker aspect, involving Satanic ritualism that the IHRAAM Tribunal documented in June, 1998 during its inquiry into the Indian residential schools. tribes by chiefs in the pay of the federal government. 6. By what means do they and their compliant government and corporate allies conceal their crimes and exonerate themselves? A residential school survivor by the name of William Coombes has spoken out about his experiences. A particular focus of these grisly experiments at the Kamloops school was the testing of experimental vaccines on native children. It did so through its own controlled, in-house committee: an elaborate deception and obstruction of justice misnamed theTruth and Reconciliation Commission(TRC). They even put me with a dead kid once. They were all organizers with the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD), a forerunner to the ITCCS, and led or participated in protests and non-violent occupations of these churches. Posted onOctober 26, 2017byKevinLISTEN HERE! The evidence in this report is based on the sworn testimony of 358 survivors of the murderous Indian residential schools where over 65,000 children died between 1889 and 1996; by exhaustive documentation found atwww.murderbydecree.com; and by the testimonies of eyewitnesses to ongoing crimes against humanity in Canada. This book describes the genocide of the Ahousaht indigenous people by the United Church and its business and government partners. But even if we were not so utterly compromised we could not stop any war, because it is always too distant a crime. Release the tension in your body. Liz knew all about William, since he was there the day that she and her creepy hubby Philip absconded with ten never-to-be-seen-again aboriginal children from the Kamloops residential school on October 10, 1964. But he fixed me so I could never have a kid.. Prominent leader of FRD and Vancouver church occupations. See www.murderbydecree.com and www.itccs.org .Posted inTruth and Reconciliation Commission,9th circle,Action: What to Do,Canada,Catholic Church,Charges Laid,Chuch of England,Church of Rome,civil rights,common law,common law court of justice,Crown of England,England,Genocide in Canada,here we stand,ITCCS,Johnny Bingo Dawson,Legal Background,Mass Graves in Canada,Media,nanaimo indian hospital,Ninth Circle,Ottawa,Prime Minister Harper,Public International Court of Justice,Public Summonses,queen Elizabeth,radio free kanata,Reality Checks,Rev. www.createspace.com/6784355(List price: $10). Seven of our comrades have died from foul play at the hands of the police and others. RIP. Their memory and witness, along with the lives of 65,000 children and those who continue to disappear and fall, will always be honored. Posted inTruth and Reconciliation Commission,9th circle,Action: What to Do,Canada,Catholic Church,Charges Laid,Child Trafficking,Chuch of England,Church of Rome,common law,common law court of justice,covenanters,Crimen Solicitationas,Crown of England,England,Genocide in Canada,Historical Background,Holy See,home rule,ITCCS,Jesuits,Jorge Bergoglio,Joseph Ratzinger,Legal Background,Mass Graves in Canada,Media,Ninth Circle,Occupy the Vatican,Ottawa,Pope Benedict,Pope Francis the First,Press TV,Public International Court of Justice,Public Summonses,queen Elizabeth,radio free kanata,Republic of Kanata,Rev. Earth has gone through multiple, The Pyramids, The Face & The Case For Intelligent Life on Mars Before Its Massive Climate Change, Set Your Pulse: Take a breath. Fallenis the human face of Canadas ongoing genocide, written with heart-felt pathos.The characters present a mystery that is never resolved and yet accentuates whatever humanity remains to us: the capacity for the unlikeliest of people to endure alone against unspeakable odds with nothing on their side save themselves. The internet is filled with pages accusing Annett of all kinds of lies \u0026 abuses. William Coombes was resident at Kamloops Indian residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia, in 1964, when the school was visited by the Queen and Prince Philip. Listen to Kevin and the Voice of the Republic live every Sunday at 6 pm eastern atwww.bbsradio.com/herewestand. But the unconquerable spirit of a few souls on either side of the racial divide struggles to prevail against overwhelming odds and big money. Died of blows to the head and chest, February 2, 2012. This practice was described by government inspector Dr. Peter Bryce in his 1909 visit to the Kamloops school and a half century later by Kamloops survivor William Combes, referring to the year 1965: Many of us children who werent cooperative were put in with the children who were sick or dead with the tuberculosis. The Report can be viewed online atwww.itccs.org. *edit - if you page down to the replies you'll see that we at AN are on the receiving end of similar villification for posting