mainly for those already accustomed to playing at faster speeds and who are less However, there may be differing opinions than those expressed in a guide. A Dark Knight without any Haste equipment and Str/Acc for weapon skill will deal as low as 50% the damage of a fairly well equipped Dark Knight with at least 15% haste in his equipment set. This is the #1 utility ability that Drk has access to, you can stun giant -aga spells, pecking flurries, lock a mob down so it doesn't Mijin Gakure or Astral Flow, or just stun to let someone get shadows up. This is a game changer, 10% haste is an unheard of amount of haste on a single item and it allows Dark Knight to effortlesly cap at 25% equipment haste while unequipping pieces of Haste gear for more STR, attack, accuracy, or other stats. This also means that compared to my previous guides, Warrior and Samurai, there is much less black and white to Dark Knight's play style. You can replace any Direct Hit meld with Skill Speed in any slot that won't What gear should I focus on getting/improving to further progress with DRK? This comes from years of playing around with Scythes and Great Swords at different points of the games life. These sets are specifically for The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate), FINAL FANTASY is a . As mentioned in the Blood Weapon paragraph, this can be combined with that ability for some crazy shit. I personally think this is a good choice for a category 1 merit, allowing you to get to your next big souleater WS a minute earlier, or if your lucky enough with enough backline you can ride the whole souleater duration. That said if you find yourself unable to use souleater on cooldown because of MP constraints, maybe it's not the right merit for you. Additionally, one Direct Hit X and one Critical Hit If you feel the need for some of the most powerful dark arts the world of Vanadiel has to offer, this job may be just what you're looking for. Times that by 8. Current gear: ItemSet 379659 Cerberus.Castien. Thank you in advance and again sorry if its been discussed before. Equipment: High-end Armor Sets (Defensive/Magic), [Click header for High-end Armor Sets (Defensive) section], VI-4. Dreamland Dynamis will add Abyss Cape, which is insanely good for accuracy in your TP set, WS set, and even Magic sets. I currently have 117 gear/weapons and I was searching some things up. Shout group ambuscade/dyna/whatever since sakpatas came out. Ranger is the sub job of choice before Warrior! Hidden effect on apoc is x2 damage not x2.5. If this has been answered before I am sorry. To make up for the lack of Skill Speed on gear, this set replaces ten Direct The former has low delay of around 480, low damage and is available to other jobs such as Bst. This page and some of the guides contained are a work in progress. boosts to your damage. FINAL savage release requires capping tomes on the week of normal mode release. He will then send you to a Galka named Mighty Fist in the Darksteel Forge. Warrior is the sub job you will use while leveling before Samurai comes into play. These are shown on the rings, This Trying to be #1 on the parse becomes a pissing contest most of the time that people will even sacrifice the whole group to just benefit themselves and their ego. How do other DRKs handle Sheol C mobs that resist slashing? While they have a respectable rating in Elemental Magic, the bulk of their magic usage comes from casting Dark Magic spells. Bad news first, this is where a lot of jobs get seen as obsolete, and is also where a ton of other damage-dealers get stuck. Not that I would really ever recommend someone make a caladbolg99, unless they only really played DRK and wouldn't be making Liberator. I want to make it clear that I do not hate Caladbolg or Torcleaver, though I do get mad when Torc decides to miss. Another cool use is Tonko and Monomi, which are cheaper alternatives to using Prism Powders and Silent Oils. Privacy Policy. The only downside is their low vitality. Even though youd probably hit for zero damage base, youd still deal 100 damage through Souleater. For more detail This set is intended for compatibility with the UWU set and does not require Speaking of Souleater, the next piece is your AF headpiece. Absorb-TP (45): This is a a fun spell, it allows you to steal TP from the enemy and give it to yourself. Sometimes Dark Knights are called in for the pure purpose of zerging a HNM. Hasso and Seigan cant be used together, but are amazing when dealing damage and keeping yourself alive when you pull hate respectively. weapon from the fight, use it with Direct Hit melded in the third slot. Ambu/Escha/+2 AF is the general area of gear I'm working with atm. As with the 2.50 set, you can run a slightly faster speed for comfort at the Thanks Carrot, that is helpful. Later on Sturmwind is a very powerful 2-hit WS and can really put the hurt on mobs; also because it's multi-hit it synergizes very well with Souleater. Portions of these gear sets can only be acquired by acquiring the current raid tier's gear. Adding a little bit of finesse to the powerful brute that is Dark Knight, a Mithra Dark Knight plays Dark Knight very well. Using Last Resort, Sneak Attack, Trick Attack, Souleater, and then Guillotine can deal some absolutely ludicrous amounts of damage, and give it ALL to the person in front of you. Souleater also adds +25 accuracy while its up, which can help offset accuracy loss from Souleater enhancing items. It looks really cool, and is really awesome. Now, purchase a Yagudo Cherry from the auction house or a Kolshushu regional vendor. This includes daggers, swords, axes, great swords, great axes and scythes. The DPS These sets are specifcally for the Dragonsong's Reprise with an ilvl sync of If you have 2 Marches in your tank party you can shed off another 9%~ in equipment haste for more enmity. 