After issuing a citation to an alleged violator, a code enforcement officer shall deposit the original citation and one copy of the citation with the county court. And evidence to backup their cause for finding that the homeowners have violated the specified code? You can contact me at or I have a problem yet my surrounding neighbors dont. Here is an even dozen out of 44 facts which the Grand Jury found to be true: Ventura Code Enforcement officers intimidate and bully property owners, Code Enforcement officers claim to have more power than police officers relative to property matters. Also note how a lot of expensive homes use timber trusses. The Kingdom is about to fall thanks to the politicians. The investigation started numerous citizens complained of: The backdrop for this started in 2008-2009, when the City began experiencing the financial impact of declining revenue, including revenue losses in Building & Safety and Planning. It ignores the forces that are influencing the government in the first place. Every jurisdiction has its own rules, so there is no general reaction to your situation that will allow your building to remain legally. There was little doubt that Swayne was guilty of some of the offenses charged against him. Some of the more serious allegations are ex-post-facto, and violations of the Hobbs act, extortion and racketeering. It is effectively controlled by big corporate interests. So now their helping him illegally evict me! REINSTATE To restore to a prior status or position that was held before. as a Mechanical and Plumbing Inspector. stories Now they want about $800,000 for lies. The government starting with this so-called President along with his Justice Department head and his dumber than dirt Vice Presidentits a big mess and they should never question why millions of Americans dont like or trust them. EXTORTION simple as that! Instead Focuses On Trivial M Read the full text of the Ventura Grand Jury report here, Venturans for Resonsible & Efficient Government, Venturans for Resonsible and Efficient Government, verbal threats from code enforcement officers, arbitrary enforcement decisions holding current or successive property owners responsible for permits not obtained for work done prior to their ownership, City Council and City Manager trying to raise more revenue through fines and higher permit fees to balance their budget, $1,000,000 for a study to narrow Victoria Avenue, Council enacting a 911 tax that had to be reversed, A failed election effort to raise sales taxes, Councils waiver of $1.5 million in payment of permit fees, which should have been paid to Building & Safety for the WAV construction project, Lending $2.5000,000 to the WAV developer, and then subordinating that loan to a CHASE loan on the same property. Maybe the gussets were larger so the staples were not so close to the end of the boards or maybe they changed the code since then. What about northern Michigan as a potential homesteading site? Code Enforcement and the officers that reinforce it aim to detect, investigate, and prevent risks to the safety and welfare of the public in the form of land use, building standards, business activities, and public works. Abuses of power have been variously described as white-collar crime, economic crime, organizational crime, occupational crime, public corruption, organized crime, and governmental and corporate deviance. places in code where structure were cited) a COSTCO vinyl bungee corded canopy. Accompanied by a stop work order for all conteactors. That being said. Of course then the corporations would simply change their tactics and take control of the performance testing tools, methods, people, and still get their crap approved. VIII, State Const., or s. 166.021, F.S., to regulate the code enforcement boards or to impose any duties or requirements on such boards or to otherwise regulate the statutorily prescribed enforcement procedure." . They flat refuse to provide any written explanation. This amount was described by the plaintiffs' counsel as "very substantial." The building codes are a very powerful tool that get used and abused to enforced social status. However, Im not shocked that its happening in Detroit. Whats more, theres no indication that anyone on the Council desires to change anything. Strategies Inc. Natural Building makes sense on what you put inside a structure as well as what the structure is built out of. Then slather it with a coat of cement mortar or earthen plaster. A grand jurys historic function, serving as a quasi-judicial body is to determine if there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed and to protect citizens, including the obligation to investigate and report on the operations, accounts, and records of a citys officers, departments and functions They also have the duty to inquire into the willful or corrupt misconduct in office of public officers of every description. Its a bad trend to say the least. Individual officers, or sometimes whole units, can be corrupt or carry out various forms of police misconduct; this occasionally happens in many forces, but can be more common where police pay is very low unless supplemented by bribes. Go figure??? If thats not the definition of a racket, I dont know what is. [5][6][7], Federal Judge Charles Swayne was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives in 1904. Abuse of power is often at the base of incidents of harassment, exploitation and inappropriate behaviour. Alongside it. I live in the country. My shed was built using scraps and donated materials from the surrounding community. I wouldnt recommend anyone move to anywhere in Michigan. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Luckily, if the actions of your local Code Enforcement Officers constitute harassment, you can take steps to fight this harassment and restore peace in your daily life. I like using locally sourced timbers because the larger diameter naturally provides a certain level of fire resistance. I will contact you via email but wanted to post this. Its about the money and controlling people. In this chapter: (1) "Law relating to a public servant's office or employment" means a law that specifically applies to a person acting in the capacity of a public servant and that directly or indirectly: Thanks Owen.. Do you have knowledge of how to fight such abuse.. Ive been failing at it for 10 years now.. and am out of gas. or can they sue us? A different religion than the rest of the neighborhood. Report sidewalk obstructions to Road Maintenance at 425-388-7500. It is also harassment if a Code Enforcement Officer contacts you repeatedly over a violation that does not exist. Theyre will be no place for them to hide unless they plan to live in a bunker for the rest of their lives. thank you in advance. A citation issued by a code enforcement officer shall be in a form prescribed by the county or the municipality and shall contain: The name and address of the person to whom the citation is issued. A simple definition of the abuse of power is the misuse of a position of power to take unjust advantage of individuals, organizations, or governments. PENAL CODE. Hidden Construction defects can effect the value of a property once discovered. This way they can say the Widow is distraught with great, the divorcee is bitter, and the elderly are senile. Code Enforcement depends on individuals to report issues through FresGO and by calling 3-1-1. THIS IS EXTORTION AND BLACKMAIL. A NOV is posted on the residence. The officer must announce and identify themselves when requesting permission to enter. He only works 3 days a week. More horror stories of bad experiences with building code officials. The main code is using nonflammable materials in the city. Zhuge Liang was aware that Liu Bei favoured and trusted Fa Zheng, which was why he refused to intervene in this matter.[29]. Not really sure what my next move will be. Two of these (Judge George English and President Richard Nixon) resigned before their trial in the Senate could take place, and two others were acquitted by the Senate. I thought they were looking for health and safety violations or things that are not to code like septic tanks and such. This breaks the budget and then the state passes draconian laws to strip people of their rights and take total control. They will always abuse that power in the name of serving itself. Then threatened my neighbor about her house and conveniently the officer has a foreigner friend that buys houses and flips them for double and more!!! [28], During this period of time, he abused his power by taking personal revenge against those who offended him before and killing them without reason. NOW AS THE HOMEOWNERS ARE IN THE PROCESS OF CONTRACTING AN ABATEMENT COMPANY TO REMOVE THE DAMAGED INTERIOR OF THE HOME. I put a small 10 x 8 shed and got a notice that I cannot have a structure without first establishing principal use Im an artist of all sorts and thought I would be able to enjoy my own land.. they are saying i can be charged up to 1000 a day and i need to take all items off vacant land do you know of any help? And on the city web site, that is supposedly an action that is not considered an urgent matter. so I guess now Im a city manufactured criminal.. Why are city code allegations, CRIMINAL? We cover citywide issues, not countywide issues. They can also take the property if you dont pay. You never know when theyll slap on giant new fees and taxes. They figure if the fire is blazing that hot, everyones dead already. I wont say much about whether the guy in the video has a legal case or not, because Ive only heard his side of the story. That does not include the cost of the unfunded benefits for all other employees, which is approximately $20,000,000, In 2014 the City will have to pay CALPERS another $19,488,000, on top of payroll costs of $48,000,000, for a total of $67,488,000. [15], The vote on Article II was bipartisan, with 7 of the 17 Republicans joining all 21 Democrats on the committee in approving impeachment of a U.S. president for abuse of power. As I keep saying, thats the nature of bureaucracies. B. Alviani K. Corse T. Cook. But they are still refusing to remove the notice and stop work order. enforcement. ;). Thurs Aug 10 2017 10 am. As Don tells it he still has not received notification clarifying the matter. But for me its important to expose this corruption so we as a society can rebuild something more ethical and sustainable. Absolutely wow. Most of what they listed was vague or was even about a different property. 