this video*Yet every single horror exposed by his investigations into the Canadian Genocide of Children \u0026 many more besides have been proven true by the Canadian Truth \u0026 Reconciliation Commisions findings of 2015.The TRC was hobbled in advance by refusing any submission from survivors of the IRS who accused anyone directly of murder or child abuse but the Commission was still forced to accept that Canada, the Canadian \u0026 Catholic Churches systems \u0026 the British Crown conspired to genocide the children of Indians so as to \"kill them off\" \u0026 deny them the future rights to their land, some of the richest in terms of natural resoucres on the planet.This is a crime against humanity the truth of which is only now beginning to leak into the popular conciousness.William Coombes died not long after making his accusations against the queen to camera. These began in the 1930s but intensified in the late 1940s and continue to the present day. Accordingly, it falls on the global community to stand upon international law and bring political and economic sanctions against Canada, the Crown of England, the Vatican and their church and corporate associates for their proven Crimes against Humanity. 14. But me and a friend saw Brother Murphy and a nun take some little bodies and shove them into the flames. The incinerated included the living, specifically the newborn babies of schoolgirls who became pregnant from staffers.Fellow Kamloops survivor Eddy Jules corroborates, When I was in Senior B, the girls would get pregnant, but theyd never have their kids, you know It was scary, youd hear the incinerator door being opened and hear the big clang and wed know theyd be getting rid of the evidence. It did so in order to mask the continuance of that crime, especially among west coast native nations. Brown is quoted in the documentary film. Based on Kevins firsthand experiences and his alliance with Ahousaht elder Earl Maquinna George, At the Mouth of a Cannon is a must-read for anyone concerned about the ongoing assault on our planet, our children and our liberties. The four characters were survivors of the murderous Indian residential schools of Canada and lived in the poverty-stricken downtown east side of Vancouver. I have rarely been so moved by a book.Unrelentingreviewer Elizabeth Richeson, Order your copies now through the create space links above or through hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com or 386-323-5774 (USA). of videotaped evidence by eyewitness William Coombes, who in October 1964 witnessed Elizabeth Windsor, as Head of State of Canada and Head of the Church of England, visit an aboriginal school in Kamloops, British Columbia, choose 10 young aboriginal children, made them kiss her feet, and allegedly took them from the school for Eyewitness to mass burials and murder of children at United Church Alberni residential school. Consequently, the period since 1990 has witnessed a rapid escalation of violence against Indians and a return to the brutal methods of the early colonial period. Genocide survivor. This report is written with the blood of countless aboriginal children, and of those who have died to bring the truth of their fate to light. And how have we successfully prosecuted and stopped these false and murderous churches and the evil behind them? began disappearing at the hands of death squads manned by off-duty RCMP officers and local policemen, as well as third party contractors hired by the federal government, its aboriginal front men and foreign corporations. This approximate mortality figure is based on government and church statistics and is discussed and documented in detail on pp. This December 24 is the 70th anniversary of Caldwells murder of Maisie Shaw: the first of many such crimes to be made public by our twenty year long campaign to expose and prosecute genocide by church and state in Canada. Of the thirty nine Kamloops survivors interviewed by our investigators, all of them described undergoing the following tortures while interred as young as five years old at the Kamloops school: a) routine rape and beatings with leather straps, clubs, metal rods and whips, b) denial of regular meals and proper food, c) unheated, dirty and unventilated dormitories, d) being locked in closets or a special underground prison for days without food, e) exposure to those with tuberculosis in their dorms and cafeteria, f) no regular medical care, g) constant death of children around them, h) immediate punishment for speaking their language including from beatings, imprisonment, denial of food, and tortures like having needles shoved through their tongues, penises and hands, and i) regular forced labor. Order your copy today atwww.createspace.com/6988697orcontactitccsoffice@gmail.com List price: $10, Commemorate Maisie Shaw Remembrance Day this Christmas by shutting down the