605. linked below. Thanks. but can be done on any other slots that won't overcap on the chosen substat as a Well, some may argue that if you have spent your gil making a Caladbolg 99 instead of Ragnarok 99 chances are that you aren't intelligent enough to compete with a Borealis/OAT GS DRK. Weapon Grade: B- You have people worried about parses, all while they're running auto-buff and auto-wswhat are you doing? Dark Knight Guide 2022 Dream Ms Guide is not entirely linear in progression, some parts of the lower sections will supplement knowledge of the earlier sections i.e APQ from the Money Making Section will supplement levelling via apple roar from 108-174. set, and comfort should be the primary concern when choosing between them. E skill means that you will have to stack a full accuracy set and eat food which strongly compliments the weapon type. This set is used against mobs you specifically know will use earth spells/abilities, with this set and some buffs like Barstonra/Earth Carol you can reduce the incoming damage to nearly 0. When subbing Warrior, get yourself an Axe Belt for higher skill in them than even your Scythes and Great Swords. Even so, its not all that good. that won't overcap on Determination as a result, indicated by red text in the Honorable mention for Raetic Algol if you can find one on AH. Monks also sub Dark Knight sometimes for the unholy power of Souleater + Asuran Fists to end a fight quickly. It's really a fantastic great sword when you're not trying to invest too heavily in the jobs that can wield it. A single piece of gear can often make up for a race's negligible lack in a stat. Usually you will want to use this on cooldown just for more stats. Notes: The best weapon a Dark Knight can use until level 50, although it is not practical to do so since Scythe and/or Great Sword are very likely to become underlevelled. JavaScript is disabled. Apoc VS Calad: Fenrir.Puciato: 34: 2262: 4 years 1 month. This set is going to be the set you sit in when you are going to get hit, or just a standing around set for defensive purposes. These sets are specifically for The Weapon's Refrain (Ultimate), abbreviated Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! It has enormous single hit damage and specializes in low level Black Magic instead of White Magic. ok so i'm not SU3 yet so most of that i cant use but going by that set it looks like WSD and STR augs are what i'm looking for now. For every HP drain II returns over your max HP, it will temporarily increase your max HP for 1 minute. Dark Knight a.k.a. Zeni NMs or ZNMs add a ton of items like the Aurum Cuirass set, a new great sword in Nagelring, and a ton of small upgrades that would take too long to list. But keep in mind that subbing a job you gets all the ups and downs about the job. down to 2.44 GCD in exchange for ~0.5% of your DPS. When you imagine a 2007 era Dark Knight, it may evoke images of Linkin Park playing in the background while Kraken Clubs are swingin and beating down an innocent Absolute Virtue. Also most of the time Souleater is either deleting the mob or the mob is unable to act when being attacked via stuns so it doesn't matter if it's facing you. This set follows the general stat priority except for one Direct Hit X and The guide is basically my attempt to make the information easier to digest and locate with convenience and also serves as a self-reflection of what I've learned in the past 1-2months. 2 WSs ~1500 TP each would not kill the lamia, but 2 Judgments ~1750TP will. The spell only lasts 1 minute, so it can be frustrating to use, but when timed correctly is exceptionally rewarding. To be clear, this isn't tanking via hitting the mob with your scythe to keep hate while casting shadows - while that play style is valid, it doesn't perform differently than normal play and isn't as effective on most higher-level mobs. The former can be done in It depends on the situation, the healer's ability to support the Souleater usage, and many other things. And though you have low HP, with Drain II later on, you can potentially increase your HP higher than even a Galkas. This power comes from the spell Utsusemi, both versions of it, which puts a buff on you that absorbs incoming damage. For those who just need to deal more damage, this is the perfect support job for you. I don't recommend this, as when you are using Souleater your damage output should be so insanely high that you will likely pull hate anyways. haha yeah i know. I wouldn't use the set pictured as a guide of what exactly to wear, but options to combine into your own set to make one you like. PLD is the easiest and, arguably, one of the most effective tanks in FFXI 75 pre-Atonement era. Emicho hands is another option if you need