96-385; s. 4, ch. It should also be noted that despite the public play of a few complaints, the Citys approach to code compliance is compassionate and patient in working with property owners.. WORKING TOGETHER we may be able to get relief from this increasingly common racketeering practice. It is estimated that between 360 and 500 people attended. Anyone that values freedom should be appalled. The city has corruption in code enforcement from what I am seeing, and it may extend into the city attorneys office. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Things like- We dont show stairs to the second floor living area in the front of the house (its the only way to get into the house from the street). When I argued that we were in construction prior to this ordinance they merely said pay it or we wont let you open. To me it is a clear case of extortion. need help fighting Torrance (zip 90503) City Code tyranny abuse targeting senior with multiple disabilities retired since 2006.. 10 years 10s thousands to attorneys (who always seem to flip to city side leaving me defenseless (keeping graces with city abandoning leaving defenseless client, denying client demand to testify in own behalf, present evidence photos, emails, witnesses to inspections where inspector state property is in compliance then in court testifies opposite Pub Dfndr denied presenting my evidence: testimony docs emails photos to expose perjury by city inspector) I filed State Bar and appeal actions which due to using Public Defender went off in left field not even related to issues listed in my submission) Who system is corrupt including Judge AB Honeycutt who did on record in court against protocol did flawed investigation and was untouchable upon appeal I filed as appointed appeals attorney filed a story which had no bearing on case nor issues called out in my submission so I lost.. same with So Bay Bar Assn= LM Manning prosecutor (failed to report to court Judge ruled I must act in own behalf after prior ruling I could not! This assumes that the trusses will be hidden in an attic and not part of the visual inside the house. Our forensic investigators have been actively collecting case histories of multiple victims of these abusive and corrupt code enforcement actions frequently committed Read the full text of the Ventura Grand Jury report here. Without prior written notice that explains what the code violation is. Insulating/wrapping the gussets with fireproof materials would provide an extra layer of safety. The fact that many women have survived domestic violence at the hands of a police officer attests to the fact that your escape and your survival are possible. 19 This is a perfect example. A maximum civil penalty not to exceed $500. I suspect most people dont want to lose their money, their home and go to jail. Supporting and participating in the building code process increases the flow of money to a bureaucracy that will want to hang onto power at minimum and, if at all possible, grow in size and perceived importance Im talking about the tendency of bureaucracies to grow, overreach, become oppressive, intrusive and burdensome. -Tracy, Any suggestions on where I go to get some help I am experiencing abusive, denial, aggressive and unprofessional style comments and reactions from code compliance Doug Leepers office. He has since given up and moved on. Without verifying that they indeed in violation of this code. An attorney who has experience in Code Enforcement disputes will be able to help you determine whether you have a strong case for harassment and present your side of the story in court. Their proceedings are conducted in private, and their reports are reviewed by County Counsel, or the District Attorney. Note: by much higher level of construction Im talking about nonflammable building materials such as plastered earthbags. The ICC ignores them. 95-147; s. 3, ch. Don agreed and allowed two RCCE officers to inspect his nearly finished home. Why? You might want to hire a lawyer for professional advice. San Bernardino has transferred many of its specially trained code enforcement personnel to other Cities such as Carlsbad and other San Diego County Municipalities. Does the City staff really believe they are entitled to know the names of the people they are accused of intimidating, or whose properties were the subject of an illegal search? If a Code Enforcement Officer has breached the law in your municipality by entering or requesting to enter your home when it is not appropriate, or you are being repeatedly contacted about non-violations, you can take steps to prevent future harassment. I have a Zoning code enforcement officer writing me tickets after tickets every month. Mind you no one has blueprints with the exception of a preliminary blueprint (NOT the final