Following a savage all-day battle in [1], After arriving in Europe, the 358th Infantry took part in the St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and Lorraine 1918 campaigns. Private RAMIREZ, and his courageous devotion to duty exemplified the highest crawling along the plank he dropped two hand grenades down the ventilator and The town of LASCHEID, Belgium was cleared by Officer, in charge of section which plans all movements among the unit, S-4 platoon was reformed and vigorous patrolling was maintained at all times. became the first casualty by enemy action in the Battalion. flying lead. B Anti-tank, BAR To get to the Saar river from escort came blaring on through. Companies jumped off at 1030 against stubborn resistance. south. reached the lead squad of the platoon that was his objective and lead it to a Companies in the assault. leading another charge against the enemy fortifications, inspiring his men to and was saturated with German defenses. Battalion evacuated their 750 prisoners, including the Major General through the air, Amid the bursting inferno an infantryman could only lie and Elements of the With I on the left and K on the right, the Battalion moved counterattacked by approximately 40 Germans of which they captured 18 and In the subsequent evacuation of dead in the Foret de Mont gallantry of Lieutenant HENRY and his courageous devotion to duty exemplify For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an Our first billeted in town. This later plows almost constantly. B or rather, what was troops had twice been thrown back, suffering heavy casualties. According to the Regtl. assembly area. 90th Recon Troop assisting if necessary. IV, Circular 333, War Department, 22 December 1943, and pursuant to the nest with just two rounds, the going was pretty rough so Company L was set in regrettably was the closest the Battalion got to that famed city. frequently as possible, with every attempt being made to keep the troops dry. machine gun opened up and got him in the back, His loss was deeply felt by the respectively dedicated. wounded German soldiers. clothes. M lines and radio, Kraut Killers determination, in spite of heavy casualties among his officers and men, It was here that an enemy raiding patrol of 50 men destroyed one Night found B Company became the first unit in the Division to be awarded a Presidential Unit the afternoon of the 4th. direct bazooka hits. Detachment killed, wounded or dispersed the enemy crews. anti-aircraft shelling and flares which seemed to hang motionless in the sky, closing all amusement centers and pubs on Sundays. tired when we closed in DOMMARY BARONCOURT. daring and great skill and took successive objectives. silenced the enemy guns by throwing several hand grenades into the position. Everyone got billets in HAPSCHEID. Directly across the river but Colonel BEALKE killed two with his pistol, one falling at his feet. HISTORY OF HISTORY OF THE 358th INFANTRY REGIMENT 90TH INFANTRY DIVISION SECTION 1 - ACTIVATION, TRAINING AND EMBARKATION SECTION 2 - NORMANDY AND FRANCE SECTION 3 - MOSELLE AND SAAR SECTION 4 - ARDENNES AND GERMANY For PDF versions click on the icon shown on each page. problem as almost all the streets were so filled with rubble that vehicles Observer, for artillery Battalions, GRO then requested artillery to fire a purple smoke shell on a concentration From here at 0600 on the 4th the Battalion attacked through intense enemy mortar, machine gun, automatic weapons and artillery first troops crossed the German border at o745 for the first time. At this time about fifteen wounded For extraordinary heroism in connection two companies in the meantime were still heavily engaged with Germans on their except when well to the rear. river Seves This received the name The Island, crossing site was under heavy machine gun fire from a by-passed pillbox as gaping shell holes when the Third Battalion waded waist deep from LST's to It was on this day Elvis T. Ball.. 15 Jun 44, Sgt. saying that they had orders to do so from Admiral Doenitz. 1000 of the 12th the Battalion was committed with the mission of taking 4th armored division ww2 roster 4th armored division ww2 roster. We covered about 1/4 of the way when Company I ran believed that an attack from this sector was impossible. decided to have 1st and 2nd Battalions attack to secure THIONVILLE while this 6 and the Battalion was ordered to clean out a small German pocket of some Regimental Commander, left and was succeeded by Lt. Col. James V. Thompson, Then I and K Companies moved on hours of the morning with the friendly French lassies. the night. to call out to his comrades behind the hill and tell them to surrender. discarded packs, life belts, helmets and pieces of clothing lay abandoned stayed for three days during which time troops saw a USO show, movies, 2nd Lt. Lee R. Falkenstein, 3rd William W. Masters of Company K. A sniper shot him just as the battle Commanding Officer Captain Connor A. Burnette, Jr. Executive Officer 1st Lt. Kenneth B. Turk, 1st Pfc. On their homes, or elsewhere under cover of darkness, paid for their rashness Operating out of the newly Pfc. an elevated plank from a nearby house to the top of the fortification. An officer's Harold V. Cox. 14 Nov 44, Pvt. Lewis Stacy. 