that little extra STP, and more accuracy as well. You might be asking why?, and the answer is Guillotine damage. These are shown on the earring Increases damage, physical attack & physical accuracy by 1. A truly menacing job-race combination. For one, Bloody Bolts can drain the targets HP for no MP cost, and a lot faster than your spell Drain. [+] Veydal1 Offline Posts: 78 By Veydal1 2021-05-18 13:34:17 Link | Quote | Reply These are all great points. Dark Knight excels in two types of weapons: Great Swords and Scythes. The only downside is that it doubles your recasting time for all spells, so turn it off before using any spell. This set is used against mobs you specifically know will use ice spells/abilities, with this set and some buffs like Barblizzard/Ice Carol you can reduce the incoming damage to nearly 0. Following the path west, head to H-7. Whatever you do, dont use your Chaosbringer weapon that you get from finishing Dark Knight. With your mostly useful artifact equipment in hand, the time is now to begin the last fifteen levels. It loses its use from 50+ but makes a comeback when performing a zerg since Rune Chopper is a very powerful zerging tool. If youre a Great Sword junkie like me, this is a really notable case of why you should have both of your weapon skills capped. Tredecim Scythe - This scythe is bad..currently. At Lv.10 you get your first Attack Bonus, which puts you into position of damage-dealer right away. Some Dark Knights favour Scythe, some favour Great Sword; each has their own advantages and disadvantages and both are very capable. replaced with Determination and one Critical Hit meld replaced with Direct Hit Offensively, Dark Knight gameplay involves building and spending both Mana and Blood while managing a suite of high-value offensive cooldowns. reach the desired threshold. Twitch: brought to you by the "Real Rosa" RosafarrelliCheck him out overe here: . Bind (20) & Sleep (30): If you have Enfeebling skilled up this can be useful to cast in weird situations, like a mob link or over pull. Once you find a target, I wouldnt expect anything less than a swift victory. Youve acquired your first piece of AF. Damage output is near-identical to the 2.50 The Head has some use as a WS piece if you lack other options, and the body is mostly not good for Drk but can see use if you absolutely don't need accuracy in your body slot. Strategies and information in guides may not work for everyone. High delay means that a missed swing is very detrimental for TP gain, moreso than missing with a lower delay weapon would be. The potency of Dread Spikes is based purely on total HP, which means you can macro in as much HP as possible before casting it for maximum total damage absorbed. TP sets should be able to work with /WAR as well. It basically trades-in a small portion of your damage over time for survivability and hate control, but only works well Lv.60 and higher. DRK has no Fencer and Last Resort haste doesn't apply to 1h build, so generally your 2h REMA will be better than Loxotic, unless its something like skeletons, where I think they resist slashing by 75% in C and they take bonus blunt damage. Allot no more than 127 points into each substat for And if you are a newcomer to this game, the Beginner guide may teach you a few things you didn't already know. This ability is okay, it's a relatively strong temporary attack boost you can slip in before a big WS. Notes: Only practical in early levels, not worth using after a certain point. Plus, high dexterity and agility mean you can hit more and dodge more if the need arises. It will then say Additional Effect: 100 HP drained from the Target. It won't actually drain the target's HP, but you will restore your own. Dark Knights are melee damage dealers specializing in the use of Great Swords and Scythes. You can only get this quest once you are Lv.30 or higher. This is the sub you want to have, it may not always be the right choice because Ninja sub offers significantly stronger defenses, but if you can you should sub Samurai. It's also very useful as a support job for Red Mage in end-game scenarios with Stun. Offline. Gear-wise you will use a combination of gear already shown in this guide, as well as new sets for enmity generation and defense. UCOB syncs to item level 345, and synced gear must be item level 470 or And how well exactly does afterglow calad hold up? That's the inevitable direction that comment turns it, though. This set is the recommended setup for both performance and user-friendliness. Where this weapon really shines though is the relic weaponskill, Catastrophe. You can check your stats under an item level 475 I use 4/5 sakpatas in my hybrid. the exact pieces used are just examples; any gear above the optimal sync encounters. This is possibly one of the most trivial quests of all times. Souleater Recast - Lowers the recast of Souleater by a minute, putting it at 5:00 with full merits. a tiny bit more HP with a negligible hit to DPS. At lv.30, Warrior or Dragoon become the better choice. This job is a "learn by doing" job for sure, you yourself need to figure out how to fit in a dread spikes between pulls without losing any DPS uptime, or when is appropriate to stun vs just allow things to go off so you can squeeze out more damage. Not sure of your augments