building blueprints) that the Building and Safety came up with. safety practice within communities that helps to minimize risk to public, file court actions in the case of non-compliance because they are granted police, important to note that what Code Enforcement Officers are permitted to do will vary depending on where you live, legal if the request is made during appropriate hours, Enters your property without announcing and identifying themselves in an area where entry for inspection purposes is permitted, Requests entry to your property at unreasonable times, Requests to enter, or enters your property in a municipality where this is not allowed. Of the two articles of impeachment, Article I alleges abuse of power. Michigan is not a place I would recommend anyone move to or start a business. Tom, thank you for sharing your story. Based on this information, you could have a case for Code Enforcement Harassment if a Code Enforcement Officer: Even if a Code Enforcement Officer doesnt enter your property, you may be able to sue for harassment if you can prove that the Code Enforcement practices being used are excessive and/or unnecessary. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. For which the county commissioners filed a lawsuit against us. I only have (1) neighbor thats close to me, over a 1,000 ft away. Burien Municipal Code Ch. Create a new life elsewhere and just forget about this. Which we have. DO YOU HAVE, OR KNOW OF, ANY ATTORNEYS WHO FIGHT THEM?? Im afraid I cant be much help. If building codes/code officials were really serious about fire safety I mean really, really concerned as if lives were truly on the line (which they are) they would require a much higher level of construction than current match stick houses filled with plastics and wafer board. Why does this code enforcement have to do this? I didnt get to talk to a judge, have a hearing, or have due process. Some officials approached Zhuge Liang, another of Liu Bei's key advisers, and urged him to report Fa Zheng's lawless behaviour to their lord and take action against him. The council recognizes that enforcement depends upon clear and precise regulations that can be effectively applied in administrative enforcement hearings and judicial proceedings. Our property value will go down lower than what we owe plus we dont have the money to tear down all these buildings. The response by the City to this report clearly demonstrates their lack of understanding, or constitutes a brazen and irresponsible attempt to obfuscate the truth when they state the report includes no specific example of the problems cited in other words it is vague. Finally, you will need to present your case in a court setting so that a judge can decide whether you have experienced Code Enforcement harassment according to the law. Still, the County is better than the city. Efforts in the United States to understand and combat white-collar crime have included data collection, enactment of legislation, proposals for additional legislation, designation of white-collar crime as one of the four priority areas in the Department of Justice, efforts by Federal regulatory agencies, and expanded State and local agency efforts. So lets see if I have this right. Im just proud of myself if I can remember to put the seat down after taking a well I digress. Too many stories are out there of the ICC ignoring the concerns of local communities. Unclear rules and procedures for appealing administrative decisions in front of an impartial review board. First off, Nails or Staples through the standard gusset plates would be a code violation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This report is an indictment of a system out of control. Heres a previous blog post not sure if youve seen it that helps explain how this scam works. But instead let me say there is things you can do to fight back and protect your rights and the rights of other American citizens. I think I kinda remember something along those lines that never really became popular. After 16 years of complying with the building departments order to stabilize our steep slope, and completing the project in substantial compliance with the approved permitted plans, as finaled by the citys Special Inspector a Geotech firm, the city of Seattle sued me for arranging several rocks to control erosion as not shown on the plan, and are seeking over $800,000 in fines. A month later my fine is ($600.00). The Institute for Justice stands at the forefront to spot and counter these new threats to private property. The same inspection activities are now performed, except the funding comes from the new permit fees charged to property owners that build or modify structures, The City stated that finding more code violations does not have a direct financial impact on the Code Enforcement group, but does significantly raise the permit fees for Building & Safety, and likely saves Code Enforcement jobs. With those incursions, they never ONCE gave a list of what was to be fixed. If so, this sounds like what I predicted in my blog post in March, 2012 called Building Codes are a Slippery Slope.