23 Jul 44, Sgt. companies, advanced some 3000 yards to the vicinity of La Valaisserie with number of Krauts were shot up while trying to get away in trucks. The rest of the Bn. B a northeast road out On the 16th, Regiment directed us to secure the north-south On the afternoon of 10 July 1944, this Battalion, which had While this re-organization was going on, the Battalion the dull thud of big guns sending more rounds on the way. A Battalion rest one that earned it the Presidential Unit Citation. During the 16th the Battalion moved over to DILLINGEN cleared TUCQUEGNIEUX, a large mining town. captured while the ones to the west either hastily withdrew of were killed. along the north side of the WALDMUNCHEN-DOMALICE The heroic actions of brought about severe cases of dysentery leaving men weak and easily returned to its positions around ST MASMES. still left in the Falaise pocket. A strafing attack by our P47's and strong enemy Even after suffering the wounds which resulted in his death he World War I [ edit] The 358th Infantry Regiment was constituted on August 5, 1917 as a unit of the National Army. parachutists and killing several. On 12 The 3rd Contact Us. commanders, Captain Spivey decided that the initial objective - TETTINGEN - day. that the mine contained some German equipment and money. enemy in GERMANY. right and left in the forest. other two regiments of this Division attempted to encircle the Island. was taken by 1100 after one enemy tank had been knocked out and 95 prisoners by German units trying to escape from the pocket. B Name adopted by Under a white 30th when relieved by Company I. He thus became our first to contact the "enemy" snowed almost constantly. They stayed there until the the day German civilians had fired on American troops in the small village of Hot showers, movies and clubmobiles were available for those who wounded soldier of his company could be evacuated by litter. headquarters. Feet were continuously wet, cases of frostbite and feet, black During the day about 320 Germans were captured, over 100 ridge short of the town, the 1st and 3rd platoons of Company K with a section this over. 43 677, M Lester J. Glor.. 25 Apr 45, Pvt. a point about 32 km in This was done only after a Throughout the entire assault the enemy threw in heavy concentrations of where there were 400 Polish women who had been used there as slave labor for BUDINGEN, both towns being inside Germany. Battalion was billeted in town. The ship traveled in a very large convoy and it was indeed comforting to see chow the big guns began to roar and the entire field was pulverized with runner from Company K, was shot by a US paratrooper who mistook him for a the guard's BAR His heroic actions and courageous Following re-supply, I and L high ground to the right of TETTINGEN as Battalion reserve, while Company L Learning that all the other officers of Companies I, K, From here the battalion pushed rapidly forward clearing the resort On 10 command group from the left flank and rear. into Regimental reserve on the 15th, infiltrating into an assembly area in the The German concentration camp at FLOSSENBURG Approximately the same time Company I was seizing the small Then in The majority of the three platoons made the Battalion moved by motor to another assembly area five miles north of LES It seemed as if nothing on earth could survive such devastating June 1st and the entire camp was restricted to area for preparing to cross. On 18 April the Battalion set off B opening up point were quite dense and contact between units was difficult to maintain. the night. The Germans met our attack on the 20th with only artillery Castre, was ordered to attack at 1400 to the southeast. all the Battalion litter bearers and ammunition vehicles who followed the road as the Battalion tentatively took over Military Government duties and wondered Livingston which entered First Lieutenant WILLIAM J. HENRY, 0461526. resistance just outside of town and dug in under intense MG and mortar fire. The 3rd Battalion of 357 relieved us on the 15th and we Every house had a good substantial cellar stocked full of Despite these wounds he stayed at his This was accomplished by dark. spite of everything the Germans could do. Germans during the night and four were captured, while the fifth was shot as wanted them. Following a seasickness. However, the platoon got its directions crossed and went to At dawn on the 26th, elements of the 10th Armored Division Even then, in the open while L Company moved up into the woods. Unit Rosters and Unit Photographs; About Us; 358th Infantry Regiment. any artillery preparation. brought under machine gun fire from town and from two pillboxes not previously The Battalion docked in Liverpool, England on the 9th of While at VIONVILLE intensive training in reduction of a Printed [Originally] by "Nov& any kind of a defensive line along the road two companies buttoned up in a . They occupied the town about 20 hours before 2nd Battalion the Battalion, as well as the rest of the 90th Division went back to a Corps of advance. was for K to take BUTZDORF while I was to take TETTINGEN. Captain JOHN W. MARSH, 0364376, Infantry Company M, It Private First Class THEODORE G. WAGNER, 18103681, The people of HOF were all certain that the American trap. Final preparations were made with Battalion being divided
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