of course but just to start get the Flamma head and feet +2 and see about getting an Utu Grip and Omen rings. Judgment is superior to Black Halo, so yeah. and our Dark Knights have a small MP pool, so your use of spells is quite strategic. item level 375 sync by queuing into Sigmascape V2.0 (Savage) with the wrist, and second ring, respectively, but can be done on any other slots that It's important to keep in mind the people you're playing with. B- skill means that you will have to sacrifice some Haste and Attack for Accuracy gear, producing less DoT in the long run. Good luck sir! LOL @ the colibri on Redemption. Hit and one Skill Speed materia in the ring and two Critical Hit materia in the As a 13+ year career DRK .. this is what I think of all REMAs. You do not have the skill ranks that Warrior does to make this viable. on how Dark Knight utilizes each stat, visit the melding and stat priority page Notes: Tempting although it may seem, do not Dual Wield on Dark Knight seriously. cost of some DPS. Notable Weaponskills: None, Weapon Grade: C- Scythes are split into two types: Zaghnal and Scythe. And with their moderate intelligence pool, thats no joke. much easier to meet currently than on release due to potency and system changes, In actuality you are better off not casting this spell in most situations because the damage gained from just hitting the mob and generating TP the old fashioned way is just straight up better damage, but in some situations it is worth using. You can also cast spells like Absorb-TP, which if timed well can give you huge chunks of TP to increase your damage and lower the mob's damage. With average strength, a Mithras damage is high up there too. Warrior also gives you Provoke. Fending, and the helm with an Asphodelos Circlet of Fending. Game: FFXI. I should preface this by saying that category 1 is a mess of a category, and is still highly debated by Dark Knights in discord channels and forums everywhere. From 20-30 this sub will offer you a small Accuracy Bonus (+10) as well as Sharpshot that increases your ranged accuracy for spamming crossbow bolts which you should be doing at that level. (Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide: Quetzacoatl: 6120: 982748: 3 weeks 4 days. Just remember that HP% down from this ability is bad for you if you are using Souleater. People need a guide to just spam resolution? Server: Cerberus. Notable Weaponskills: None. A pretty weak ability, if you remember to use it while fighting any arcana-type mob you and your party members will have a chance to intimidate the mob. These levels are both quite nice and really bad for Dark Knights. Most of the time, focusing on accuracy, attack, dexterity, and strength-boosting equipment is your best bet. Dont rely on it to save your hide until Lv.30 comes around. Weapon Grade: B- Healers will hate you if you abuse this too much, so please pay attention to their MP and use Souleater when it makes sense to use. In Lv.75 end-game scenarios, having your club skill high can help too. I've been wanting to test out loxotic mace on DRK but not exactly sure where to start since we don't have access to black halo. If you do not have a Bozjan resistance relic weapon, simply use any weapon In this guide I cover three typ. Thats 100x8 = 800 damage. Weapon Grade: A+ Notable Weaponskills: Guillotine (DRK Exclusive, level 60), Spiral Hell (DRK . Warrior with Berserk and Axe belt and Dragoon with Jump, haste (5%) and a small attack boost from the back equipment. Meaning if you have a Ninja tank and are otherwise scared to even lift a finger, subbing Thief can pour all that enormous enmity on the Ninja, not only letting you deal all that damage, but even more later, since his or her hate threshold will be immediately increased. What about the club that hits eight times per hit! Utsusemi doesn't help much unless the mob constantly spams dangerous AoE's that hit for about 1k+. Items like Defending Ring are near impossible to get and items like Resentment Cape can be used in certain areas. So the chances of your eight punches ALL landing on a mob is rare. Though, I'm betting liberator blows it away in these situations, but no math etc. loses around 1.5% total damage output compared to the other sets. Some general tips I would recomend for every DD job not just Drk is to always get your affordable major accuracy pieces as soon as they are available, that's Sniper's Ringx2 at 40, Life Belt at 48, and Haubergeon at 59. Combine with the fact that they have higher. Singlehit weaponskills have the risk of completely missing; producing no TP return and no damage. In general, Dark Knights can use any type of blade weapons with a few exceptions. No one likes a Dark Knight that sacrifices all damage in order to support, but no one likes a Dark Knight that never supports either, balance is the key to this job. Available after completing the Blade of Darkness. Starting with your AF boots at Lv.52, the only good thing about them is the Mind stat. Classic FFXI community is a FANDOM Games Community. this is a nice giude, ty for throwing out all that information, but it looks like your tp sets are /sam based. Cookie Notice and second ring, respectively, but can be done on any other slots that won't
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