churchesthat killed her and 60,000 other children!The Scene of the Crime and the Killer: Alberni Indian Residential Schooland its Principal, United Church minister Alfred Caldwell (1946), A Special Appeal from the ITCCS and Radio Free Kanata. Acontractual agreement dated November 25, 1910 between the government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Presbyterian and Methodist churches (the latter two were the predecessors to the United Church of Canada) established the jointly funded and administered Indian residential schools in which over half of the children died. (12) That is, the vast majority of missing aboriginal women are from matrilineal clan led families that traditionally controlled the resources and land bases of the different Indian nations. They have also lived in Orange, TX and Arlington, TX. Of course, climate change has always been happening, long before the industrial revolution. Leading that opposition are the succeeding generations of the Maquinna clan, the hereditary Ahousaht war-chiefs who must battle not only smallpox-bearing missionaries, gunships and loggers but their own fellow chiefs who seek to accommodateto and accept the white invaders. The best result we found for your search is William E Coombs age 70s in Birch Harbor, ME. A publicly supervised forensic examination of these children must occur to determine how they died and at whose hands. (1) This plan was set in motion and maintained by the Crown of England and its Privy Council Office and the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, along with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the judiciary and private corporations. (8. Those of us who have revealed and confronted these crimes within Canada have been assaulted, harassed, imprisoned and censored by every level of government, the police, and the courts, and have been prevented from operating freely within our own country. We call for them to bring sanctions against Canada and charge its government and churches with Crimes against Humanity. For Huxley's reality to take place, two components needed to happen. We must also acknowledge the seven aboriginal members of the ITCCS who have died at the hands of the police and others in the course of publicly surfacing this enormous crime and confronting the churches responsible: Chief Louis Daniels, Edna Philips, Harriett Nahanee, Harry Wilson, Johnny Bingo Dawson, William Combes and Ricky Lavallee. (4), This Directive by the Liberal government of Prime Minister Jean Chretien was launched barely one week before the opening of the first independent inquiry into residential school crimes in Canada: the United Nations- affiliated IHRAAM Tribunal held in Vancouver. 13. In short, there is no avenue for relief or justice for survivors of this genocide within Canada or in the agencies of the United Nations, which have turned their back on the reality of this ongoing crime by Christian and Corporate Canada. But the continued position of the Canadian government and its native band council agents, as well as the guilty churches and the media, is that most of the deaths of residential school children were due to natural causes. Genocide survivor and FRD member, participant in Vancouver church occupations. Posted onJune 17, 2017byKevinBreaking News: https://youtu.be/KXcd9WnINSEKevin Annetts 12th and latest book: List Price: $14.95 Release Date: Sunday June 18, 2017. Why Have The Rates Increased Rapidly to 1 in 44 Children? Ricky Lavallee,eyewitness to killings at Catholic residential schools in Manitoba. London, UK: Today, on the 58 th anniversary of the permanent disappearance of ten children from the Kamloops Indian residential school, new evidence has surfaced linking British monarch King Charles to their fate and to the death of other native children.. A group of witnesses have presented their affidavits to the special Tribunal that has convened to investigate Charles . It's time we raise consciousness around the mechanisms used in media to mislead the public. (See Addendum on the testimony of Kamloops survivor William Combes' witnessing of the abduction of ten Kamloops children by Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip on October 10, 1964, and of Combes' subsequent death by arsenic poisoning at the Catholic St. Paul's hospital in February 2013, according to eyewitness and attending nurse Chloe Kirker). William was a witness to the abduction of ten children by "Queen Elizabeth" Windsor on October 10, 1964 at the catholic Kamloops Indian residential school. (2013) at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY4h3hDjOYMand also:http://www.salem-news.com/articles/march262019/canada-biggest-cover-up-sw.phpandhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYEnChrKOgm7aRDzbo6yfswzCEdMl2P8e, Not Abuse But Mass Murder!
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